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Terrible sequels

I've actually never seen it. Which is silly, since I own it. One of these days I'll give it a shot.
My comparison is basically:

Original cut Godfather 3: Stupid AND very boring.
Godfather Coda: Still stupid, but not quite as boring.

But most of the stuff that made you roll your eyes in Godfather 3 before is still there in Coda, other than having slightly less of Sofia Coppola's performance.

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Turning to kids/family movies, I don't think these fit the bill for worst movies, but they could should the honorable mention pile. --
  • Pee-Wee's Big Adventure was a charming hit, the sequel Big Top Pee-Wee was a laborious bore, full of questionable choices and an uninspiring plot.
  • The Ernest P. Worrell IP is often more interesting in how the IP developed and the public slowly got on board with this bizarre character than there actually being a specific high point. Kind of like Austin Powers, the initial product wasn't astounding, but you saw some promise there and kinda expected the next thing they do with the character to be really good. Earnest never got there in terms of really good product, but the box office indicates that the public was on board for Earnest for Ernest Goes to Camp and Ernest Saves Christmas. Two more movies with poor reviews but decent box offices went by and then we got Earnest Rides Again, which was bad enough to slide the movies into direct-to-video (and I think direct-to-video movies shouldn't count for our purposes, as there are simply too many of those to count that are 1) sequels, and 2) awful).


Transmorphers: Fall of Man was a really bad movie and much worse than Transmorphers.

I'd also say that Sharknado 2 onwards are pretty terrible movies.


The friend I went to see Prometheus with spent like, the entire journey back trying to justify that it was a good movie, and I hadn't even pressed the point, I'd intentionally stopped arguing a while before, just expressed my opinion that it was pretty bad when we left the theatre.
Ridley Scott really let me down with that one...

Alien: Covenant wasn't much better too unfortunately.

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