[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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Orsik cannot go adventuring, I have another character in stonegods The Race of the Five Horns which stalled a bit. It seems I introduced him prematurely since I cannot level Bellegon up...

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Orsik cannot go adventuring, I have another character in stonegods The Race of the Five Horns which stalled a bit. It seems I introduced him prematurely since I cannot level Bellegon up...

Stalled or not, you guys have been playing that adventure for 5 months.

You should check with stonegod to see if you have enough XP to level anyway.

5 months at 175 XP per month for player rewards = 875 XP. That's half of what you need.

Assuming you had 3 or more same level (or higher) skill challenges and/or encounters, that's typically a minimum of 400 XP per encounter (600 or more for a major encounter) and 250 XP per skill challenge per PC (both of these already multiplied by 2).

You only need 1750 XP. You should be pretty darn close based on the number of posts on the thread.

I would opine that you guys paid your XP dues, regardless of whether the PCs actually level or not.


First Post
kal'Tarron looks at the note.

in fact, kal'Tarron scrutinizes, examines, appraises, assays, considers, explores, eyes, fingers, inspects, sniffs, reviews, scans, meditates over, and looks at the note.

After several minutes deep consideration he nods. Turning to Grys, he says
"Do you know where to find this professor? Perhaps I should have grabbed him before he left - but I had to... to consider the job."

[sblock=OOC]I'm up for it.[/sblock]
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kal'Tarron looks at the note.

in fact, kal'Tarron scrutinizes, examines, appraises, assays, considers, explores, eyes, fingers, inspects, sniffs, reviews, scans, meditates over, and looks at the note.

After several minutes deep consideration he nods. Turning to Grys, he says
"Do you know where to find this professor? Perhaps I should have grabbed him before he left - but I had to... to consider the job."

"Morgrave University is fairly easy to find in Upper Menthis. Someone there should be able to direct us to Professor Farrow's office."

We can roleplay the walk over in the new thread once the group solidifies.


First Post
Rohna motions to her menagerie and both the molten dog and molten spirit bear get to their feet and saunter out the doors to sit by the armor clad dire boar at the hitching post. "Which port number is the ship moored at doc?" She picks up her pack and weapon, leaving a gold coin on the table as a tip.

She walks over to Brews at the bar, leaning in close to speak softly. "The plaque for the base should be done some time next week. It has a rune on it that will let the engravers install it through the protective ward without any trans-dimensional pyrotechnics."

OOC - the plaque will be mounted into the pedestal on a pole at average humanoid neck level reading;

"Killed in the sewers of Sharn by:
Rohna Daughter of Mote,
Roswyn D'Sivis,
Shava Delva D'Lyrander,
and Tondrek
- "

I put the names in alphabetical order ;p
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First Post
Roswyn hurries out behind Shava after giving Tondrek a tug on the sleeve.

[sblock=ooc]Will work on getting level 7 roswyn into the wiki tonight.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=MetaVoid]No Xp until end of the "day" which is still two encounters away. You'd not be able to level until then anyway. Should update by tomorrow. [/sblock][sblock=Vertexx]no one in the Tavern or party knows Tondrek has a dragonmark or his possible
Last names. Should just be Tondrek please.[/sblock]

[sblock=MetaVoid]No Xp until end of the "day" which is still two encounters away. You'd not be able to level until then anyway. Should update by tomorrow. [/sblock]

No problem, stonegod, I just didn't want any prospective DMs to consider Orsik for adventure

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