Taking nominations for best RPG Podcasts of 2018!

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The Gauntlet's Fear of a Black Dragon takes a look at (mostly) TSR-era and OSR adventures, analyzes how they play, and then pivots to deeper discussion on GMing a particular facet of that adventure.

I nominate Heroes Rise Podcast (https://heroesrisepodcast.com/), a Dungeons and Dragons podcast featuring information on all the latest Dungeons and Dragons news, including new book and adventure module releases; reviews of helpful tools, apps, and physical merchandise for your table; and tips and suggestions for improving your game, no matter which side of the screen you’re on. Be sure to look for new episodes on Wednesdays wherever you get your podcasts.

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You Meet In A Tavern
The storytelling and imagery is like no other D&D actual play podcast imo, the DM is super talented. It has made me laugh, it's made me cry, it's made me literally have a go at the DM on discord for ripping my heart apart.
But it's also so much fun. The three PCs (Tug, Derf and Karl) all bring something different to the podcast. They have a really good balance of getting through the story, emotinally reacting to what's going on all whilst larking about being mates having a good time playing a game. They are all incredibly creative and interesting.

I don’t expect this to go anywhere but I’ve got to mention Happy Jacks for years of dedication and really upping their game on the actual play front. One shot actual plays get their own feed and ongoing in another. Watch them live of listen as a podcast. The same solid advise and chatter over all these years.


I'll second some others and nominate the Rolistes podcast :) The host is great and the show covers a wide range of games, systems and topic. Highly recommended.

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