Taking nominations for best RPG Podcasts of 2018!

The Gauntlet's Fear of a Black Dragon takes a look at (mostly) TSR-era and OSR adventures, analyzes how they play, and then pivots to deeper discussion on GMing a particular facet of that adventure.

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The Gauntlet's Fear of a Black Dragon takes a look at (mostly) TSR-era and OSR adventures, analyzes how they play, and then pivots to deeper discussion on GMing a particular facet of that adventure.

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Dungeons Master's Block - These guys are consistent, have a great attitude, have fun conversations and give good advice for anyone trying to run D&D games of any edition. Have a blast and listen to the DMB!

- great podcast with an intricate story that unfolds in a way that mixes live play and audio drama like an old radio serial. The creator even came out with a great campaign book based on the story in the podcast, which I happen to have! :) The story telling of Aram is as incredible as any fantasy novel you could be inspired by!

Dungeons & Randomness - This is a fun group of people who have a good global community of players from all over the world. They have been consistently playing D&D campaigns for some time. The most amazing thing about this pod cast has been listening to the transformation of the Dungeon Master's life. He started the pod cast as a factory worker who was always told that he shouldn't follow his ambitions, and through help with the community he transformed his life so that he was able to do this pod cast and make a living by doing it! He even eventually meets his wife. The blend of real and fantasy is truly inspiring in this epic podcast.
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Since it has already been nominated, I won’t mention the glass cannon podcast, easily my favorite rpg related podcast, and it’s not close.


Drunks and Dragons are my favourite and have really been hitting it out of the park this year. Unfortunately I don’t know how to link the site...


I second the nomination of Hobbs & Friends. Jason gets some fantastic guests and the conversation seems very unscripted like a conversation among friends.

Evan Franke

I nominate The Iconic Podcast (season 2) (https://iconicpodcast.com/).

While its focus is on 13th Age, it is a rich mine of ideas for any kind of fantasy game. It is fun and approachable and useful! They have released 18 regular episodes so far this year (with a few other extras)!

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