Thing is, sometimes it's fun to do stuff in the game where there are no pressing or important "stakes" involved; where for example we just roleplay the PCs sitting around the campfire telling stories of past adventures. Sure we might bore the hell out of the DM - unless the DM has an NPC in the party who can share in the campfire chatter - though I know if I'm the DM it just gives me a chance to crack open a beer, sit back, and be entertained for a bit.
Otherwise, if everything always has stakes attached all you're really doing is stressing out your players; and as people are most likely playing in order to reduce stress rather than add to it, this seems somewhat counterintuitive.
Yes! When my players go off on a discussion amongst themselves and I can tell its gonna last a bit, it gives me a (sometimes much needed) break and I use the time to adjust the next parts of the game to whats happened thus far this session. If it goes on so long that I start getting bored I'll interject and let my players know its time to move on/wrap things up. Either by putting in something that must be dealt with urgently OR reminding them of the deadline OR just straight up OOCly saying 'Friends, enough, Im bored lets move on' (which works better than you think).