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The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep d20


Adventure #20: The Night Platform of Colonel Endicott

Part 1: Mrs. Natalie to the Rescue

[GM Note: During this crossover adventure, Jake (playing Lucifer Lardlover) had to leave our campaign, and was replaced by Bridgett (playing Father Salvatore). Both were here for this session].

The fire vampires have severely damaged the Hampton House Hotel, but flinging himself from the room, naked Chad Slambody rescues their case of dynamite and hides it in an alleyway. After all, this is the most important part of their inventory. Concentrated efforts by the locals prevent the fire from destroying everything, and the vampires do not make their presence known, disappearing among formless smoke and flames.

The investigators lose some of their possessions, but for the most part are very lucky. [Making appropriate Luck rolls]. One trunk is burned to a crisp, but it held minor items of interest and a few clips of pistol ammunition that spurt off live rounds.

However, Reggie Baines, the manager of Hampton House, is furious.

“What the hell did you blokes do up there? I heard about you boys coming off the train from ‘Basa. Burned the train down too, did ya? Well SCREW you pyros!”

The investigators deny any such arsonist habits [thanking the elder gods that that their true pyromaniac hobbies are a secret], but neither Reggie nor the local law enforcer, Captain Montgomery, who is active on the scene, possesses adequate proof. The claims are purely circumstantial.

The damage seems to indicate that the fires started in their rooms and Reggie Baines repeats to Captain Montgomery that the PC’s were also on the train that burned up (if only he knew they were also in a Mombasan warehouse that exploded!). There is no solid proof, but Captain Montgomery coolly advises the investigators that if they cause any more trouble, he'll kick them out of the city. His expression is stern, and they do not doubt the threat.


New characters, same players, pushing the legal limits in a foreign country yet again.

But someone else has been ousted from his room at the ravaged hotel: Father Salvatore, [Bridgett’s character] a Roman Catholic priest also staying at the Hampton House, and someone already well-versed in a crusade against…


Salvatore knows that malignancy thrives in the world of man, and he has devoted his life to stamping it out with Faith; and if that fails, Bullets.


Salvatore begins speaking with Chang Chin, who is also a man of the cloth [and a gangster, and (sigh) a martial arts teacher, and newly, a crusader against incomprehensible bad-stuff]. Their common circumstances (being ousted from their hotel, and a similar outlook on faith and religion) easily gets them talking. Furthermore, Father Salvatore can see in Chang’s eyes that this man has known his share of pain, perhaps more than he wants to discuss.

[GM Note: If Dave had actually been here this session, Chang wouldn’t have roleplayed anything at all].

They have not been on the street for long when Lester Cobblebottom's romantic acquaintance, Natalie Smyth-Forbes, rushes up to him. She flings pudgy arms around his neck and squeezes.

“Oh, Lester! I was so worried!”

Cobblebottom turns red, trying to disentangle himself from her groping embrace. Natalie sees that they are in trouble, so she kindly invites Lester and his friends to stay at her home. Cobblebottom and Lucifer are both very injured from the vampires and need several days to regain their strength. This postpones their meeting with Colonel Endicott until April 8th.

[GM Note: About the only way to heal in this campaign is 1 hp/level/day of full rest].

They make their trip to Natalie’s home as inconspicuous as possible. Someone has obviously been watching them, and the last thing they want is her house burning down too. Her late husband left Natalie financially stable, and her home is large for a single woman. There are several spare rooms and couches for guests, but Lester Cobblebottom, the 45-year virgin, is not invited to her bedroom.

“Too soon, Lester,” she says, patting his cheek. “But we have all the time in the world, my dear, don’t we?”

Lester smiles uneasily, not too sure about that.


They feel relatively safe here for a few days, but still wonder who or what has been summoning the fire vampires. In the meantime, Father Salvatore and the others talk in more depth, and a deep bond of trust forms between them. Salvatore is pleased to find that he not the only one who knows about agents of the Mythos, although his experience has mostly concerned demonic possession, including many failed exorcisms.

Salvatore agrees to join their group and their global fight against chaos.

