D&D (2024) Tempest Domain


Prince of Dorkness
I have a Tempest Domain Cleric character that I created a few years ago who has yet to see the light of day. I decided I wanted to convert him to a 2024 version, so I drew up a quick conversion from the 2014 version. I decided to post it here to see if the brilliant minds at ENWorld would notice any glaring issues with my conversion.

Mostly, it's a straight up copy & paste from the 2014 PHB, but I took the opportunity to read the subclass critique on RPGbot and make improvements to it. Obviously I removed the Bonus Proficiencies and Divine Strike since they're now core Cleric features and I rolled up all the Level 1 and Level 2 features to Level 3.

As for the changes I made:

Domain Spells - Complaint: it's a shame there are no Cleric cantrips that deal lighting or thunder damage. Fix: I added Shocking Grasp and Thunderclap.
Wrath of the Storm - Complaint: a lot of damage at low level, but barely a minor nuisance at higher levels. Fix: I changed it from a static 2d8 to instead scale with Proficiency Bonus.
Thunderbolt Strike - Compliant: only works with lightning damage and, theoretically, you can push the target straight up in the air. Fix: I changed it to include thunder damage and I specified that you push the target "directly" away from you.

Tempest Cleric
Wield the Power of Storms

Gods whose portfolios include the Tempest Domain govern storms, sea, and sky. They include gods of lightning and thunder, gods of earthquakes, some fire gods, and certain gods of violence, physical strength, and courage. In some pantheons, a god of this domain rules over other deities and is known for swift justice delivered by thunderbolts. In the pantheons of seafaring people, gods of this domain are ocean deities and the patrons of sailors. Tempest gods send their clerics to inspire fear in the common folk, either to keep those folk on the path of righteousness or to encourage them to offer sacrifices of propitiation to ward off divine wrath.

Level 3: Destructive Wrath

When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling.

Level 3: Tempest Domain Spells

Your connection to this divine domain ensures you always have certain spells ready. When you reach a Cleric level specified in the Tempest Domain Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spell prepared.

War Domain Spells

Cleric Level Prepared Spells

3 Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Shatter, Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap, Thunderwave
5 Call Lightning, Sleet Storm
7 Control Water, Ice Storm
9 Destructive Wave, Insect Plague

Level 3: Wrath of the Storm

When a creature within 5 feet of you that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes lightning or thunder damage (your choice) on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one. This damage is a number of d8s equal to your Proficiency Bonus as shown in the Cleric Features table.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Level 6: Thunderbolt Strike

When you deal lightning or thunder damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet directly away from you.

Level 17: Stormborn

You have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed whenever you are not underground or indoors.

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I suggest removing the roll from wrath of the storm, and making it a xd6.

Alternatively, make it at-will and deal flat damage equal to your cleric level.

Generic cleric advice. Prime wisdom, 14 dex and con. Assign rest as you like. Rolled stats similar idea depending on rolls.

Tempest clerics get martial weapons use medium armor and a rapier. Longbows generally better than sacred flame level 1-4.Only 1 less AC, better skills and initiative.

Tempest clerics get martial weapons use medium armor and a rapier. Longbows generally better than sacred flame level 1-4.Only 1 less AC, better skills and initiative.
All clerics now get a choice of weapons+armor or extra cantrip at level 1.

Instead of the subclass dictating it.

I have a Tempest Domain Cleric character that I created a few years ago who has yet to see the light of day. I decided I wanted to convert him to a 2024 version, so I drew up a quick conversion from the 2014 version. I decided to post it here to see if the brilliant minds at ENWorld would notice any glaring issues with my conversion.


IME Tempest Clerics work best when multiclassed with Wizard or Warlock.

In the 2024 rules, if you are going single classed you probably want Magic Initiate. This opens up Lightning Lure, Booming Blade, Shocking Grasp and Thunderclap. The new Witchbolt would be really good on a Tempest Cleric too I think.

IME Tempest Clerics work best when multiclassed with Wizard or Warlock.

In the 2024 rules, if you are going single classed you probably want Magic Initiate. This opens up Lightning Lure, Booming Blade, Shocking Grasp and Thunderclap. The new Witchbolt would be really good on a Tempest Cleric too I think.

That sounds good. You can basically grab the good parts of the Arcane cleric.

I would add that to my medium armor build above.

Pick potent cantrip or divine strike in the base class.

Ah thought that but wasn't 100% sure.

Potent cantrip would work with booming/greenflame blade?

Skip melee fir tge mist part but use thise cantrips with a rapier, potent cantrip and traditional spiritual weapon or guardians if you care about weapon damage.

Otherwise maximize shatter and be a blaster?

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