D&D 4E The Book of Five Traditions: A 4e Monk Handbook

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Arcadian Knight
The ratings are about mechanical support. You simply cannot build a Monk Leader without resorting to choices from outside the Monk's ones.

If you want to build a monk who dabbles in Leader, that's then what the three step role handbook is for :)

LOL sure ... i just pictured a healer who channels Chi ie healing surges into allies... perhaps using Paladin elements...err talk about not hybriding well.


LOL sure ... i just pictured a healer who channels Chi ie healing surges into allies... perhaps using Paladin elements...err talk about not hybriding well.

Monk|Cavalier(or Paladin)
Dex 16/Cha 16 & pick either a Dex and/or Cha race.
Spend Hybrid Talent on Paladin Armor proficiency and either wear Hide+Shield or Plate+Shield.



Arcadian Knight
Monk|Cavalier(or Paladin)
Dex 16/Cha 16 & pick either a Dex and/or Cha race.
Spend Hybrid Talent on Paladin Armor proficiency and either wear Hide+Shield or Plate+Shield.


Yeh just feeling like the monkish flavor gets lost in there...


Yeh just feeling like the monkish flavor gets lost in there...

Or go Unarmored Agilty+Monk Hybrid Armor+Rapier of Shielding for base AC of 19 with an 18 Dex and cloth armor.

Honestly, I'd go Monk|Sentinel. Carry a Quarterstaff in one hand. Throw magic stones instead of shuriken. Have a pet Zephyr. Be an Elf for Dex/Wis. Have some healing. Spend hybrid talent on Hide+Light Shield or take Unarmored Agility for typically 18 AC with concealment.


Arcadian Knight
Honestly, I'd go Monk|Sentinel. Carry a Quarterstaff in one hand. Throw magic stones instead of shuriken. Have a pet Zephyr. Be an Elf for Dex/Wis. Have some healing. Spend hybrid talent on Hide+Light Shield or take Unarmored Agility for typically 18 AC with concealment.

yeh that could well be a bingo.... the staff is classic pure healer flavor, and kudos for magic stones as shuriken.


yeh that could well be a bingo.... the staff is classic pure healer flavor, and kudos for magic stones as shuriken.

Works in a couple really good ways too:
Monk being centered breath is about air. Zephyr is literally air coming alive.
Monk can use the staff as an implement for Monk powers, so all the monk powers can be easily flavored as smacking people upside the head with a staff ala stick fighting.

Note what I'm saying here - you want flavor from hybrids, you need to ask the right question and then you can often get it exactly and in ways that feel really awesome. You want the mechanics of class X+class Y to work, that's usually not a problem.


First Post
Testing in the old character builder, it appears to me that Dwarven Weapon Training lets you get your +2 to damage when using a hammer as an Implement, but Thri-Kreen Weapon Mastery does not give you +2/+3/+4 to damage when using a Gythka as an implement. I am too tired to rules-wrangle, can somebody tell me if this is a bug in my builder or if there is an important difference between the feats?


Should work. You've equipped properly, started fresh with a new character? I've got bad wifi right now, so hard to check.


First Post
Found the error.

Compare Thri-Kreen Weapon Mastery with Valenar Weapon Training.

First the rules text, then the XML implementation (just so you can see they should be identical, but are not:

Valenar Weapon Training
Tier: Heroic
Prerequisites: Elf

You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with scimitars, double scimitars, and falchions. The bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.

Thri-Kreen Weapon Master
The sacred weapons of the thri-kreen are like deadly extensions of your body.
Prerequisites: Thri-Kreen

You gain proficiency with the gythka and the chatkcha. Additionally, you gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with these weapons. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.

The wording in the short descriptions:
Gain proficiency, +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with scimitars, double scimitars, and falchions
Proficiency and +2/+3/+4 bonus to damage with gythka and chatkcha.

Logically identical wording.