In the meantime, there are still many, many people to talk to in Nairobi,

[GM Note: I dropped multiple names and plot hooks from the campaign book and blurbs about each, such as Nails Nelson, Johnstone Kenyatta, and Dr. Horace, but these characters were somehow all completely ignored]

but the party decides to follow up the mysterious deaths at the hunting lodge of Colonel Endicott instead. It just sounds…interesting. There are rumors of a man running around naked in the woods (which perks Chad's interest greatly) and the party, with their occult knowledge (particularly Chang in this case) thinks that it might be a were-creature, like the one he slew in England at Castle Plum. So, naturally, they steal some antique silverware from Natalie, wondering if they have the skill or tools to craft silver bullets.


No, they don’t.

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Adventure #20: The Night Platform of Colonel Endicott

Part 2: Night Prowlers

The next morning, Colonel Endicottt picks them up in his truck and drives them to the mountain lodge. He is a boisterous, pugnacious man full of himself and his accomplishments, and they quickly tire of listening to him. He downplays the fact that five people have been mauled to death on his estate in the past three months, and says that they were probably fools running around in the bush without weapons. There can be some big cats and jackals out there, and Natalie thinks it is a rogue tiger (She also told Lester that HE was a tiger, turning him so red that he nearly suffocated).


The game lodge is large and swanky, but the investigators are the only occupants besides the Colonel and his servant Silent Joe, a Kenyan who never speaks. But he does roll his eyes as they unload trunks full of shotguns, ammo clips, pistols, dynamite, and bandoleers. They obviously don’t understand the meaning of “overkill.”


The party rests that night after poking around a bit, and after breakfast the next morning they head off into the woods. However, they do not leave until after they have stolen some of the Colonel's finest silverware and chopped it up in the machine shop. The idea is to stuff it down a shotgun barrel and KA-BLOOEY Mr. Werewolf. Or, just stab it to death with kitchen utensils. Unknown to them, Silent Joe secretly observes their theft…

The day progresses slowly, although Chad does manage to bring down a deer-like animal. They bring the corpse with them as a trophy to show Colonel Endicott, but the only strange thing they find are small children's footprints in the sand by the river. Suspicious, but not unreasonable. Natives claim this land as their territory.


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The platform is roughly a mile from the lodge. It is near the river, raised up on stilts twenty feet high. A ladder is the only way up. There are three rooms, with some basic supplies, some extra rifles and ammunition and a fifth of good liquor. The group leaves the dead deer at the bottom as bait, and spends the evening talking quietly, until the sun goes down, when they all grow uneasy. The forest is quiet.

Almost too quiet.

jungle 3.jpg

By midnight, everyone but Father Salvatore has drifted into half-slumber, when he hears a scratching sound at the bottom of the platform. Picking up a lantern, he steps to the edge of the exterior railing.


The ladder has already been removed for safety purposes, but leaning over, he sees a child-like form clambering up the support strut like a monkey! He shouts a warning to the others and unloads his weapon, blasting the thing in the head. With pale white skin and red feral eyes, he had no idea what it was. Almost human, but not quite. Regardless, it is dead now, its little limbs askew at the bottom of the platform, its head a mangled mass of bloody bone and brain.

And then the shrieking begins.

Father Salvatore’s heart leaps into his throat. The woods are filled with these things suddenly surging all around the platform, and everyone lurches up as creatures come screaming out of the dark, climbing the wooden legs from all four sides. They move with incredible speed and agility and are able to reach the top within seconds.

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What ensues next is a long, tense battle for their lives. [GM Note: This took over 2 hours of game time] The investigators are vastly outnumbered, but armed to the teeth, and they start shooting at the things as they climb up. There are too many though, and many reach the platform and rip into anyone they can find, biting, clawing, shredding and grappling. Blood splatters everywhere, both human and inhuman, among a tangled mesh of arms, legs and screams.

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And then the large ones start scaling up, as tall as men with slick white or pink skin and hoofed feet. Shotguns only hold four shells, and there aren’t enough guns floating around to keep firing continuously. Ammo must be desperately reloaded, guns are flung back and forth to allies as they aim and fire, Ma’Moud screaming the whole time as claws push inside from the open windows. The boy is dragged out by his hair and nearly slaughtered, but Father Salvatore drags him back inside, leaving tufts of his hair in the thing’s grip. Chad slams the butt of his rifle across a creature and spins it off the perch, but stumbles himself when a large monster suddenly latches to his back, its mouth stretching open to rend a hole through his neck. Lester blasts it away at the last moment, saving his life. Two white monkeys leap to Salvatore’s shoulders and starts gnawing. The clergyman rams the rifle butt down the throat of one, followed by a load of buckshot to the face. Monsters continue clambering up as some of the investigators stumble precariously at the edge, saved from falling to doom only by the wooden railing, although there are several tense moments where that nearly happens.

