• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Band of Four (The Village of Oester)

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Hairy Minotaur said:
"Gothmog not run from nothing, Gothmog burn no-dead men again

Tharhack looks back to Gothmog who raises his arms to the sky, and in one motion brings them down in a hard clap, clasping his hands together while shouting a strange word. Gothmog them turns his palms up, and a large ball of fire appears. Gothmog blows on it, pushing it out of his hands, and onto the ground in front of him. The ball rolls along the ground, melting snow in it's path, it reaches the first zombie and sets it ablaze.

"Unbelievable." says a stunned Tharhack

O.k. - now I have to go read your Rogues' Gallery Thread, and I was heading to bed too...

edit: I cannot get the link in post 181 to work.
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pogre said:
O.k. - now I have to go read your Rogues' Gallery Thread, and I was heading to bed too...

edit: I cannot get the link in post 181 to work.

What it's not even Midnight ye.... OK so it's past midnight. ;)

I fixed the link so hopefully it's working now. :)

Who would you like to see next? Alriand, Rebrey, Raziel, or Xanoniel?

MichaelH said:
I would like to see the witch next, actually. I like how you portrayed her. With full spell lists if you don't mind. :)

Well as far as the witch goes, I am waiting on permission from Ed Cha before posting her. It's his character from The Hamlet of Thumble, I just advanced her and updated her abilities and spells. If he says it's ok then I will post her. Otherwise I can post what I added to her, and if you have the book then you'll have the rest of her. I will let you know, or Ed can respond on here and let me know that way as well. :D

The burning zombie continued on it's path towards Gothmog, flesh charring and pus sizzling in the heat. Gothmog sends the flaming sphere rolling into the next zombie in line. The sphere rolls into the zombie's legs burning through them and send the rest of the zombie crashing down to the snow, and catching on fire with a roar. That zombie however stops moving.

Tharhack had been lost in awe, and almost failed to react to the zombie closing on him. Choosing to try and fight initially instead of using one of his turn attempts, Tharhack slams his fist into the face of the zombie in front of him. The zombie's teeth shatter like ice under the blow, it's jaw cracks which causes it's mouth to hang open. The zombie's shriveled blackened tongue wiggles free of it's base and drops to the ground lifeless. The spike of the gauntlet on the back of Tharhack's middle knuckle pierces the back of the zombie's throat, and emerges out the other side of it's neck. Unfazed the zombie pounds Tharhack with a right haymaker, shaking loose some cobwebs in Tharhack's head.

The first zombie that Gothmog set on fire drops to the ground in it's own pyre dead again. Gothmog directs the sphere on to the next zombie, setting the rags it has for clothes on fire. The zombie remains focused on it's task and doesn't slow at all. It's desiccated body offers no resistance to the flame, as it seeks out every place on the zombie with which to spawn itself. The zombie quickly becomes a walking pillar of fire heading for Gothmog.

Tharhack takes a quick look around the battleground, and determines he'll have to move up closer to Gothmog if he wants to affect as many zombies as he can with his divine power. Realizing he'll never make by the time the flaming zombie reaches Gothmog, Tharhack slams his spiked gauntlet into the side of the head of the toothless zombie he just hit. This time the zombie's head is ripped from it's neck, and adheres to the spikes on Tharhack's gauntlet. With the that blow the zombie's body collapses, and Tharhack moves up towards Gothmog, shaking the zombie's head off his gauntlet.

Gothmog's flaming sphere winks out of existence just as the flaming zombie gets within five feet of Gothmog. The heat from the blaze warms the air and Gothmog, melts the snow around the zombie's feet, and send the smell of rotten hair into the air. Gothmog's hands part as the sphere dissipates, and they reach up and over his head, grab the hilt of his greatsword, and cleave the burning corpse in two. Gothmog then steps over the smoldering husk, and prepares to meet the advancing remaining zombies.

