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The Bible--Wars, Culture, Faith, and Inspiration

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Looking it over with the benefit of hindsight (talk about nostalgia - I wasn't even a moderator then! :)) it was because at no point did anyone enter into a discusion of the pros and cons of why a given religion was valid, invalid, right, wrong, or otherwise naughty, and a very good discussion erupted to which no one ever took insult. This was a thread that skirted the line, and did so successfully to the benefit of everyone who took part in it.

(That reminds me, I oughta get rid of that home account...)


Slumbering in Tsar
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Good question...

But woah, look at this! According to this thread, Henry hasn't been home since April 2002!!

I'll bet all the plants have died...


A suffusion of yellow
DaveMage said:
How is/was this discussion legal?

Because it was a discussion on ideas for roleplaying not a discussion on real world religion. And from what I've read people were mature enough to remeber that

SO what happened to SHARK - he had some great threads when he was around


5ever, or until 2024
The age of this thread explains why no one has mentioned the awe inspiring Testament. The greatest gaming supplement ever sold...

In terms of the Ghita, it is also a "how to", woman (and men) all over America are streching and breathing as instructed by the holy writ (this is a yoga reference).

And in Terra we have religions based on Christianity, Islam, Zorastarianism...

In any case, I am glad to see this thread back, and still open for bussiness


I thought the SHARK had resurfaced as well....

I mainly have used it for Ars Magica, In Nomine inspiration, Nephilim research (Hey, look at that, these things did survive the Flood. If they did, what else did...?), and stuff for CoC and Shadowrun. I just picked up Unknown Armies 2E, so it might see some more use as well. A guy I used to game with had a subscription to Biblical Archeology, so I mined that for some ideas as well. I did have a nice CoC campaign where they dealt with the suppressed books of the Bible.


Community Supporter
I use OT biblical names in my campaigns quite often, there are sites out there that have what's called a greek/hebrew (the original languages of the NT/OT respectively) lexicon. You can find the original language/root words, making for some great names for people, locations etc. I used a lot in my d6 Matrix game.

Glad to see this discussion didn't get nasty, gamers are awesome.


First Post
I've used the Bible in many different ways across campaigns.

(1) Played a paladin that was a monotheist. He believed that all the standard D&D churches worshipped wayward children of the creator.

(2) Turned all the standard D&D churches into one church were Hextor, Pelor, etc. were just archangels/fallen-angels under a monotheism religion.

(3) Determined what the "good" alignment meant for my character roleplaying based on the code of laws from the Bible.

(4) Stole archetypal stories and thematic elements from the Bible.

(5) Stole monster/creature concepts from the Bible.

I'm A Banana

Well, there is Testament, and that does a great job of reaching into a biblical campaign setting. :)

In my Concordance setting, I combine the Bible/Dante/Milton with Torah/Midrash and with Qu'ran/Hadith, and I throw in Vodun/Candomble/other Orisha religions. 'tis a beautiful hodge-podge :)

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