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Team: TITAN, the Class, Issue #1, Part 2

Super Girl

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(OOC: Sorry about this, the computers at school all crash when I come to enworld, lets try this from home :) )

Kitty waves hi to everyone and smiles at them as Cassie introduces her as adorable. "Its very nice to meet all of you, and to see you again Nancy. I'm glad we were all able to get here and at least have some Halloween, even if it has to be cut short." Kitty says by way of greeting to the other kids. She slides in next to Cassie and rubs her cheek against the amazon's shoulder as the other girl pulls her in tight.

When the drinks come, Kitty sips on her sprite to make sure it was mixed right, sometimes it was positively vile if the syrup was done wrong. Kitty smiled internally, wondering whether or not Cassie would like to know that she was acting like a 'guy' buying everything for her, opening doors, it was kind of cute. "I get an allowance too you know," she whispers gently, sounding amused.

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Wonder Girl

When Kitty rubs her cheek against her shoulder, Cassie tilts her head down to bring it against Kitty’s own head affectionately and, once her drink arrives, she holds it with her free hand while continuing to hold Kitty snug against her with her leash-holding arm. In response to Kitty’s allowance reference, she smiles and whispers quietly into her girlfriend’s triangular ear, "I know...but you had to spend all that money to get a new wardrobe and...I like taking care of you." She gives Kitty a sweet little kiss on her cheek and then a caring squeeze with her arm while smiling affectionately at her.

She turns her attention back towards the others at the table to avoid being rude by ignoring them. She teases Bart, "Isn’t it hard to dance in that monkey suit and aren’t you getting really hot in there?"

She whispers into Kitty’s ear and asks her, "What’s a 'Khan', anyway? Wasn't that an ancient Mongol barbarian leader or something?"
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Super Girl

First Post
Kitty grins at Cassie's response, "Getting taken care of is nice, and definitely has some perks. Are you my Sugar Momma?" she jokes, turning the Sugar Daddy expression around on its head. The cat-girl kisses Cassie back, and then turns back to the group of high school students. "So what school do you guys go to? We go to 'Super High', but we all just started so we need to get to know this city,we're from all over so coming here is kind of hard." she tells the others.

When the conversation gets around to music and what people like, Kitty smiles, "I like Linking Park, Metallica, Avril Levigne, and kinds of punky stuff like that."


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Wonder Girl

Cassie doesn’t seem particularly amused by Kitty’s 'older lady' reference, raising a blonde eyebrow when Kitty teases her so, but she’s sure that Kitty’s only being playful since they’re both the same age after all.

As she talks with the others, she gently strokes Kitty’s tummy with the hand of her arm that’s around Kitty’s waist. When asked what’s she’s into, she replies back "Oh...the usual stuff I guess. 'The Lord of the Rings' movie trilogy was amazing. I don’t really have any favorite bands though. I do like ancient Greece. It’s hard for me to find much time to really pursue any hobbies though."
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Karl Green

First Post
Central City, Oct 31, 3:29pm, the Flash Rave Club

Impulse looks over at Wondergirl and says in a muffled voice, behind his mask "Naw... It is a bit hot though."

Nancy smiles and yells over to Cat's Eye "Yea this whole 'martial law' thing is total bull. They just don't want anyone under 30 having any kind of fun if you ask me."

She then adds "I am pretty much into anything, but I hate to admit that I am really loving American Idol. It is just so much fun. Oh yea we all go to Central High East. Its' not to far from here, public school and all that. 'Super-High' must be cool! Is like Superboy going there, isn't he? He kind of good looking... in a pretty boy kind of way" she adds laughing nervously.

The girl dressed as Joan of Ark, Ren Takamori, laughs at Nancy and adds "Give me Hawk-boyo any day... growl. Or maybe Robin, but he is a bit small for my taste"

Wendy rolls her eyes "Boys, boys, boys... is that all you two think about... and now SUPER boys..."

The girl Donna, who was talking with Kyle who has his arm around her, looks up and says "That's because all you think about is money and cloths Wendy" to which everyone (but Wendy) starts laughing.

Nancy then looks back to Cat's Eye and Wondergirl and asks "So I heard something werid the radio a couple of hours ago... something about a party at the TITAN campus after crefew tonight? Just wondering, are you guys having people overnight or something? Sorry if I got the wires crossed but I just catch the tail end of it"


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Wonder Girl

On the topic of the city-wide curfew, Cassie replies, "I think city hall just panicked and overreacted. I mean, those terrorists have the ability to teleport, so a curfew isn’t going to prevent them from putting their people where they want them anyway. It seems rather pointless to me when you take their ability to do that into account."

She continues stroking Kitty’s tummy affectionately as she talks with the others, slowly stroking up and down its length. On the subject of 'American Idol', she says, "I don’t really watch much television myself, but when I do it’s usually a movie. Regular television shows usually seem boring to me." On the subject of Superboy, she says rather matter-of-factly, "Yes, he attends there too." On the subject of the Titan’s Party, she says, "Arsenal...the archer guy...well...he wants to do something like that, but I would be surprised if Nightwing actually allows it to happen."

She takes a moment to scan down over the dance floor with her eyes, attempting to see how Tara Hoe is doing.
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Super Girl

First Post
"I think its pretty stupid too, I mean it happened yesteday not today, and they were stopped," Kitty says, a trace of warmth in her voice. The cat-girl shrugs and shakes her head, adults could be so retarded sometimes. At the question about Superboy, Kitty grins. "I asked the same exact thing of Wonder Woman about Superman when we first met the other day. Conner is kind of cute, but he is like so muscle head, he doesn't think before he does stuff." she says, thinking about Dove.

"There is going to be a party, sort of, if Roy can pull it off, we are suppoused to get stuff on the way back to school for it, but I think Nightwing could definitely say no to the whole thing when he finds out, I mean, don't think adults actually like that we are there, the school I mean."

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