Tharhack reaches the cleaved zombie, and pulling his greatsword from his back he utters the words to drive back the zombies.

souls of the dead
I beseech thee
return to your graves
I offer you release from your imprisoned existence
look upon the light and feel Kord's freedom
ask him for the strength to make the journey
you will not be denied

Divine power falls upon Tharhack as his sword glows a bright blue-ish white. The zombie in front of Gothmog screams as it's body disintegrates and blows away on the back on the wind. The next two zombies turn to flee from the light. The rest of the zombies are unaffected. Thinking he can do better than that, Tharhack invokes Kord's blessing of destiny. Tharhack recalls the divine power to his body. The disintegrated zombie reforms where it stood exactly as it was. Tharhack then refocuses and send out the divine power again. This time the nearest three zombie are obliterated while the next one in line after those, brings it's arm up to it's eyes and turns away from the light of Kord's holy symbol.

Gothmog looks on impressed with Tharhack's power.

"TharHACK teach Gothmog new power." Gothmog half asks, half pleads

"My power comes from within, maybe someday you'll allow my to help you find yours." Tharhack responds "For now, I think we need to head to the tower as quickly as possible."

Gothmog agrees and follows Tharhack down the side of the hill, as they near the bottom of the hill, a loud groaning sound echoes from behind them. Tharhack and Gothmog turn to see what's following them, and see the whole side of the hill begin to slide away. Like an avalanche of dirt, the side of the hill peels away the snow, grass and dirt to reveal dozens of corpses. The flood of debris stops at Tharhack's feet, he looks up at the exposed hillside and like so many maggots on rotten flesh, the corpse twitch and jerk to life, pulling themselves up out of the earth.

"What do now TharHACK?" Gothmog asks

"Pray" came Tharhack's response

Rebrey's body starts up a snow collection, his hair, leather armor, boots, and weapons becoming cold enough from inactivity to allow the snow to settle and stay. The mild toxin running through his veins has kept him unconscious long enough for his blood to chill. His slumbering body was unable to keep hypothermia from permeating his muscles. His fingers and toes have become frozen, the shakes have quieted, numbness has set in. His heart betrayed, was the first thing to break under the weight of winter's chill. His mind send vivid dreams of alternate realities, and alternate outcomes. His soul, forsaken by his body, waits for his lungs to stop trying and his broken heart to stop beating. Yet, he is not alone.

"Hey, time to wake up," comes a high pitched voice, and a finger pokes at Rebrey's chest.

Rebrey opens his eyes, and awakens in a meadow. Only the grass is gray colored, and the sky has the color of dawn or maybe dusk, Rebrey isn't quite sure. He is no longer cold, and he can move his hands and feet. There are no stars in the sky, no clouds either, no trees as far as Rebrey can see, and no snow.

"Ah you're awake, another second or two and I'd have left you here. I forget how much mortal humans can test my patience." the voice says

Rebrey looks around to find the source of the voice, spotting a white haired gnome floating cross-legged behind him. Rebrey quickly rises to his feet and faces the gnome.

"Who are you?" Rebrey asks

"Ah, a very good question. Maybe you have some usefulness still left in you. Call me Koli." comes the reply

"What is this place Koli?" Rebrey asks

"This place, isn't a place per se. It's more like a moment, a stop on your way to other things. An afterthought maybe." Koli responds

"What? Where am I?" Rebrey asks again

"Not where, when." Koli replies

"When what? If this isn't a place, how can I be here?" Rebrey asks

"You are here, because you are not here. There is no here, there is only now." Koli responds

"You're making my head hurt. Let's try a different approach. Why......... why?" Rebrey asks, deciding not to include <am I here> in that question.

"Ah, because I let you. Why indeed." Koli replies

Rebrey looks across at the horizon, and sees nothing. Nothing has changed, The grass is gray, there's no stars. Actually now that Rebrey thinks about it, there's not really a sky, it's more like nothing is there as opposed to not being able to see anything.

