Take A Look At The DUERGAR From SCAG

The D&D Extra Life campaign just passed $90,000 -- which means another preview from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (which released last week in preferred stores, and will be available everywhere else from November 3rd). This time, we get a look at the Duergar entry! If they hit $100K, we get to see the hi-res labeled map of the northwest portion of Faerün, from Amn to Icewind Dale and the Moonshae Isles to the Dalelands.

The D&D Extra Life campaign just passed $90,000 -- which means another preview from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (which released last week in preferred stores, and will be available everywhere else from November 3rd). This time, we get a look at the Duergar entry! If they hit $100K, we get to see the hi-res labeled map of the northwest portion of Faerün, from Amn to Icewind Dale and the Moonshae Isles to the Dalelands.

Previous previews include the Preface, Contents Page, Greenflame Blade cantrip, and Urban Bounty Hunter, and the Mastermind, a new rogue archetype.


More on Extra Life here.


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Naked and living in a barrel
"Enslaved by Illithids and eventually winning your freedom" seems like a common historical trait nowadays.


"Enslaved by Illithids and eventually winning your freedom" seems like a common historical trait nowadays.
Almost as common as "colonized by Europe and eventually winning your freedom" is in real life!

brb, changing my thesis to Post-colonial Analysis through Dungeons and Dragons. It'll be a huge hit!


Nice! No big surprise here, this is exactly what I'd expect from duergar PC racial abilities.

Nice pic of the gold dwarf, btw. It's nice to see an illustration of a dwarf that actually has brown skin—considering they've been described that way since the 1e MM.

Almost as common as "colonized by Europe and eventually winning your freedom" is in real life!

brb, changing my thesis to Post-colonial Analysis through Dungeons and Dragons. It'll be a huge hit!

Just because the real world overuses a single narrative and is lacking in artistic merit doesn't mean that D&D fluff should be, too. :p

Besides, it's not only stepping on the toes of the Gith races, but it's also stepping on the toes of Derro (in being a dwarven offshoot that was also formerly a servitor race). :/


I notice all the previews are of the the limited player content that is in SCAG, they don't seem to be trying to brag about all the great fluff that's in SCAG. Just the new races, class options, etc. Even going so far as to release on of the 4 new spells that are in the book. there is so little player content in here and so much fluff I'm curious why they haven't put out stuff about the harpers or the lords alliance or any of the setting material which is the majority of the book.


For those like me who want their duergar to measure up to the MM versions, I recommend creating a feat that gives them advantage on saves vs. spells and allows their enlarge and invisibility to recharge on a short rest.



For those like me who want their duergar to measure up to the MM versions, I recommend creating a feat that gives them advantage on saves vs. spells and allows their enlarge and invisibility to recharge on a short rest.
Doesn't Out of the Abyss state that their enlarge and invisibility traits recharge on a short rest in the Underdark?

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