The Age of Worms - Morrus' Campaign - Finished 6th August!!

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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Blame Mr Miyamoto and his Wii invention.

And the fact that Mrs Eccles got one for her birthday which has been rather eating into my spare time!!

I promise I will get there. I've had several comments on game nights, and have actually had a chasing text from one player who will remain nameless!


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Dashing towards Flynne, I paused only to yell out “wormbane paste!” to nobody in particular, before snatching the tube of thick orange jelly from my enchanted haversack. I slathered the stuff over my neck, and winced as the stuff took effect. The worm at my neck, however, was stilled. As I reached Flynne, I spun on the spot and screamed up at Kyuss; despite the power of the magics I poured into the scream, absolutely nothing happened.

Shrugging off my magical onslaught, Kyuss unleashed a positive torrent of violence down on the rhino-mounted half orc. As the green-skinned paladin was staggered by the attacks, Kyuss’ cloak gaped wide and swept over him, engulfing him in worms and cloth.

As the rhino-mount disappeared under the black cloak, there was a terrible sound of fleshy tearing. The heavy-set earth elemental cowered away from the massive magics, as the paladin, stripped of all flesh and riding a heavy-set skeletal mount charged forth; the enchanted lance he had been using to assist us now aimed at Janga.

The gnome leapt to one side; his winged boots letting him drift just beyond the tip of the lance, whilst on the other side of the roof Flynne backed further away from Kyuss, firing all the while – arrows peppered the thick cloak yet it looked to have no more effect than a series of ant-bites.

His winged-boots flapping madly, Janga flew towards his assailant and slapped him lightly. I could see the positive energy blasting the knight, and he collapsed – whatever necromantic energies tying him together having been abruptly severed.

Caught in Kyuss’ tremendous and terrifying aura, I freely confess that I panicked. I stepped off the roof, and as I fell towards the ground, I cast a spell and vanished from the skies and blinked away.

To my shame, I had teleported away from my comrades and left them to face an angry god alone.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
I've set myself a bit of a promise to update in small portions - game night tomorrow, so nothing then.

The one above... Not my finest hour...

Lord Sessadore

I've just read through the whole story hour in the past week or so, and I must say I've really enjoyed it - good job on the writing, Eccles! I wish my players would take notes like that! (Or even any notes at all, haha.)

And you can add me to the list of people patiently waiting to read the epic conclusion to your tale ;)


First Post
Wahoo, we get update! Main author turn on, thank you Mr. Eccles :)

Personally I don't mind if the final update comes in bits, as long as we get the whole story of the desperate group battling a God :]


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
In a blind panic, I cast my spell of teleportation again, flinging myself as far as I possibly could away from Kyuss and the sense of horror he evoked. I paused for breath, dropping lightly a few dozen feet into the thick deep stinking mud of a pigsty, then cast the spell once more.


Back in Alhastor, Kyuss blasted Flynne with a river of worms, then span and flung a single worm into Janga’s face where it crawled and began to burrow into his cheek. Kyuss spat words of power, and stripped away huge swathes of protective magics from my comrades.

Again, despite his best efforts, Flynne’s arrows mostly glanced off the god’s cloak; only one striking solidly and raising a bellow of pain from him; even the stings of wasps can bring down a larger creature.

“Silver,” yelled Janga as he flew across the rooftop and snatched a proffered silver-tipped arrow before stabbing it into the worm which was still digging into his face.


As the world whirled around me once again, I found myself in an exotic bar where strange songbirds twittered and palm trees waved in a gentle breeze. Strange drinks and fruits mixed with the scent of jasmine, and the dreadful spell of terror Kyuss had inflicted on me was washed away.

Shuddering, I had to know my friends’ fates. I began to dig through my bags to pull out the items I knew I was going to need.


Struck in the neck with yet another tiny worm, Kyuss gestured at the towering elemental, which disappeared abruptly, before he snapped a second disenchantment at Janga, shredding away the last of his protective enchantments.

Flynne kept on shooting at the increasingly agonized deity, and whilst only one of his massively enchanted arrows struck home Kyuss was shuddering, and worms were beginning to fall from his cape.

Janga, meanwhile, healed both himself and Flynne – casting a massive healing enchantment at the beleaguered archer, and once again spilling his own blood with the point of the silver arrow to rid himself of another worm.


Back in the tropics, I was ready. I read one scroll, and the palms ceased their gentle movements and the waves stopped rolling and time came to a complete standstill. I then used a second scroll to leap back to my comrades.

Seeing that they were still alive, I laid down three interlaced walls of fire tightly around Kyuss.

Time came rushing back, and was then fractured again – it was as though I had blinked and suddenly Kyuss was looking more healthy, and was flying in the air between Janga and Flynne. He waved an arm, and a shimmering wall slammed into place to block Janga from the rest of us.

I called upon the power of another of the scrolls I held clutched in my fist, wishing for the most potently destructive spell I could think of.

A roiling black beam lanced into Kyuss’ flank, but failed completely on some hitherto unseen magical protection.

Janga started to cast another summoning spell, but was interrupted by another blast of worms, and then one settling onto his neck. At the same time, a massive blast of fire poured from the sky over Janga, but he reflexively leapt to one side away from this.

I cast a spell of my own, and brought up a second shimmering wall of force to protect Janga from the angry deity, whilst the cleric dug this latest worm out of his neck and then flew a short distance away to heal himself.

Turning, Kyuss flew through the air towards Flynne, his cloak spread wide as he simply engulfed the black scaled elf into its worm-filled confines as he had the half-orc paladin moments before.

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