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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn

Aldern Foxglove

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[sblock=Zelena's Knowledge Local]Ranocchio is the slum district of Venza. It is poor, ill-kept, and many of the houses of the district are in a state of collapse. Most houses are built on timber pilings and what walkways that exist in Ranocchio are rough, narrow planks that give the district its nickname 'Planks'. Many of the volatile young men, meeting one another on the narrow walkways, will duel for right of passage across the planks. It is considered weakness to back down before blood has been shed. The bravos of Ranocchio frequently take their brawling into other districts of the city; they take great offense at the common epithet for a resident of Ranocchio, ‘little frog’, and easily exchange violence for perceived insult.

The most boisterous of the Ranocchio's gangs are the Croakers, a violent outfit, the Crazy Frogs the best thought of of the gangs, and the Eels, who are renowned for controlling a large number of child thieves. There are undoubtedly stronger more professional gangs within the Ranocchio as well, but they tend to keep lower profiles for the most part.

Murders are relatively common in the Ranocchio, but mutilations and signs of torture are not. The districts watch are renowned for their incompetence, and for taking bribes to look the other way. The guard Commander Handso is rumored to be the bastard of a powerful Guild leader, though rumors name several men it does seem likely someone exerted influence to get Handso his current position.[/sblock]

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Anaerion, Present!

An elf clothed a long traveler's clock, with a crossbow attached to his back, walks into the bar. He looks around and sees many patrons leaving there stools and chairs and head to the back room. Shrugging about it, he walks over to where a human and a gnome sit talking.

"How do you do sir and madam. I am called Anaerion, and I am new in town here. Do you mind if I sit and partake in your conversation?"

Waiting on approval, but he is here to role play for now


Fury, male human bravo

Fury grins at Zelena's response. "Excellent! I knew I could rely on you." He is about to push back his chair and return to the guardsman so Zelena can finish her meal in peace when the newcomer arrives.

"Not at all, friend." He motions to an empty chair. "Make yourself comfortable." Fury snags the sleeve of a passing server. "Wine for myself and whatever my friends would like." He turns his attention back to those at the table and places one hand on the center of his chest and makes a slight bow. "I'm called Fury. What brings you to our fair city?"


The gnomish woman looks up and smiles, "Merry meet Anaerion." She motions to a chair. "I am Zelena Adu. A pleasure."

She looks to Fury, "So... do I see one of the white cloaks there about these..." she looks to the elf and chooses her words wisely, "Unpleasant events?"

She munches on the last of her roast chicken and sips at the chilled mead. "What brings you to Venza Anaerion? I am here to see how I may be of help to others. Fury, " she nods the the man across from here, "A few others, and myself, managed to put an end to some rampaging kobolds. A shame they they would not see reason to stop and had to be killed. Nasty business that was."

((OOC: Is there a thread I should move Zelena over to, regarding Ranocchio events? ))

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
OOC: Not yet, I'm in the process of creating it at the moment. Looking to get the ball rolling in earnest tomorrow. At least two characters are coming over from Buyer's Remorse which is just wrapping up - RP finish, etc.

Removing his finger from an exploration of his inner ear and sniffing loudly Corporal Lorrazio shouts across to Fury,

"Oi, she a caster? Be 'andy to have a spell slinger, ole bottle bottom said. Muscles all well and good, but a bitte magic can come in dead usful from time ter time, get ye out some unexpecterated predictioaments."
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Fury grins apologetically. "Aye, the loud one, Corporal Lorrazio. He can tell you a bit of what you'll need to know but we'll be off to see his commander soon, I expect."

Turning towards the corporal Fury gives the man a nod and a thumb's up.


First Post
The dark haired man opens the door to the tavern, and without even a look around at the remainder of the patrons, quickly finds his favorite tiefling server, exclaiming, "Told you we'd make it back okay, Marla! I'm sure you have been worried sick about Waltor and myself," He gestures ever so slightly to his ever present scorpion, crawling on the sleeve of his robe.

"My dear, I have heard there is someone here I have to introduce myself to, some Captain or Corporal?" After Marla points him in the correct direction, he prepares to head that way. "Could I get a whiskey first? I had a poorly planned out evening of celebratory drinking with a couple much heartier folk than myself last night. Hair of the dog, you know..."

Syl finds the fellow in the back at the head of the table, and approaches. "Afternoon, General. I just made it back to town and heard you were looking for a few independent contractors, so to speak? We would be available to join such a venture, if you still need bodies. Don't mind the scorpion...the worst he'll give you is a little nip."


The door to the Inn opens and shuts. For a moment, it appears to move of its own accord, but then it is clear why: a halfling, as dapper as he is puny, has entered. He wears a quality red longcoat, with tailored shirt with mother-of-pearl cufflinks, and black vest with matching hose, and white kid gloves. His blond hair is kept in a groomed ponytail behind him. Even his foot hair appears groomed. All this, and he probably doesn't stand three feet tall. It is almost as if a doll of a gentleman has entered.

He looks around the place in surprised bemusement. "Never had occasion to enter here before," he observes to himself. "Fascinating place indeed. I really should get out more often. Guess that's why I'm here." He fishes into a pocket and pulls out a round silver device on a chain. He presses a button, and a panel opens on it, like a locket. He observes the contents, closes it up, and returns it to his pocket.

He approaches the woman serving bar and asks, "Good evening, my name is Holphin Halicarnassus. I am a scholar of the Inner and Outer Planes, all the worlds outside this one. I understand that this is where one can find field work?"

She nods and says, "If you're looking to hire, feel free to announce it. We have a crate if you like, the humans use it too."

Holphin blinks, confusedly, perhaps with slight offense. "Pardon me? Oh, I understand. No, I'm not looking to hire. I am here to find work."

It's the bartender's turn to give a double take. "You sure about that, love? You might tear a collar or something. Some of the tales these folk tell, like giant frogs and such, might just call you a snack."

Holphin smiles indulgently, reaching into a pouch and pulling out a piece of chalk. "Don't worry, I've brought protection."

The bartender rolls her eyes with a realizing smile. "Oh, a wizard or somesuch? Well then, I'm sure there's something here for you. What would you like?" She casts an appraising eye at the halfling. "Wine?"

"Yes, that will do nicely, thank you."

Holphin Halicarnassus is awaiting approval, but is here for the RP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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