Eh. I still think you'd be better off doing that, rather than trying to run everything together.I intend to do something of the kind eventually, both edition-specific and the follow-on "best in show." I just wanted to start with something that would bring everyone to the yard, as it were.
Or not, if I feel the poll is too flawed. All I'm trying to do is persuade and offer some observations. The poll is a good idea overall, though.I mean, in a sense it is. I'm actually combining Cavalier and Knight. I'm doing a bit of both older into newer and vice versa. It's not a science. It's not going to be pretty or clean. Should you have issues with my choices, once this thread has run its course, you are most certainly free to start your own that works in a way you would prefer, if you find my choices have biased or damaged the outcome.
Your other option, of course, is to participate and try to mitigate what faults you feel I have introduced.
That's fine. Opinions can always differ. I wish I had seen the earlier thread(s) where you were discussing this poll though.And no matter what I do, someone will have a similar complaint in a different direction. I don't think it is productive to debate along such lines.
Good luck. I'll check back in to see the results.