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Teflon Billy's post-ENnie Haiku Contest. WIN TONS OF D20 STUFF

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Dark Psion

First Post
I'll give this a try;

My party is gone
Traps found, Undead turned, Gold claimed
Did not see Dire Squirrel

And for brianajones

I am the Psion
Others laugh, ignore my power
My thralls they are now

Psychic Warrior
Speed, Precision, Psychic power
Crystal sword in hand


What? Me Worry?
Not a real entry, of course

Alas, Teflon Billy
You have much cool swag to give
A judge also was I

EDIT: Ahh, so I can't count syllables...screw it ;)
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I will not give in
to your ploy, Teflon Billy
even with prizes

but should I chance it
and write a line or two (three?)
the topic is plain

not the half-orc bard
as this is beneath the art
of a true Haiku

Dungeons and Dragons
has more self respect than that
and so I will pass

but the topic of
Opportunity Attacks
is one ripe for me

I will cover this
and so, not to delay it
I will start below:

without combat reflexes,
knocks but once per turn

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Radiating Gnome

Given this:

On the topic of haiku, if I understand the rules of amateur haiku correctly, you get bonus points if your haiku in some way mentions the seasons or cherry blossoms

I'll try a bit about a Half-Orc and his Lute . . .

Frets drip blood on snow
Critic said Half-orc bards suck.
Now My lute's in tune.

Does mentioning snow count as the seasons?


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