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The Band of Four (The Village of Oester)

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The pit fiend pokes his head into the space beyond the false wall, there is a small three foot landing and then steep climbing stairs lead upwards. Empythacoreaus notices cryptic writing in infernal written along the top of each step, as Empythacoreaus studies the writing, a bright light shines down from the top of the stairs. Shining out from a room beyond the last step, the light illuminates the entire length of stairs and spills out into the room behind Empythacoreaus.

"Oh, what's that? Looks like we woke something up." Ageanent states

Empythacoreaus gives Charekyal a look, she shrugs her shoulders in response.

"Hey Tharhack, come check this out." Ageanent yells to the half-orc

Tharhack lifts his head long enough to see the light spilling forth from out of the wall, then lowers his head again in contemplation.

"Oh well, I'm going to go check it out." Ageanent announces

"That would not be wise, I don't think what's up there is benevolent." Empythacoreaus tells Ageanent

"What give you that impression? Besides I'm sure even if it was evil, we could take it." Ageanent answers

"Those words are infernal power words, meant to activate something, speaking them aloud would cause something bad to happen." Empythacoreaus replies

"Bad? That evil wizard made this area for a reason, to keep something locked up. If it was bad, don't you think he'd have recruited it?" Ageanent answers

"Your logic is flawed, there are some things which are more dangerous, yet just as evil as a balor. Don't presume that just because an evil man caged the criminal, that either one of them is looking out for your best interests." Empythacoreaus replies

"You're paranoid, just a little peek." Ageanent pleads, "maybe it's another diamond up there? and this wizard needed to keep the goodness of this creature locked away? and all these writings are meant to throw you off, thinking that there's something evil up there. When in reality it's the greatest of goods?"

"That argument was a little better." Empythacoreaus relents, "just a quick peek, and then back down. No need for us to tarry any longer."

With that Ageanent bounds up the steps towards the lighted room above, and peers up over the final step. Looking into a lavishly furnished room, silk tapestries, chairs made from some blue-colored wood, fabric that seemed woven from strands of mithral and platinum, floor marbling that contained colors Ageanent never knew existed. Ageanent stood mouth agape as his eyes drank in the scene.

"Well what is it?" Empythacoreaus calls up from below

"It's.... beautiful, we are so rich." Ageanent answers

"That doesn't tell us anything, do see anyone or anything?" Empythacoreaus calls back a little agitated at Ageanent's impulsiveness

"No, there's no one here." Ageanent replies while turning back to face Empythacoreaus and Charekyal

Empythacoreaus begins to ascend the stairs, however looking up at Ageanent, Empythacoreaus watches a dark clawed hand reach out from behind Ageanent (who's looking down the steps) and grab Ageanent's head. Ageanent immediately reaches for the clawed hand, and is yanked into the room.

A single scream is cut short

Empythacoreaus leaps to the stairs attempting to reach the top as quickly as possible, he reaches halfway, when Ageanent's head is thrown down the stairs. Ageanent's neck still smokes from the burning wound that caused his decapitation, his eyes frozen with the fear of his killer. Charekyal screams with horror as the head speaks a single word, and then explodes in a blast of fire, heat, and evil.

Even Charekyal, a being from the plane of fire, immune to any flame, is burned by the insidious blast. Charekyal falls backwards stunned from the pain of the blast. Tharhack jumps up at the sound of the blast to see Charekyal fall down. Empythacoreaus is thrown face first into the steps as the blast envelopes him from behind, the pit fiend however knows full well why the fire burns Charekyal, this blast came from the abyss.

"I see you know some good parlor tricks, you'll soon find however, that I don't play well with others." Empythacoreaus calls out to whatever is upstairs.

With that, Ageanent's left arm come flying out from around the corner, and lands in front of Empythacoreaus. The pit fiend reaches down, picks up the arm, and tries to toss it back into the room. The arm grabs Empythacoreaus' hand and holds on tightly, Empythacoreaus raises an eyebrow at this new trick, before the arm explodes. Bits of flesh rain down upon the stairs, falling on Empythacoreaus with acidic results. Empythacoreaus flicks off the bits of melting flesh off of his body as they land, the abyssal origins of the acid now burn with pain where they had once been his lifeblood.

"Now you've gone and made me mad, I hope you've left behind a will, you're family won't see you alive again." Empythacoreaus calls out

A deep bone shaking smirk comes from the room above, "I wait, weakling" comes a response

Tharhack reaches Charekyal and helps her to her feet. Charekyal looks about as pieces of shattered skull and flesh lay about the floor.

