D&D 5E Talls S&H adventure

U'Tempei draws her rapier and swoops down (to T9) on the orc in the water slashing at him twice and then firing a bolt from her handcrossbow using sharpshooter at him.
rapier atk1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
rapier atk2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]
xbow atk1 [roll4] dmg [roll5] (bonus action, xbow expert. If he has cover from the river, sharpshooter ignores it)

(If that kills the orc, she continues flying to P9.)

[sblock="Mini Stats"]Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 11
AC: 15
Speed: 30 ft; Fly 30 ft
HP: 38/49

EXPENDABLES (when recovered)
Inspiration: No (per DM)
Hit Dice: 5/5 (d10+3) (per long)
Action Surge: 1/1 (per short)
Second Wind: 1/1 (per short)
Spell slots remaining (per long)
1st Level: 3/3[/sblock]
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U’Tempei drifts down to the wading orc swinging her sword. The first cut bites into his arm. He manages to duck under the second but looks up just in time to catch a bolt in his neck. He lets out a gurgling growl, hurt but not out of the fight yet.

Orin: 0/43 (death save +)
U'Tempei: 38/49
Saarthax: 0/44 (death save -)
Eowyn: 34/34
Arcata: 32/32

Orc Archer 1: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 2: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 3: 0/30 Dead
Orc 1: 8/30
Orc 2: 0/30 Dead
Warspeaker: 0/65 Dead
Juggernaught: 75/95 Faerie Fire

Bertold: 3/3 (Saarthax)
Gavien: 3/3 (Arcata)
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Eowyn Rosebud
Early Morning
Round 5

Eowyn crept quietly forward to the downed Saarthax and Orin. She reached out and touched Saarthax on the forehead, making a cooing sound, and healing energy flowed into him.

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Magic Stone: 3 stones

Move: To M7
Free Object Interaction:
Action: Cast Cure Wounds
Cure Wounds second level: 2d8+4 11
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Faerie Fire

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 3/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 2/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 0/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Saarthax opens his eyes, startled, and looks at the small halfling woman who just poured some life back into him. With a nod, he timidly says "Thank you," before his gaze is drawn to the massive orc juggernaut that is charging at Arcata.

"Bertold! Help her!" the dragonborn says, realizing he is out of reach himself for now. Looking around, he sees a lone orc in the river fighting the hovering U'Tempei, and grabbing the orc axe Saarthax takes a few steps into the water himself and swing the crude weapon at the bestial creature.

Bertold is still at Orin's side, trying to keep the warbred from losing too much blood, but the battlepriest nods at Saarthax. He motions for Eowyn to take over as he grabs his mace and starts for Arcata, once more asking the Gods to help. The spectral weapon that hovered near Saarthax now moves, slowly, towards the juggernaut as well.

OOC: Saarthax attacks orc 1: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing damage
Bertold moves and takes the Dash action to reach the orc juggernaut at E-8, hopefully giving Arcata advantage due to flanking. As a bonus action, he directs the spiritual weapon to move there as well, but it only moves 20 feet per round...

[sblock=Temporary stats]AC 10 (nightshirt only)
HP 11/44
Greataxe +7 (1d12+4 slashing)
Spell slots used:
level 1: 3/4
level 2: 0/2 [/sblock]


First Post
Arcata felt as if the ground were tilting down under her feet as the monstrous orc charged her. As if he was standing still, and she were sliding inexorably towards him.

Got a little too close, eh? her father's voice, mocking the airs of the posh, jested in her head. What a spot of bother.

There was exactly one chance. It wasn't a great one. She really had erred...gotten overconfident. As if avoiding attacking this hulking brute directly would prevent him from realizing there was a mage picking his team apart. From close by. Meanwhile, Arcata's own front line had all but collapsed.

Hypnotic Pattern next time. Definitely Hypnotic Pattern. Jezzi was right.

She incanted as the orc filled her field of vision, loomed over her. She could feel his stride in the earth under her feet. Her hand sparked as the spell took hold. Lightning peeled and split over her fingers.

The giant was upon her. Eyes wide and bloodshot and wild. Weapon upraised.

Arcata reached out as the lightning reached the tip of her hand, as the huge orc reached her...

There was a buzzing CRACK and a flash of eye-watering light. The charging orc was caught short in mid-stride and flung back as his body from the midsection down convulsed and went numb. There was pain, yes, but not so much as even a decently strong sword swing might do. It was that numbness, that tingling, that ringing in the ears that saved Arcata.

As the orc got back to his feet, shaking the daze out of his head, she turned around and ran back to the north, as fast as her feet could go. Overhead, Keemi hooted and dove lower, ready to lend a wing should it be necessary.

Shocking Grasp: [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
Advantage from Faerie Fire saves the day!
Then move 30' away to the north because he can't take reactions...eeeee...
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Eowyn sneaks up and offers healing aid to Saarthax. Revived the dragonborn hurries over to the orc in the river and finishes him with a quick blow. Bertold races to Arcata's aid. Arcata's magic strikes the juggeraught, leaving him stunned and giving her the chance to escape his reach.

The giant orc, too sluggish to strike at Arcata, turns and directs his rage at Bertold

[SBLOCK=Actions and rolls:
just to explain my thought process with Bertold: He would normally have heavy armour (AC18), but since he just awoke, and hasn't had the 10 mins to don heavy armour, would not be wearing it. While collecting Saarthax's gear he's thrown a few bits on himself to get medium armour (AC15)
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/713822]Juggernaut tusk hit and damage[/url]: 1d20+6 13 2d6+4 14 Miss
Jugernaught sword attack and damage: 1d20+6 15 2d8+4 16 Hit (don't actually need the damage roll as he saves vs average damage)
Bertold's wound save: 1d20+3 5 loses a wound level[/SBLOCK]

GM: Orin: 0/43 (death save + +)
U'Tempei: 38/49
Saarthax: 11/44
Eowyn: 34/34
Arcata: 32/32

Orc Archer 1: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 2: 0/30 Dead
Orc Archer 3: 0/30 Dead
Orc 1: 8/30
Orc 2: 0/30 Dead
Warspeaker: 0/65 Dead
Juggernaught: 64/95 Faerie Fire

Bertold: 2/3 (Saarthax)
Gavien: 3/3 (Arcata)

PC's are up

Orc 1: 8/30
I thought Orc 1 was killed by Saarthax. Assuming that's true...

U'Tempei sheathes her rapier and flies toward the remaining foe. She taps her temple twice as she grabs a bolt and fires twice at the monstrosity.

OOC: Move to P10
Two attacks on the Juggernaught, with sharpshooter:
Attack 1: [roll0] advantage (faerie fire) [roll1] damage [roll2] CRIT!, 32 damage
Attack 2: [roll3] advantage (faerie fire) [roll4] damage [roll5]
[sblock="Mini Stats"]Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 11
AC: 15
Speed: 30 ft; Fly 30 ft
HP: 38/49

EXPENDABLES (when recovered)
Inspiration: No (per DM)
Hit Dice: 5/5 (d10+3) (per long)
Action Surge: 1/1 (per short)
Second Wind: 1/1 (per short)
Spell slots remaining (per long)
1st Level: 3/3[/sblock]
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