Now the code:

    <RulesElement name="Valenar Weapon Training" type="Feat" internal-id="ID_FMP_FEAT_2794" source="Dragon Magazine 385" revision-date="8/27/2010 12:20:38 PM">
        <Prereqs> Elf </Prereqs>
        <print-prereqs> Elf </print-prereqs>
        <specific name="Tier"> Heroic </specific>
        <specific name="Short Description"> Gain proficiency, +2/+3/+4 (by tier) to damage with scimitars, double scimitars, and falchions </specific>
        <specific name="Special" />
        <specific name="type" />
        <specific name="Associated Power Info" />
        <specific name="Associated Powers" />
            <grant name="ID_INTERNAL_PROFICIENCY_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_(SCIMITAR)" type="Proficiency" />
            <grant name="ID_INTERNAL_PROFICIENCY_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_(DOUBLE_SCIMITAR)" type="Proficiency" />
            <grant name="ID_INTERNAL_PROFICIENCY_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_(FALCHION)" type="Proficiency" />
            <statadd name="Valenar Weapon Training" value="+2" />
            <statadd name="Scimitar:damage" value="+Valenar Weapon Training" type="Feat" />
            <statadd name="Double Scimitar:damage" value="+Valenar Weapon Training" type="Feat" />
            <statadd name="Falchion:damage" value="+Valenar Weapon Training" type="Feat" />
            <statadd name="Valenar Weapon Training" value="+1" requires="Paragon Tier" />
            <statadd name="Valenar Weapon Training" value="+1" requires="Epic Tier" />
You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with scimitars, double scimitars, and falchions. The bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.
    <RulesElement name="Thri-Kreen Weapon Master" type="Feat" internal-id="ID_FMP_FEAT_3768" source="Dragon Magazine 411">
        <Prereqs> Thri-kreen race </Prereqs>
        <print-prereqs> Thri-kreen </print-prereqs>
        <Flavor> The sacred weapons of the thri-kreen are like deadly extensions of your body. </Flavor>
        <specific name="Tier" />
        <specific name="Short Description"> Proficiency and +2/+3/+4 bonus to damage with gythka and chatkcha. </specific>
        <specific name="Special" />
        <specific name="type" />
        <specific name="Associated Power Info" />
        <specific name="Associated Powers" />
            <grant name="ID_INTERNAL_PROFICIENCY_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_(GYTHKA)" type="Proficiency" />
            <grant name="ID_INTERNAL_PROFICIENCY_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_(CHATKCHA)" type="Proficiency" />
            <statadd name="Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Gythka)" value="+2" />
            <statadd name="Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Gythka)" value="+1" requires="Paragon Tier" />
            <statadd name="Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Gythka)" value="+1" requires="Epic Tier" />
            <statadd name="Gythka,weapon:damage" value="+Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Gythka)" type="Feat" />
            <statadd name="Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Chatkcha)" value="+2" />
            <statadd name="Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Chatkcha)" value="+1" requires="Paragon Tier" />
            <statadd name="Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Chatkcha)" value="+1" requires="Epic Tier" />
            <statadd name="Gythka,weapon:damage" value="+Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Chatkcha)" type="Feat" />
    You gain proficiency with the gythka and the chatkcha.  Additionally, you gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with these weapons.  This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.

Not quite identical! In particular, notice:

<statadd name="Scimitar:damage" value="+Valenar Weapon Training" type="Feat" />
<statadd name="Gythka,weapon:damage" value="+Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Gythka)" type="Feat" />
<statadd name="Gythka,weapon:damage" value="+Thri-kreen Weapon Master (Chatkcha)" type="Feat" />

The scimitar is how it's supposed to be.

The first line, for Gythka, accidentally only adds to weapon damage.

The second line, for Chatkcha, accidentally adds to Gythka damage! And also only to weapon damage.

Now that's something easily fixed for me because I can just fix my local .part file, but do you know if there's somewhere I can report the bug to?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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