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The Art of War (TLG PR)


trancejeremy said:
Troll Lords & Justin Bacon. Um. I guess I better bite my tongue.

Anyway, while he's not famous per se, he is somewhat well known on usenet. For something related to the name of the company. (though it spilled over into the review section here) That's all I'll say.

But anyway, it does seem to fill a void. Especially since Eden's Fields of Blood is pretty much vaporware. And for all of Mr. Bacon's faults, he does know d20 pretty well.

Now if we can only get Hong to write a book.

We have different definitions of vaporware. When I stepped down as developer of the Book of War (for personal reasons) Lizard stepped up. I believe the first complete draft of the book is done. Alex Jurkat and I talked about what was left to be done (very little) and when it would be released (soon) last week.

As to what mass combat book will be released first, haven't we already seen War from AEG and the Mongoose's mass-combat system? What, wasn't everyone totally satified with those? ;)

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Justin Bacon

Re: Re: ?

knight_isa said:
If so, it isn't exactly a glowing resume, but he has been published by FFG which generally has good stuff.

Well, I'm not going to claim to have the most jaw-dropping resume in gaming. But it should be noted that the P&P bibliography is rather incomplete:

More than two hundred books, articles, and reviews, including:
STORYLINE BOOK 4, for Dream Pod 9 (contributions)
TOUCHED BY THE GODS, for Atlas Games (contributions)
PENUMBRA BESTIARY, Atlas Games (contributions) (forthcoming)
EN ROUTE II, Atlas Games (contributions) (forthcoming)
THE BOOK OF FAMILIARS, Troll Lord Games (lead writer) (forthcoming)
MYTHIC RACES, for Fantasy Flight Games (contributions)
THE DRAGON’S WISH, for Fantasy Flight Games
THE FIFTH SEPULCHER, for Fantasy Flight Games
THE SECRET OF DARKWOOD, for Fantasy Flight Games
THE LOST HUNT, for Fantasy Flight Games
THE WREYLAND SERPENT, for Fantasy Flight Games
Various Works for Realms of Fantasy Magazine
Editorial Content for Amazon.com
Articles for Campaign Magazine
Articles and Reviews for Games Unplugged
Articles and Reviews for Pyramid Magazine
Articles and Reviews for Gaming Outpost
Articles and Reviews for RPGNet

Justin Bacon

Ranger REG

mattcolville said:

As to what mass combat book will be released first, haven't we already seen War from AEG...? What, wasn't everyone totally satified with those? ;)
You're joking, right?

Please tell me you did not initially wrote the Field of Blood draft material with the same approach as AEG's. :(

Lizard, trancejeremy is dogging you. You better step up and answer his challenge.

Troll Lord

First Post

Trust me folks, we've been working with Justin for awhile now, and his resume aside, the material is solid and very usable.


I feel nakid without me troll hat! Morrus, ad the smoking man hat to the emoticons kind sir! ;)


Re: Touched by the Gods

Justin Bacon said:

Well, I'm not going to claim to have the most jaw-dropping resume in gaming. But it should be noted that the P&P bibliography is rather incomplete:

TOUCHED BY THE GODS, for Atlas Games (contributions)

Justin Bacon

I don't know about the other material, but I found Touched by the Gods to be an enjoyable read. Good work on that!


trancejeremy said:

Now if we can only get Hong to write a book.

If you do a search in the general forum, he did do a book, or a thesis or something last year, although it wasn't d20 related(althought the thread brought it back to d20). For his published d20 work check out asgard 7.


Ranger REG said:

You're joking, right?

Please tell me you did not initially wrote the Field of Blood draft material with the same approach as AEG's. :(

Lizard, trancejeremy is dogging you. You better step up and answer his challenge.

I am making some final revisions/clarifications/explanations/etc to the completed first draft. Pending those minor edits (and feedback from playtesters, and my habit of continually coming up with just one more cool idea to wedge in there), it's good to go. I'm hoping to post something fairly important here, fairly soon...

Troll Lord

First Post

Hey Annadobrit

Art of War is taylored for the d20 game. Unlike the Gygaxian Fantasy World series, which specialized in general design and game aids, Art of War lays out the rules and mechanics for massed combat.


Voidrunner's Codex

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