"You're a healer? You can help him right?" Charekyal asks

Tharhack tried to contain his laughter at the magnitude of Charekyal's request. "Not even sovereign glue can help now, I might've been able to help, prior to his head being used as an exploding ranged attack."

The disappointment showed through on Charekyal's face as she turned to face the stairs and watched Empythacoreaus ascend them. Tharhack made sure Charekyal felt well enough to be left alone, and then made his way to the stairs.

"I'm through playing someone else's game, I'm no puppet. You want to kill people arbitrarily? I'm coming up there and something's getting smacked around like an ogre's dinner." Tharhack called out to the top of the stairs before beginning his climb.

A loud crack is heard, and Tharhack watches Empythacoreaus' limp body tumble down the stairs ahead of him and slam into the half-orc.

"Or not" Tharhack says looking over the still breathing pit fiend.

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
"I'm through playing someone else's game, I'm no puppet. You want to kill people arbitrarily? I'm coming up there and something's getting smacked around like an ogre's dinner." Tharhack called out to the top of the stairs before beginning his climb.

A loud crack is heard, and Tharhack watches Empythacoreaus' limp body tumble down the stairs ahead of him and slam into the half-orc.

"Or not" Tharhack says looking over the still breathing pit fiend.


I like Tharhack and all, but he's clearly out-classed here. This thing just took out two powerful extra-planars and a wereboar (I presume - I don't think you ever actually said) in something like three rounds. It might be time to go and try reasoning with the "doorman" again. ;)

Neat trick with the exploding body parts, BTW.
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Jon Potter said:

I like Tharhack and all, but he's clearly out-classed here. This thing just took out two powerful extra-planars and a wereboar (I presume - I don't think you ever actually said) in something like three rounds. It might be time to go and try reasoning with the "doorman" again. ;)

Neat trick with the exploding body parts, BTW.

Ageanent was a Dire wereboar, I didn't mention as only Tharhack dealt with him, and he never found out what he was.

Yeah, the party at first thought it sickening that body parts were being thrown at them........ then they exploded, that seemed to change the mood. :D

of course, Empythacoreaus thought it appropriately creepy to have a disembodied hand not let go.

Tharhack drags Empythacoreaus off of the stairs, and back into the laboratory. Tharhack gives the pit fiend two cure moderate heals, which bring the pit fiend back to consciousness.

"What happened?" Charekyal asked Empythacoreaus before Tharhack got the chance

"I don't know what that thing is, although I suspect that it is the remnants of the human wizard who placed Ageanent in his prison." Empythacoreaus answered

The trio heard heavy footsteps coming down the steps, Tharhack helps Empythacoreaus to his feet, and they watch as the rest of Ageanent's body lumbers down the stairs. Headless and missing it's left arm, the body appears to smoke in the same fashion Ageanent's head did before it exploded.

"Move! lets get out of here!" Empythacoreaus shouts as he herds Tharhack and Charekyal towards the stairs leading back down to the eye sockets room.

Empythacoreaus ushers Charekyal down the stairs first, Tharhack turns back to watch the body stagger towards the group.

"It's not going off." Tharhack says aloud

"More body left than just a head or arm, my guess it's going to follow us down the stairs." Empythacoreaus says grabbing Tharhack and placing him on the steps ahead of the pit fiend, and urging him down the stairs.

Tharhack and Empythacoreaus make it down the stairs to a waiting Charekyal.

"Where now?" Charekyal asks

"Out through the eyes." Empythacoreaus tells her

The three begin to climb the ladder up to the left eye socket, as the body of Ageanent falls down the stairs onto the floor beneath them. The body glows with an angry red light, almost crimson in color.

"Hurry!" Empythacoreaus shouts at Tharhack who is still climbing the ladder

Tharhack reaches the last rung and as he's lifting his body over the edge of the landing, the explosion they knew was coming goes off. Tharhack's body gets shot through the air like a missile into Empythacoreaus, Charekyal while avoid the blast itself, is dropped prone from the reverberations from the blast. The giant skull shakes as the power of the blast forces itself through any and all openings. The top of the skull collapses and pieces of bone from the eye socket are blow off the skull. Large pressure fractures appear on the outside forehead of the structure, as well as to either side of both eye sockets.

The right eye socket completely collapses inward on top of the nasal cavity, and spilling through the second level floor. This also causes a partial collapse of the left eye socket as the support bone between the eyes, is taken down with the right eye socket's collapse. The dust begins to settle, as small pieces still flake and fall off from the top of the huge hole where the right eye used to be, and also where the large cracks have formed along the exterior surface of the skull. An unearthly quiet spreads itself over the structure, Charekyal pulls herself up on her hands and knees, and begins to sob. Empythacoreaus and Tharhack force their battered bodies into a sitting position. They see Charekyal moving and assume she's ok for now, as they are unable to hear her sobs as their ears ring with pain from the blast.