"You brought me here?" Rebrey asks trying to see if shifting the focus of his questions on to Koli brought about more information

"That I did." Koli asks

"Why are you here?" Rebrey asks

"I'm here to offer you the chance of a lifetime Rebrey." Koli states

"How is it you know my name?" Rebrey asks

"I know all." Koli replies

"A little full of yourself are we?" Rebrey asks

"Heh, at least I know why you're here." Koli replied. Rebrey noticed the tone of Koli's voice changed a little, like Rebrey had hit a tiny nerve with that last remark.

"Well, I have no clue, so if you don't mind." Rebrey said as he laid back down on the ground "I'm going to find a different dream, you bore me."

"Oh, but this is no dream Rebrey. This is your existence, until I decide what to do with you." Koli answered

Well, Rebrey thought at least Koli was giving up some more info, even if it was nonsensical.

"You made this place?" Rebrey asked

"There is no place, I made now, and I will make next." Koli asked

"OK, fine. I'm done playing your guessing game, what do you want?" Rebrey demanded a little agitated

"I want you to become a king among men." Koli answered

"What? I think you were making more sense before. What are you talking about?" Rebrey asked

"I'm offering you a second chance, a chance to redeem your name, a chance to be that powerful ruler that's just aching to be freed from your scared little heart." Koli answers

"Second chance? What do you mean?" Rebrey asks

"Good god man, you are really slow on the uptake here. Let me spell it out for you. D-E-A-D" Koli answers

"Dead, I'm not dead. I remember feeling tired and taking a little nap on the back of Xanoniel's bear. I'm just dreaming now." Rebrey says

"Take a look." Koli says waving his hand, and a pool of silver liquid forms vertically in the air next to Rebrey. The scene begins to clear, and shows a snowy forest, and a dark patch on the ground in the middle of the scene. The scene focuses on the dark patch, and Rebrey sees himself. Blue and lifeless, frozen in the snow, alone.

"No, you lie. This is all just a dream." Rebrey states

"Really, well if it's a dream, then you won't be too perturbed with this." Koli says, as the ground beneath Rebrey gives way to a ghastly scene. Hundreds of people walk chained neck to neck, along a landscape that's blasted with vivid red rock. Black rivulets scour the ground all around the human chain, as huge winged demons stand next to the line of people, occasionally bending down to pluck one of the people from the line and drop them into their gaping mouths still screaming.

"Another dream." Rebrey says dismissively

Almost before he could finish the statement Rebrey's surroundings change. He finds himself part of the human chain. Naked he feet are instantly fried to a crisp yet he is compelled to walk on. His screams of pain are drowned out by the screams of those around him. A huge clawed hand grabs Rebrey from around his waist, and flick off his neck collar. Rebrey is lifted into the air and hung by his feet above the stench filled oblivion of the demon's maw. Rebrey's reality snaps as he screams, kicks, punches, tries to claw his way free of the demon's hand.

"Fear only sweetens the aftertaste." The demon's voice rings out across Rebrey's body, as he is dropped into the demon's mouth.

Rebrey falls and lands shoulder first onto a gray colored meadow, not unlike the previous one, but the sky is darker than before. Crying and shaking Rebrey pulls himself to a sitting position, and waits for Koli to show up.

"Think it's a dream now?" Koli asks

Rebrey doesn't as he attempts to pull himself together.

"I have a proposition for you. If you don't like it, I can return you from whence I took you, and since you now have been to hell and left. You will be hunted, for demons always know who escapes." Koli says

"What's your offer?" Rebrey asks

"A small favor, one that will set in motion a collapse worthy of my interest." Koli says

"What favor?" Rebrey asks

"I need you to kill a man, simple, and well within your abilities." Koli responds

"Why can't you do it?" Rebrey asks

"Because some things are better left up to those who won't draw attention with their involvement." Koli replies

"Are you a god?" Rebrey asks hoping for a "no".

"God is such a boring description, I prefer Gamemaster. Because really it's all about who holds the most cards when the dealing stops." Koli says

Rebrey feels a compulsion push at the back of his knees, forcing him into a sitting position. Another compulsion forces his head to bow.

"I'm a being of little patience, therefore I'm only going to run through this once. So pay attention." Koli says

Voidrunner's Codex

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