D&D 5E Talls S&H adventure


First Post
"Well there's a right cordial welcome," Orin mutters as the upper class looking man rebukes him. The adventurer otherwise ignores him as he heads into the inn.

"Ale," the warbred sighs as the waiter-girl approaches, "if ye don' mind." He then closes his eyes as he leans back in his chair, but keeps his ears open. Catching what he can of the nearby conversation, Orin pieces together a rough picture.

The rogue pops an eye as the conversationalists begin to file out. "Trouble in the north fields?" he calls to the last one to leave. "If ye need help later," tapping his bow, "I'm a sellsword, an' I don't see any Halklords."

After they leave, Orin gets up and walks over to the bar, sitting a couple seats away from the human woman. "Ye don' look like a native," he says into his ale, and says nothing more.

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She places a finger on her left temple, her jaw near her left ear, and then near her right ear. "VithSecI Saha," U'Tempei says turning to face him. "Neither do you, I suppose."


Eowyn Rosebud
Gravesford/Reluctant Pig
Round 0

OOC: Sorry! After the lull for the holidays, all my games decided to go into overdrive, it seems! I think I have mostly dug my way out though.

Red, tangled curls with flowers in them bobbed above the market stall table. The small polder packed away the few remaining jars of honey and packages of fruit, nut, and honey cakes into her backpack. She picked up a worn wooden shield and slung it on her back, her scimitar hanging at her waist, a sling at the other. Locals didn’t normally walk around Gravesford with weapons, but Eowyn lived out near the wode, and one didn’t exactly walk around Rend Forest unarmed.

The small polder, standing not even three feet tall, ducked between legs as she moved around those lingering in front of the Reluctant Pig. She waved when folk called her name, but most didn’t seem too keen on seeing the forest witch, making warding signs against her weird magics.

They liked her honey well enough, though. I was the best honey in town.

Eowyn went up to the bar. There was a strange, foreign woman there and -- was that a warbred? Eowyn stared at the big monster. She had only heard stories of them from her parents. He didn’t seem to be terrorizing the town, so she shrugged and paid him no mind, except to scamper up onto the stool between the two outsiders and rap her knuckles on the bar.

The woman behind the bar looked up and smiled. “Eowyn Rosebud!” she greeted.

The little polder nodded, her red curls bobbing. A twig fell from her hair and she absently brushed it to the floor. She pulled a jar of honey out and put it on the bar and then carefully slid a wrapped package of the honey cakes next to it.

“Brilliant!” Giselle said. “Pinna and the kids will love this.” She plated up the treats, but put the honey under the jar. “The usual then?”

Eowyn nodded, never saying a word, her green eyes bright in the light of the hearthfire.

“Want a room for the night? Supposed to get a bit chilly.”

Eowyn shook her head. She made a gesture with her hands.

“Well, just don’t let Carroc catch you. Jago might not mind you sleeping behind his forge, but Carroc will make a fuss about vagrants and such and have his folk run you off.”

Eowyn rolled her green eyes and made a rude gesture involving her thumb and nose. Giselle just laughed.

Eowyn plopped down on the stool to wait. It put her eyes at bar level, so not exactly a practical position for eating, but more comfortable. She looked up at the two strangers on either side of her. Or up and up and up in the case of the warbred. She studied the dark woman’s tattoos, reaching out and tracing one with her finger. Then she poked the warbred in the arm before she leaned in and smelled him. Then she licked his arm. She pulled a face and stuck her tongue out, wiping it with her dirty hand as her meal arrived.

“Don’t mind Eowyn,” Giselle said to Orin. “I don’t doubt most folk around here ain’t seen one of your kind before.”

Eowyn perked up at the arrival of her food and hopped to her feet on the stool. The plate of mushroom, potatoe, and vegetable stew steamed in the warm tavern air, beside it a thick crust of bread and fresh butter with her honey lathered on it. Eowyn frowned a bit and poked a bit of the meat that floated in the stew.

“Don’t worry, hon,” Giselle said. “One of our goats broke his leg, had to be put down. Didn’t want to waste it.”

Eowyn considered and then nodded, grabbing up the overly large spoon to sloppily scoop stew into her hungry tummy. It tasted much better than warbred.

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 4/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 3/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 2/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue


First Post
Orin notes the polder as she enters she enters the inn, but pays her no heed at first. She looked like a wilderness dweller, and subsequently lower on his inquiry list. He wasn't, however, expecting to investigated so... closely.

Upon feeling a wet tongue on one of the few places his forearm is exposed, the warbred turns in his seat and stares down at the tiny humanoid. "That ain' rude at all," he grunts before turning back to his drink.