Looking back at each other in disbelief, Tharhack and Empythacoreaus watch as a huge chunk of bone topples from the left eye socket, and crashes onto the debris below. The two men stand and make their way on unsteady legs to Charekyal, helping her to her feet, Tharhack wipes the tears from her burning cheek.

"I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!" Charekyal shouts over the ringing in her eyes

Empythacoreaus puts a clawed finger to his lips as if to shhh the fire nymph, then raises her head so that she's staring at his face, and mouths the words "it will pass"

Empythacoreaus gathers Tharhack and Charekyal into his arms and flies them off of the platform, and down to the ground below. Looking up and back at the structure, they can see the huge hole in the right side of the skull's face, and the fault lines of the fracture lines as they radiate outward from the eye sockets or what's left of them anyway.

Charekyal walks towards the entrance doors to the structure, Empythacoreaus goes to reach for her and pull her back, but Tharhack stops him. Realizing what she's doing, Tharhack motions to Empythacoreaus to let her go.

Charekyal makes her way to the still intact front doors, a pang of recognition begins to form in the doorman's eyes. Charekyal come face to face with the man who held her heart, and then let it slip away. Crying, Charekyal reaches up to touch the cheek of the only being she's ever loved. The doorman's burned skin continuously heals itself as Charekyal traces a tear back up to the man's eye. Tears of happiness, of pain, of broken hearts, and of closure rain down on the ground in front of the doors.

Tharhack watches as the doorman says something to Charekyal over and over again, although it doesn't appear to be an apology. Charekyal backs away from the door, and motions for Empythacoreaus to join her. Tharhack watches as Charekyal describes an action she wants Empythacoreaus to take, one he's vehemently denying to do. Charekyal falls to her knees and weeps, Empythacoreaus waves Tharhack up. Empythacoreaus walks away from Charekyal and towards Tharhack, he gives Tharhack a knowing glance as he passes by him without uttering a word or mouthing a word.

Tharhack reaches Charekyal and places a hand in front of her to offer her a lift up, Charekyal looks up into Tharhack's eyes, Tharhack feels the pull of pity as he can only imagine the betrayal she went through. Charekyal points to a large bone block that has fallen to the ground near the doors, then points to the doors themselves. Tharhack doesn't get her meaning, and doesn't get what Empythacoreaus' problem with this task is. Tharhack retrieves the heavy rock, and carries it over the doorman and rests it against the doors.

Charekyal goes to the lever, and pulls down, forcing the doors to open and splitting the doorman in half as Tharhack is showered in a spray of blood. It is then that Tharhack realizes what he has been asked to do, if the doors never close the doorman never regenerates. Empythacoreaus couldn't bring himself to kill an innocent, Tharhack looks back to see Empythacoreaus standing with his back to the doors, unable to watch. Tharhack turns back to Charekyal, who watches Tharhack intently with pleading eyes. Tharhack understands now that the doorman had been pleading for his death. Tharhack searches for someplace within him that tells him this is alright, someplace that would allow him to not feel guilt over this. Tharhack wanted to help the tortured man, but if a pit fiend couldn't bring itself to kill this man, how could Tharhack do it?

Tharhack pushes the block into place with his foot, and Charekyal releases the lever. The doors close up to the block, and go no further. Charekyal walks away about ten feet, and crumbles to the ground. Empythacoreaus goes to console her, and Tharhack feels a little less regal, a little less mortal. He remembers back to his own mother, a slave to his orc clan, and how she pleaded with him to end her tortured existence. Maybe this was his attempt to make up for not granting her soul peace.

Tharhack's reflection is interrupted by a searing touch to his hand, as Charekyal breaks him out of his memory, and thanks him for doing what no one else could do, yet what needed to be done to give peace to a shattered soul. Tharhack wishes he could say something meaningful, yet nothing comes to mind. Instead he merely keeps his thoughts to himself and accepts Charekyal's gratitude. Tharhack turns and leaves the door behind, and spots two figures dragging something big behind them approaching from the direction of the tower. Tharhack's mood becomes elation as he hails his friends and urges Charekyal and Empythacoreaus to follow him.

Ed Cha

Community Supporter
Hairy Minotaur said:
For most of them I used Jeff Hanson's NameGen which you can get from rpgnow.com? Empythacoreaus however I came up with, and yes I regret it. Having to write that thing out several times gets annoying. ;)

Does it mean anything? Sounds like Roman or something like that.

