D&D 5E Talls S&H adventure


Eowyn Rosebud
Early Morning
Round 6

OOC: Didn’t see a map, so assuming she can safely get to Orin, Eowyn will use Cure Wounds. If not, she will use Healing Word.

With Saarthax back on his feet and rushing to U’Tempei’s aid, Eowyn crept quietly along the grassy bank to where Orin, the warbred, lay unconscious. She chewed a few leaves from a pouch at her belt and put them in his mouth, making the sound of a warbler.

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Magic Stone: 3 stones

Move: To Orin
Free Object Interaction:
Action: Cast Cure Wounds
Cure Wounds second level: 2d8+4 13
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Faerie Fire

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 3/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 2/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 0/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Saarthax nods at U'Tempei after the orc between them falls face down into the river, its blood dripping from the axe in Saarthax' hands. Then both combatants turn their attention to the lone hulking brute who is now harrassing Bertold.

"Surrender!" the dragonborn paladin shouts, putting the power of the Gods behind the word and, hopefully, forcing the orc to give up the fight.

Bertold, now holding his bleeding flank with one hand, crouches in a defensive position, giving the juggernaut the opportunity to surrender but staying ready to continue the fight.

TallIan said:
just to explain my thought process with Bertold: He would normally have heavy armour (AC18), but since he just awoke, and hasn't had the 10 mins to don heavy armour, would not be wearing it. While collecting Saarthax's gear he's thrown a few bits on himself to get medium armour (AC15)
That seems very reasonable.

Saarthax: Move closer to the juggernaut (within 60 feet). Action: Cast Command (DC13) on the juggernaut; save or must follow the command "surrender" for 1 round (which hopefull is enough).
Bertold: Ready action: Attack if juggernaut starts making an attack against anyone.

[sblock=Temporary stats]AC 10 (nightshirt only)
HP 11/44
Greataxe +7 (1d12+4 slashing)
Spell slots used:
level 1: 4/4
level 2: 0/2 [/sblock]


First Post
Orin coughs and groans as he rolls over onto his side, looking into the eyes of the polder who just healed him. "Than' ye," he mutters as he wipes a bit of spittle off onto his wrist. The warbred's eyes wander upwards towards the hulking monster who had brought him down, now sparkling with arcane dust and convulsing from electric shock. His eyes narrow as he spots a gap in the juggernauts armor, just below the small of the back.

"This is for the 'eadache, monster," the rogue hisses as he leaps from the ground, into a full sprint, tearing his blade from its scabbard like a cobra lunging for its victim. The iron shortsword is silently plunged into the chink in the beasts armor as Orin quickly ducks a retaliatory swing, rolling back to a safe distance.

OOC: Alright, let's do this! Arcata, I'm assuming it's alright for me to take that crit, but if not I'll still roll attack and separate the crit damage.

Move: 15 to get up, and 15 ft more towards the juggernaut. Dash to close the gap, attack, and back off 15ft since he can't take reactions.

Bonus Action: Dash

Action: Attack the juggernaut w/ shortsword - [roll0] adv cause faerie fire. [roll1]

Damage: (Realize I don't need a flank because of advantage, so yay!)
Normal: [roll2]
If crit add: [roll3] (Doubled Sword + Sneak Attack, plus Savage Attacks)

Health: 13/43
Relentless Endurance: 1/1
Arrows: 18/20


Despite Saarthax' best effort to bring about a peaceful end to the fight the orc refuses to surrender. Under the determined onslaught of the group the raging juggernaut is brought down.

The noise of battle is replaced by the more distant noise of the fire in the village. A mob of 12 villagers, armed with pitchforks and crossbows rushes noisily towards you, intent on helping. The relief of many of their faces is obvious when they see the fight is over.

Back in the town, Pinns's cottage is burning low as a group of villagers, armed with buckets, keeps the fire from spreading. "Something in there don't like water." Someone says. "Nearly went up again when Harry threw a bucket on it, so we left it and just made sure the fire di'nt spread."

I thought Orc 1 was killed by Saarthax. Assuming that's true...
He did, I just forgot to update the HPs

Juggernaught save: 1d20+3 21


"Perhaps the leader is carrying evidence of a reason for this attack?" she says to the group before the villagers approach Afterward, "Or, perhaps we should look into this fire that dislikes water."


The three orc archers have longbows and 20 arrows each, a battle axe and studded leather.
The other two orcs have a battle axe; two javelins and studded leather
The Juggernaut has plate, shield and a longsword - all are far too big to be used and crudely made but the metal would be worth 500GP to a blacksmith.
The warspeaker has a robe with scraps of chain and bone sewn into it (the metal is worth 50GP); a whip; a spiked club and a medalion with a symbol of an axe with a bloody hand painted on the blade.

There is a fairly clear trail heading from the river towards the wood.


Eowyn Rosebud
Early Morning
Round 0

With the giant orc falling dead, Eowyn gave a little clap, hopping up and down. She made soft cooing noises over their injuries as they headed back to the village where the burning building was contained. She frowned as she studied the fire.

Nature to see why the fire can’t be put out: Nature: 1d20 20

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Magic Stone: 3 stones

Move: To Orin
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Fey Energy Pool: 5d6 dice of healing +1 thp/die spent
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 3/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 2/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 0/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue


Eowyn isn't sure exactly what it is but she's fairly sure it is not natural. Then again Pinna was keen on collecting strange ingredients and reagents for her spells and charms.

She wasn't crazy though - nothing she kept was particularly dangerous, so the villagers approach seems best. Leave it to burn out. Apart from an occasional pop or flash, there fire is low enough that it isn't a threat to the rest of the village now.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Help me get my armor on," Saarthax urges Bertold while rushing towards his gear, dropped unceremoniously to the ground only moments before. "There could be more orcs around."

Looking around, the dragonborn shouts after the others as they run back towards the village, "Did anyone see the prisoner?"

OOC: Donning armor with the help of Bertold, which will take some time. Then, unless something happens that may change Saarthax' priorities, they will rush after the others in order to help control the fire and defend the town.


Eowyn Rosebud
Early Morning
Round 0

Eowyn paused as Saarthax yelled after them about the prisoner. She pointed across the river to where the tracks continued on into the wode. Then she continued on to the village.

After determining why the fire wouldn’t go out, Eowyn helped the villagers simply contain it, and eventually it died down to safe levels. Then she turned to help treat any burns or other injuries anyone might have sustained.

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Magic Stone: 3 stones

Move: To Orin
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Fey Energy Pool: 5d6 dice of healing +1 thp/die spent
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 3/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 2/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 0/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue

Voidrunner's Codex

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