At the barkeep's remark, Orin nods, before looking at her again. "Ye seem like ye might know somethin'. I'm came hear looking for some merc work, bu' on my way I heard through the vine that Ajax might be crackin' down on Bedegar. There any truth to tha'?"


GM: [SBLOCK=For Eowyn]I don't know how much news you want Eowyn to be privy to as a hermit, but since Saxton has taken power, there has been a steady increase in the number of desperate men, women and children hiding in the forest near you. Mostly disenfranchised freemen but there are a few nobles. The Forest Rend is dangerous, but it is better than starving or rotting in a dungeon.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Arcata draws some attention but most of it seems to be because of the quality of her attire. Only one man seems to look at Arcata, rather than her clothes. He seems on the verge of talking when something – someone – catches his eye, and he heads off to confront a warbred walking through the town.

The young noblewoman frowns to herself. Was she recognized? That look was hard to read, but it was best to be sure. Until she knew what was happening here it would pay to be careful.

She whisked along after the man, wondering what the devil he wanted with a warbred anyway? A mercenary perhaps? Raider or bandit? Was he warning them? But why? What difference did her presence make?

Too many questions, too few answers. She had to catch up to him and find out!


Arcata follows the man well enough. She quickly learns his name is Carroc as many people great him as he moves through town. Something - a dragonborn waking through town - seems to catch his attention before it is diverted to a commotion coming from the edge of town. A group of heavily armed horsemen shove and shout their way through the village. One in front thrashes with a long club at anyone not fast enough to get out of the way, shouting, "Make Way! Make Way!" Three others ride abreast, occupying far more space than they need to, follow behind. The center rider in enameled plate armour sits atop a huge destrier and looks around the town buildings with disgust. Following behind are two teenage boys leading a pack horse, watched by a forth armored rider.

The band head to the inn and villagers who were heading there, suddenly find they have somewhere else to be, apart from Carroc, who can't seem to get to the inn fast enough. As the men dismount and enter the inn, the two squires scurry about to secure the horses before one of them heads inside.

The chatter and revelry inside the inn die quickly when the five armoured men enter, fanning out among the patrons. Everyone suddenly finding their drink very interesting and Brecca, the barmaid, presses herself into the darkest corner she can find. The lead rider walks up to the fist table, his steal shod boots stamping out a slow rhythm. "S-Sir Pelleton. Welcome, you should have sent word, we would have prepared a welcome." stammers Carroc. Ignoring him, Sir Pelleton helps himself to a mug of ale on the table. Chugging much of down before throwing the mug back at its original owner, showering him in ale. "Rat's Piss!", Sir Pelleton declares before letting out a deep belch as he reaches out a hand. His squire scurries up behind him and places some rolled up parchment in his hand.

"Best read this out loud, since none o' you filth can read." he says before reading from the parchment, all the while his men help themselves to other people food and drink.

When he's done reading he throws the parchment back at the squire, who scampers off to fix it over some other notices in the inn. Sir Pelliton grabs another drink than adds, "Now that you have all been duly impressed, let me tell you dirt-eating, dung-bathing peasants one thing: None of you will be knighted and elevated to my station. I shall find these beasts and bring them to justice. I will be the one! And you will continue enjoying your joyless lives.”

It's then that he catches site of the mismatched threesome at the bar. He tosses his drink aside and walks towards you. “Well how now? Ratcatchers with delusions of grandee-ewer. How quaint. Come you seeking coin? I have some. If you would take it from me.”

U'Tempei touches her collarbone with two fingers, as she turns to face the man. "I aam from aa faar off laand aand do not know your customs. Where I aam from, we do not seek coin from someone who haas to eat aand drink from other people's dishes." She then places three fingers on her forehead before taking a drink from her beverage.
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Eowyn Rosebud
Gravesford/Reluctant Pig
Round 0

Eowyn gave a troubled scowl at the warbred’s question. She nodded sagely and struck her fist into her palm in emphasis.

And then there was a commotion and a man in armor stomped into the tavern. He read a proclamation about bounties for White Tusk orcs. Then Sir Pellaton came over to them at the bar with a sneer.

Eowyn held up to him a slice of fresh bread smeared with a generous amount of butter and honey.

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 4/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 3/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 2/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue


First Post
Arcata watched the interplay dourly, keeping herself back for the moment.

So this was the sort of man given knighthood now, hm? she thought.

A coward to throw his weight around when he thought he couldn't be touched. A fool to do so against those he had no knowledge of. One day he'd push the wrong people too far, and find himself ghoul-chow. Maybe even tonight.

As much as her fingers itched to put an end to his posturing, Arcata hoped to keep a low profile. Spellslinging in the middle of an inn wouldn't accomplish that. She bided her time.
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