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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

Finn McCool

First Post
Frost - Female Tiefling Barbarian

Kalinn watches the back of the departing elf, confused as to why she'd refuse the offer of a handshake and then just leave so abruptly. With a shrug for the strange - and somewhat rude - ways of these 'city-folk,' she returns to whole hearted observation of the others in the tavern.

That could've gone better. What's that? No, I'd like to see a bit more of the city; but that, um, guardsman(?) has an unsavory look about him. I'm not quite so desperate as to take a job with that sort just yet. Well, I'll just have another drink and keep my ears open, shall I?

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo del Vecchio da via della Rosa D'Avori continues his animated conversation with the doe eyed Maia.


First Post
((I'm a little confused about what is going on here, but I'll try to keep going. The only adventure I've seen an opening for in here so far has been the higher level one. Do I just stick around, talk and wait?))

The white-haired young man notices the gnome woman, and approaches her.
"A good day to you as well. My name is Mandalo Chalybis, and I'm fairly new here."


First Post
Something Vincenzo says catches Maia's rapt attention, and she frantically waves her hands, trying to slow him down as he eagerly recites his considerable knowledge of the area.

"Wait...wait...I'm sorry! Did you say it's here? The Cathedral of Glass? The other man said it was in the City of Glass! That's wonderful! I can go see it right away!"

Abruptly Maia broke into a wide yawn, followed by a confused expression.

"That was strange."

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
[sblock=Maquise]Pretty much, the judges are in the process of approving HMs new adventure, so that should be posted shortly. I'll be joining with my own aristocratic arse-hole.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Yep I think the adventure is approved and I will start recruiting tonight. I'm off to work. :([/sblock]


The gnomish woman watches several individuals depart and head off to bed and looks to those remaining. She takes up her mug and chants several arcane words and watches as the mug is soon coated with a thin layer of frost. She then sips the icy cold drink.

As she waits for her meal she turns to those remaining, "Greetings. I am Zelena Adu, one of Ral's Blessed. How are all of you this eve? I hope that there are no more signs of kobold activity about?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Something Vincenzo says catches Maia's rapt attention, and she frantically waves her hands, trying to slow him down as he eagerly recites his considerable knowledge of the area.

"Wait...wait...I'm sorry! Did you say it's here? The Cathedral of Glass? The other man said it was in the City of Glass! That's wonderful! I can go see it right away!"

Abruptly Maia broke into a wide yawn, followed by a confused expression.

"That was strange."

Vincenzo slows down enough to realize the young girl has a question, which upon hearing it he gets a 'you have got to be kidding me ' grin and look in his eyes.

"My signorina, Venza IS Città di vetro, the city of glass!! You are here"

Seeing her yawn he quirks an eyebrow at her statement of something strange.

He shrugs and says, " You seema a little sleepy. You need to get a rooma from El senor over there" , He indicates the bartender (yes, the one who tried to steal from her earlier)
" I Ashow you my city tomorrow, Yes?!"


Thy wounds are healed!
And here it is...

The revelry continues and patrons enter and leave at a constant pace. It isn't much to see a couple teamsters enter smelling of horses and day old sweat. Or to watch a troupe of halfling gondoliers hustle out of the Dunn Wright late for work.

What is surprising is when a man in a rich courtier's outfit (with an overly ruffled neck garment) comes sauntering into the Dunn Wright. He looks slightly out of place with the more ruff and tumble clientele (like The Duke or Frost ;)) yet he moves straight to the bar like any other patron.

Everyone goes back to their conversations and drinks. The ale is good at the Dunn Wright for those who know how to tip. And the food isn't overly spiced.

The small buzz of conversations about the room are all interrupted when the overly dressed peacock (standing on a small crate) addresses the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please may I have your attention. Please, please." he says as some people continue to talk. After they fall silent under his constant gaze he starts again. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you. I have heard through question a number of sources about Venza that this establishment specializes not only in good food and ale, but also in good people." He pauses for a more dramatic effect but gets no of the accolades he must have been looking for, and with a slight from he continues.

"I wish to hire some of the good people of this establishment for a job that is very important to me."
he looks around again at all the silent faces and hurries to finish and get of the shaky crate he stands on. "But alas I have interrupted your evening, please allow me to buy everyone in here a drink in compensation and for those of you interested in hearing more, I have rented a room in the back where we can talk and allow everyone else to enjoy themselves."

He hops down from the crate and then walks towards the back rooms, followed by the innkeeper and a serving girl.

Recurtiment open for 4-6 1st lvl LPF characters. I will keep recruitment open for one week. We will RP till then and after that I will start the adventure proper with everyone who signs on.

So if you wish to join post your character leaving the common room and heading towards the back rooms. And then post up in this thread to play some more great LPF. :) [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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