D&D 5E Talls S&H adventure

U'Tempei rushes back across the river (to W16). She fires her crossbow twice with sharpshooter and the warspeaker.

Attack 1 [roll0] Advantage from Faerie Fire [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3] Advantage from Faerie Fire [roll4] Damage [roll5]

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Saarthax is so focused on the orc he managed to hit with the unfamiliar axe, he forgets that the other one can shrug off the magical command. Too late the dragonborn turns, seeing his opponent's weapon approach without room to dodge or reflect.

The pain, already numbing his common sense, rips through the Gods' wings of protection and overwhelm Saarthax. Peaceful darkness beckons, and he cannot resist its lure - to rest for just a moment! Some respite in the arms of the Gods, just for a fraction of a second...

He falls down, unconscious.

OOC: Ouch, two men down! Saarthax death save: [roll0]

BTW, Bertold (not Gavien) is Saarthax' henchman. I'm not sure if you meant Bertold instead, carrying the paladin's stuff?


Eowyn Rosebud
Early Morning
Round 4

Eowyn whimpered as Saarthax and Orin went down in the light of the glowing massive orc. She made a bird call sound and gestured, causing the spiritual greataxe over Orin to dissipate into nothingness.

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Magic Stone: 3 stones

Free Object Interaction:
Action: Cast Dispel Magic
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Faerie Fire

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 3/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 3/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 0/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Bertold arrives on the scene just in time to see Saarthax go down. The battlepriest feels a surge of adrenaline as he wants to get over there and help, but within a second Bertold realizes he may be in over his head, fighting several orcs at once that have already gotten the better of his paladin friend.

Dropping the sack, the priest keeps running forward in order to help Orin in melee. While moving he starts chanting a powerful prayer to the gods, asking for their divine help. A spectral warhammer appears just in front of the orc that felled Saarthax, taking a swipe at the creature. It does very little, however, merely moving dangerously in front of the orc as if swatting away an annoying fly.

Bertold barely notices, because he has reached Orin and the massive orc; moving around in order to distract the brute enough for the warbred to get an attack in.

OOC: Alright, so I'm taking charge of my retainer. :)

Move: To M-11 or so. (If that's too far, ignore the Action below, and instead make it a Dash action to get here.)
Bonus Action: Cast Spiritual Weapon (3/day), which appears over Saarthax at R12 and attacks Orc 2: [roll0] (+spell attack modifier) for [roll1] (+Wis modifier) force damage
Action: Taking the Help action to aid Orin on his attacks.


U'Tempei glides back over the river sending two bolt bolts at the warspeaker. Both bolts find gaps in the scrappy mail armour. He lets out a yell of pain but somehow manages to remain standing. Saarthax lets out a groan and coughs up blood. Bertold, seeing the dire situaltion his liege is in, dashes straight into the fray, summoning his own spiritual weapon over Saarthax. It fails to hit any of the dragonborn's attackers though. The ghostly weapon summoned by the warspeaker disappears with a gesture from Eowyn

[SBLOCK=Rolls and Stuff]
Bertold would have been next to Eowyn with a single move so I've made him dash. Also Orin is at 0HP so helping would not have err... helped

Orin: 0/43
U'Tempei: 49/49
Saarthax: 0/44 (death save -)
Eowyn: 34/34
Arcata: 32/32

Orc Archer 1: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 2: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 3: 0/30 Dead
Orc 1: 30/30
Orc 2: 0/30 Dead
Warspeaker: 1/65
Juggernaught: 75/95 Faery Fire, Reaction to impose DIS on next attack on Warspeaker

Bertold: 3/3 (Saarthax)
Gavien: 3/3 (Arcata)[/SBLOCK]

Arcata and Orin to go
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First Post
Realizing that things were too crowded now to hurl more fire, Arcata focuses her will on the warspeaker. The orc hears a whisper, a thought that is like his own, yet not. The flaw becomes a dissonance. The dissonance becomes a cacophony. Soon there is no room for anything else, just the endless obsessive repeating of that fractured wrong thought that he would do anything to escape from...

As she opens her inner eye to divert her strength against the warspeaker, Arcata gasps suddenly as she remembers a vision as if from a dream. For a moment everything is arrayed before her, a picture drawn in an array of spinning glass shards that for just an instant spin to each reveal themselves as fragments of an unimaginable whole...then continue spinning and return the world to seeming chaos.

Strike the beast a blow, she thinks dizzily. Of course. How could I have forgotten?

(Mind Spike for [roll]3d8[/roll] psychic damage, Wis save DC 15 for half)

(OOC - Going to make my Portent rolls, since it might affect my actions... [roll0] and [roll1] )
(ok, that's an autocrit we have available...Orin, do you have sneak attack? :))
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First Post
OOC: Whoops, just realized I posted my death save in the OOC thread! The roll over there was a 16, but I'll roll here in case you want a redo

Death Save[roll0]


Arcata calls forth her arcane power to strike at the mind of the warspeaker. He lets out an ungodly scream, clutching at his skull. The scream cuts off in a gurgle as blood pours from eyes, ears and mouth before he drops to his knees then falling over silent. Orin groans and rolls over.

The Juggernaught, seeing his commander downed, charges his attacker. He's fast enough to get to Arcata, but not to land a blow.

The last orc splashes into the water, intent on attacking U'Tempei but quickly realises that the water is too deep. He reached over his shoulder and pulls out a javelin that bites into the archer's shoulder. "For Dorekor!" he shouts a challenge.

[SBLOCK=Rolls and Stuff]
Orc 1 attack and damage: 1d20+5 22 2d6+3 11 Hit for 11

Orin: 0/43 (death save +)
U'Tempei: 38/49
Saarthax: 0/44 (death save -)
Eowyn: 34/34
Arcata: 32/32

Orc Archer 1: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 2: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 3: 0/30 Dead
Orc 1: 30/30
Orc 2: 0/30 Dead
Warspeaker: 0/65 Dead
Juggernaught: 75/95 Faery Fire

Bertold: 3/3 (Saarthax)
Gavien: 3/3 (Arcata)[/SBLOCK]

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