D&D General Thaco the angry clown... really?

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There have been a few comments about how “it’s not my job” to help make osr fans welcome to the table, or “I don’t like those games, why should I care.”

those comments seem to me to be the other side of the same coin to those exclusionary comments made by many of the grumpy osr fans that we complain about. I’m not talking about being welcoming of people with toxic attitudes, screw those guys. But unless you think all fans of the osr are bad people, not caring about including them in this big table that is all DnD gamers is just as bad as not caring about including any group to the table.

I happen to think it absolutely is my job, and I should care, about being a good steward of the game and making everyone feel welcome at the DnD table regardless of what edition they like, or any other group they belong to. The game is better, and our hobby is better, when we are more diverse.

if someone says, “what are you doing to help 4e fans feel welcome to the game since 5e came out?” I shouldn’t say “not my job” or “who cares, I don’t like 4e anyway.” Because I just told them they aren’t welcome to the game any more. Personally, and it’s just my opinion, that’s a bad thing, it’s not constructive, it’s exclusionary, and doesn’t help the conversation.

Would these forums be better if the moderation team reacted towards exclusionary comments about 4e with “not my job to make them feel welcome, it’s an old edition no longer supported.” I think we’d lose a lot of good posters who no longer felt welcome here.

People have short memories.

Actually, that's only part of it. People also need tribalism, and tribalism needs enemies. Also, lots of people are new to the hobby, so maybe they genuinely don't know.

I frequent a lot of OSR spaces online, and while it's far from a consensus, one of the most pervasive sentiments among this community is that 5E D&D is the devil. It's representative of all things we old schoolers hate in gaming, and is the ultimate metric to contrast one's own game against if you want to appeal to this crowd. At this point, "5E" has literally become shorthand for "new school" in, seemingly, most old schoolers' vocabularies.


Lord of the depths
They get rid of the giant marquee hovering overhead with 'NEGATIVE TRAITS HERE'.

Pretending they don't exist and insisting everyone else do to isn't going to stop them from trying and in a lot of cases succeeding at representing the OSR.
Put any other group in there and say that. You do you. Some people here in this very discussion are into OSR gaming.

if you don’t see how they might find what you are saying is offensive, the amount of time I devote to online discussions will fall far short of what is required to help you gain perspective.

and that’s fine! You’re entitled to your biases. Not my job to help you work through them.


I crit!
This I think is true. And one reason I really like 5e.
Matt Colville once made a tweet essentially asking what 5E D&D is good at, because the answer isn't really obvious. I think this is because its design isn't really an outlier in any direction, so it can't be held up as a really good example of some specific playstyle. But that's what it's good at. It can appeal to lots of playstyles and is very flexible. I think a lot of people forget that most gaming tables are comprised of players with varying preferences. I may be an OSR-leaning player, but that doesn't mean the rest of my party is. One of them really likes GURPS and World of Darkness, one of them likes Lancer, one of them does play-by-post social RP, one of them just spends hours every weekend making new 5E characters just for the pure joy of it, and so on. We need a game that can address all of our preferences.

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