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Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08


Gildrim staggers back in through the tavern door, panting. He shakes raindrops from his hair like a dog. "Th' spirit is willin', but th' legs ur short," he gasps. "Ah wis jes' slowin' them doon. If th' laddie cood hae tauld me whaur tae go...."

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Jerrand Redband

First Post
Cyian Bard lvl 1 (possing as a fighter)

As the door behind Gildrim starts to close a long skinny arm reaches out to stop it. Rain drips from all over the tall lanky human male that follows the dwarf into the room. He lowers the sheild that he was holding over his head and shakes the water off it, and then follows by shaking out his cloak and stamping his new boots. "Could have held the door you know," he says, in a tone trying to be bold though the hint of fear is evident. He then removes his open faced helm and places it on the table Gildrim was sharing not a moment before. "But no harm done with the weather like this I doubt even your extra vision is useful. My names Cyian," the young man says as he extends a hand to the dwarf. "Cyian the.. the Warrior," he adds a little louder for the room to hear. "And I've come to the great Red Dragon Inn to offer my swordarm to any who need it!" He looks around trying to see what reaction his statement will bring.


"Cood hae rolled th' red carpet ay welcome oot tay, but Ah didnae. Yer swordarm shood hae bin haur ten minutes ago, Cyian the the warrior." Gildrim takes the proferred hand and shakes it shortly. "Noo, if ye'll excuise me, Ah hae hauf an apology to mak'."

Gildrim looks about the room. "Whaur ur ye, Thorne? An' how'd ye gie in haur oan a nicht loch this withit gettin' aw droukit an' drippin'? Noo, Ah can tell wa ye didnae see them orcs... they waur further awa' than Ah thooght, sae there's nae harm thaur. But ye still seid yer piece wi' a panickin' cheil in front ay ye as thocht it waur th' most important thing in th' warld. Sae, whit's sae important that it couldnae bide a wee while?"

Jerrand Redband

First Post
Cyian stands egarly awaiting for the dwarf to apologize, but he turns away to address a well dressed man sitting at another table. Cyians face turns alittle red and then he "plops" down in a chair to watch the strangely talking dwarf and the mysterious man. Trying to look like he's not spying on their conversation he idlely adjusts the straps of his helm.


Alvar Thorne looks up from a sheet of paper with a long list of numbers. "I used a covered carriage, of course. Didn't you see it outside? But never mind that. I take it you wish to be considered for employment? Very well, sit down. What about you, Cyian, was it? Take a seat if you wish. Try not to drip on these ledgers, please. I'll wait a bit longer to see who else is interested, then we'll retire to a private room to discuss the details."

ooc: I'll be travelling for the next five days or so, with intermittent connectivity.

Jerrand Redband

First Post
caught lol

Cyian jumps at the mention of his name." I wasn't ... " you can see by the change of expression on his face that what Alvar has said finally has sunk in. " Yes I would like to join you sir." Cyian takes and gathers his helm and sheild and moves to the other table careful to sit away from the edge because he is still dripping. Eyeing the dwarf you know he's still waiting for his apologe.


"Considered fur employment?" repeats Gildrim, pulling out a chair and collapsing heavily on it. "Ye can leuk at it that way if it makes ye feel better in yerself. Th' way Ah see it, ye teel me yer problem, an' Ah'll see if Ah'll tak' it oan, an' we can gab abit whit size ay fee ye can afford tae pay as mah client. Och, an' nae need tae fash yersel' aboot yer papers. Ah willnae be wet fur lang."

After some muttering and handwaving, Gildrim is as dry as if he had never left the tavern. "Ah can dae ye tay, laddie," he offers Cyian. "But whit ur ye lookin' at me aw th' time fur? Dae Ah hae a piece ay chookie caught in ma beard?"

"Och, an' Ah wis forgettin' it tay," he says, swivelling around and pointing a stubby finger. The last large piece of chicken wobbles slowly into the air and settles on the edge of Alvar Thorne's table, from which position Gildrim tears off morsels.


First Post
Because my brother said so...

ooc: my brother thought I should make a fighter and send him in here to help
not yet approved but I just posted him. Jerrand says it's o.k. to be here

The door to The Red Dragon Inn opens once again this cold wet night.(Is it still the same night? Your post dates are like a month old!!) And ducking in under the doorway is a gaint of a man. He straightens and pulls the hood of his cloak back. He has dark skin and no hair on his head (Soocula is a Micheal Clark Duncan wannbe). He carries a large shield and has a morningstar and dagger at his belt,a huge sword strapped to his back. He walks to the center of the room leaving a puddle behind were he stood and standing almost at attention, says in a loud deep voice. " I am Soocula First Sgt... I mean I have a sword for hire." Looking a little confused he takes and walks to the bar to greet Joe as his former companions had told him. "I am sorry Joe, this is my first time here."


"No worries, friend. Everyone has a first time." Joe says with a smile. He sets a large foaming mug down in front of Soocula. "If you're looking for work, you might talk to Alvar Thorne there at that table." He lowers his voice to a confidential murmur. "Not the friendliest employer you'll ever have, or the most generous, but he's honest."

ooc: No problem at all with roleplaying before you're approved. You just can't earn experience until you have approval.

Jerrand Redband

First Post
ooc: hey little bro come join us Trouvere this is my little brother Jake this is Trouvere he plays Gildrim very cool :cool: dwarven divine bard

Edit: ooc: And I'm playing Cyian who looks like a warrior type.
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