D&D (2024) The 2014 vs 2024 PHB Compatibility Thread


Hey they got a foot in the door and slid it past me. They held back the full story long enough to get me interested. Props?
I really don't think it was ever as calculated as that. I think that they were perfectly honest when they said that the intention was for it to be backwards compatible, However, I don't think that even the designers knew exactly HOW backwards compatible it was going to be - they threw a lot of stuff at the playtest to see what people were interested in seeing. Some of it would be more backwards compatible than others. The only thing I think that they were 100% sure on was that they were bound and determined to keep the Adventures in Print - so they had to force that to work. They were never sure if they'd have to tweak, say, the Bladesinger or the Warforged to get them in line with the new design down the road, or if it would just work.

(Though speaking as someone who's playing a Warforged built with a playtest Class, Background, Feats, and Spells, you CAN just use them. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see what a 2024 Warforged would look like, though!)

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Yeah, we did. I think we did it with both Paladins and Warlocks (different subclasses, though) AND we often used non-playtest subclasses and non-playtest species (though mostly Monsters of the Multiverse ones) while playtesting. I never had any problems with any of it. I think whoever it was (sorry if I don't give credit where credit is due here) who said that if 2014 balance between classes is 1d10, then 2024 is 2d4 is pretty accurate. There's a bit of "power creep" when it comes to the average character, but the ceiling has been brought down. You can certainly build a 2014 character who can hold its own in a 2024 party - heck, if you powergame, you can probably "beat" them.

This is, of course, all assuming that 2024=OneD&D Playtest, which we can probably safely bet that it will be about 85% the same. We shall see.
Thanks for sharing Fitz!


What someone really should do is go back and find that "Are you going to migrate to the 2024 rules" thread we had here a couple months ago... figure out who all the posters were who said they weren't and were sticking with 5E14... and then tell us all who they were so we'd know not to bother reading their posts about the issues of 5E24 because they had no intention of using the product anyway. :)

Unless of course... they just said they were not going to migrate their game when in point of fact they absolutely knew they going to because they wouldn't be able to help themselves... so their showing their displeasure was their attempt at getting WotC to hopefully see things their way with how the game should be released. Which of course failed miserably and WotC is releasing the game they wanted to release as we all know they would... not the one the posters here have been trying to get made for several years. To the surprise of virtually no one, LOL.


I would love to see the statistics on how many people said "i'll never buy anything from WOTC again" and then end up gobbling up all of the new shinnies not once (original cover), not twice (alternate cover) but three times (slip case gift set).

Once you engage with the hobby it is now YOUR game. Let go of the dark side of NEEDING that +1 or whatever it is that makes 14/24 not compatible. Of course they said it was going to be compatible. They were counting on all of the "depends on what your definition of compatible means" people to do their leg work for them.

What do we get out of proving them wrong/right?

Well Paladins would definitely play the 2014 version if they are allowed to. The 2024 version was nerfed into the ground in the UA, which might change a bit but the 2014 version is so overpowered that it's definitely not going to go live in 2024 without major nerfs
this is why the mix and match doesn't work like everyone kept telling me it would...

If I take my 3rd level paliden 5th level warlock from 2014e and bring it to a 2024e table I fully expect to be told to use the new versions... and in some cases that is a nerf... heck if I'm a half elf I lose 1pt of attribute.

Bear in mind, I'm only discussing porting options that don't yet have a 2024 counterpart, in this instance sub classes where the bulk of power tuning tended upwards. I would personally never allow an option from 14 that has a 24 counterpart in using the 14 version for that exact reason, but I would be ok with letting a 24 wizard take the 14 necromancer (with some adjustments) until the 24 necromancer is released.
this is how (In my experience and my experience only) most tables handled 3.5 at first... then as more and more books came out it became "just use 3.5" I remember there was a sword and fist prestige class that you had to hide your true name and it never got updated.

What someone really should do is go back and find that "Are you going to migrate to the 2024 rules" thread we had here a couple months ago... figure out who all the posters were who said they weren't and were sticking with 5E14...
yes lets all go out and find people we disagree with and cyber bully them... god I have been back here for a month or two and already I see this...

look how about we just listen to each other and respect each other?

this is why the mix and match doesn't work like everyone kept telling me it would...

If I take my 3rd level paliden 5th level warlock from 2014e and bring it to a 2024e table I fully expect to be told to use the new versions... and in some cases that is a nerf... heck if I'm a half elf I lose 1pt of attribute.
So I guess using this definition of "compatibility," players get to use the version that is the most OP?

So I guess using this definition of "compatibility," players get to use the version that is the most OP?
I think compatibility means if I bring a 2014 or a 2024 or a half 2024 half 2014 to the table most tables will be able to fold it in seemlessly (or close to seemless) because the two books are compatible..

I would expect my half elf with +2 cha and +1 to 2 other stats to fold right in
I would expect my dwarf with +2 str and +2 con to be fine
I would expect my paladin that can smite as no action to be compatible.

edit: I can walk up to a DC20 game, a pathfinder game, a 3e game a 4e game ect.... with a 2014 made half elf warlock/paladin and be told "Oh, those are not the rules we are using remake that with these" it sounds like if I walk up to the average 2024 table that will be the same (with different levels of how hard that remake is)

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