Taking nominations for best RPG Podcasts of 2018!

The Gauntlet's Fear of a Black Dragon takes a look at (mostly) TSR-era and OSR adventures, analyzes how they play, and then pivots to deeper discussion on GMing a particular facet of that adventure.

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The Gauntlet's Fear of a Black Dragon takes a look at (mostly) TSR-era and OSR adventures, analyzes how they play, and then pivots to deeper discussion on GMing a particular facet of that adventure.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
What podcasts have caught your ears this year? Just like the Most Anticipated RPG 2019 poll, this thread is for nominations for the Best RPG Podcasts of 2018, following which will be the official voting stage.



- must have released at least 3 new episodes in 2018
- the main focus must be tabletop RPGs
- must not be your own podcast
- must include a link to the podcast’s web page

Feel free to say why.

As always, if it’s not nominated, it won’t be in the main poll.

Nominations open for one week, until Tuesday 18th December. The poll will come shortly thereafter. The results will fittingly initially be announced in our podcast and posted here as an article later.

One final note. I plan to do this every year, just the the Anticipated RPG poll. However, unlike individual RPGs, podcasts are on ongoing venture. I'd like to note in advance that a podcast can only win this poll once.


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Jason D. Graham

First Post
8 minutes of awesome

Newbie DM minicast is my nomination. Brief but detailed and pertinent table top rpg info with interviews with the top names in the industry. And most of all, that short format is perfect for my ADHD. Enrique deserves all the awards


If Actual Play RPG podcasts are permissible, then I really need to nominate the Glass Cannon Podcast. It has very polished production values, and it's the irrreverent mix of humor, friendship, and spontaneous rules-explanation moments, combined with a roughly 1 hour form factor, that really make it a favorite of mine to keep up with. Unlike some longer-form podcasts, It's both very digestible and lots of fun.
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