Racial languages are weird and should be dropped.
Knowing a language should mean you know about the culture too.
So knowing the language (northern barbarian) would mean that you also effectively have the skill history & culture (northern barbarian) too.
Same for planar languages etc... You want to interpret an elementals behaviour? If you can speak primordial odds are you can.
FR did do regional languages, that could be considered as local culture.
But, I would not drop racial languages.
In a game where we have gods and clerics it's very easy to explain why whole race can speak the same language,
1. All clerics are mandated to know it, and by it, if you need any service of them, you will speak to them in that language.
Similar how church used Latin for centuries despite the local languages being different around Europe and the rest of the world.
2. "Gods did it". Divine intervention or genetic memory, you just know your racial language as you know how to breathe.
If you can teleport, or breathe fire or create darkness, you can know a language innately.
3. Traditions, as with clerics, we could say that specific racial language is only "official" language for state business.
All laws, decrees, royal charts and what not is only done in that language.
Sure, there can be translation for "common tongue" with that in pair, but racial language is mandatory.