After a few tense moments between Rebrey and Empythacoreaus, with Rebrey using detect evil on the pit fiend twice, and then Tharhack once just to make sure. Tharhack related his solo adventure in the blaster skull building behind them. Taking great care however to leave out any mention of the doorman, the front doors, or the two diamond prisons that Empythacoreaus found. Rebrey tells Tharhack about Emthur and how he's reforming in front of the tower.

Tharhack sends four cure light wounds into Gothmog, waking him through the pain of broken ribs, arms, and a leg. His greatsword, broken and useless, his stone armor shattered beyond repair.

"What do we do now?" Rebrey asked, looking around at two halfbreeds, two outsiders, and something not right. "I don't know what's worse, a ticked off lich, or a something that can slap around a pit fiend."

"This is where I bid you farewell. I will deal with the headache in the skull, all of you should leave this place soon." Empythacoreaus states, "Please take Charekyal with you, I won't be able to return her to her own plane for quite some time. Perhaps you will come across an individual who may be able to do this soon?"

"I think I should stay with you." Alriand spoke up

Tharhack expected those words from Charekyal, not from Alriand. "Why would you want to stay?" Tharhack asks

"I am sorry my child, as much as I would like to discuss your current state, I fear staying with me will not bring you any closer to any answer you might seek. Perhaps one day, when you have greater questions to ask." Empythacoreaus tells Alriand

"I already feel like I don't belong, I didn't belong before today. Today I know I don't." Alriand answers hanging her head.

"Look!" Gothmog shouts pointing at the skull building

A deep green light emanates from behind the only intact eye socket.

"Looks like the time for parting has arrived. I advise you flee this place." Empythacoreaus states

"Flee where? The tower is at one end, with a waiting lich, and that thing is at the other end. Gothmog can barely sit, and you didn't do so hot against it last time." Rebrey answers

"Tharhack has the means to get you out of here." Empythacoreaus replies, walking towards the fractured building.

"What does that mean?" Rebrey asks

"Nothing, more riddles for me to solve on my own I guess." Tharhack answers, as he watches the pit fiend make his way towards the front doors of the skull.

"Well, I'm not waiting around to see who the winner is going to be. Tharhack, how do we get out of this valley?" Alriand asks

"No, we must help him!" Charekyal pleads

"Help him? Help him do what? Kill that thing? What's given you the impression we're even cable of that?" Rebrey asks

"He is one of a kind, don't you see the implications of this? Can you imagine an efreet dedicated to stamping out injustice and giving compassion out as candy? Maybe Tharhack should show you what other things can be saved?" Charekyal replies

"What's she talking about Tharhack?" Rebrey asks

"Nothing I can discuss with you at this time." Tharhack says as he starts off to follow the pit fiend

"Where are you going?" Rebrey calls to Tharhack

"I'm going to start following my heart." Tharhack answers

"This is insane!" Rebrey yells as Gothmog limps away to follow Tharhack as well, "not you too?"

Charekyal falls in behind Gothmog, as Alriand and Rebrey stare at each other, each hoping the other one will have a better plan.

"What do you want to do?" Alriand asks Rebrey

"Live, they think they're on some righteous crusade to save a being of pure evil. All they are doing is walking to their deaths." Rebrey replied

Alriand got up from her sitting position, dusted herself off, and followed Tharhack, Gothmog, and Charekyal towards the building.

"What? Not you too, when did everyone go stupid? This is suicide!" Rebrey yelled out to Alriand as she walked away. Rebrey stood on the red colored ground and watched Alriand, the last in line, disappear inside the mouth of the skull. He stood there for several more minutes before deciding that he'd rather die amongst friends than alone at the hands of a lich.

Empythacoreaus reaches the face of the building, and flies up to the gaping hole on the left side of it's face. Looking through the opening, he sees the object of his search. Hunched over, with it's back to Empythacoreaus, stands what Empythacoreaus would mistake as a fellow pit fiend from a distance. However this creature stood a whole six feet taller than Empythacoreaus, and it's face that of a bearded weathered human with eyes the color of death.

Empythacoreaus, looking for a place to land, scanned over to see the creature stand up carrying something in it's arms. Empythacoreaus felt a pang of panic as his mind told him what it could be. Empythacoreaus flew up and away as fast as he could, as the beast turned and flung the dead body of the succubus towards the blasted opening where the pit fiend had been moments before. The body carried out through the hole, and landed on the ground in a violent explosion that rocked the gorge, and caused the entire left side of the skull to collapse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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