And just when don’t think they can survive another moment of combat, just when they think the surge will never end, the creatures subside, slinking back into the darkness of the jungle.

“What the hell ARE those things?” gasps Chad.

Lucifer suspects that they are ghouls, abominations created from human stock and warped into feral marauders. Breathing heavily, they count their ammunition. It is low, but not out yet. They debate running for the hunting lodge, but fear that the risk is too great. On the ground, without benefit of height or cover, another wave of ghouls could easily overpower them, and the tall ones are hideously strong.

But not even an hour has passed before the wails begin again, an eerie cacophony that sweeps through the jungle, and a second wave rushes them, this time attacking the support struts first!


The hunting platform sways under the assault, and everyone grabs for something, but the tower does not collapse. Yet. Teeth and claws tear into the wood, destroying it in chunks, like sharks rending at a boat. The investigators are terrified by this point. Soon enough the tower will crumble into the horde and they’ll be devoured, never to be seen again. Desperation inspires the use of dynamite, and by carefully measuring the wicks (and praying for no bounce-back rolls), explosives are tossed down at clumps of monsters not too close to the platform. Half a dozen are killed at a time, and soon the woods are awash in flame, but the horrible things still keep coming.

The final attack comes from a ghoul leader (Cthulhu ghouls are very different than D&D ghouls) who casts three blindness spells at the investigators atop the platform. They see the monster briefly hiding in the gloom, digging its claws into a mangled human skull and pointing up at them. It hides and maneuvers to a new location, repeating its tactics several times.

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Lardlover feels it first, a pressure behind his eyeballs and his vision dims, but he is able to resist the dark magic. Hans and Lester are likewise targeted, but fortune is with them, and none are permanently blinded. Hissing in anger, the ghoul retreats.

And finally, several hours after the initial assault, the sun rises over the forest.


Smoke billows everywhere, mixed with the stink of charred flesh and smoldering vegetation. The investigators warily climb down and sift through fifty dead ghouls littering the ground. It is a bloodbath. They themselves are drenched in the red stuff, some of it their own, most of it back-splatter from demolishing monsters at point blank range with a 12-gauge gun.

They want to get the hell out of here as soon as possible, before something worse than ghouls rears its ugly head. But before they leave they take time to cobble together a makeshift sling to carry some of the corpses back to the hunting lodge, and to casually ask Colonel Endicott,

"Sir…exactly what kind of bears are these?"


First Post
Ok...I resisted adding this but I just can't. At one point, we asked Colonel Endicottt what kinds of animals we were likely to encounter. The DM (Nebulous) started by saying things like lions, giraffes, etc...and then threw in elk. "Elk?" we said. "Yeah, you know, elk," he said. We still make fun of the legendary (and very, very hard to find) 'african elk'.


First Post
GodPhoenix said:
Ok...I resisted adding this but I just can't. At one point, we asked Colonel Endicottt what kinds of animals we were likely to encounter. The DM (Nebulous) started by saying things like lions, giraffes, etc...and then threw in elk. "Elk?" we said. "Yeah, you know, elk," he said. We still make fun of the legendary (and very, very hard to find) 'african elk'.

Doesn't this have precedent in Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan books? Apparently he wasn't as knowledgeable about african fauna as he was about loinclothes, and Tarzan apparently killed a moose in the jungle.. :p

Thanks for the update anyway, great stuff :lol:


Numion said:
Doesn't this have precedent in Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan books? Apparently he wasn't as knowledgeable about african fauna as he was about loinclothes, and Tarzan apparently killed a moose in the jungle.. :p

Thanks for the update anyway, great stuff :lol:

Ha! If i had said "moose" then these guys probably would have laughed so much we would have had to end the session. No, i never heard that about Burrough's though, that's hilarious. I'm confident that at least i had the right "family"of deer, give or take a few stripes and horns.


First Post
Nebulous said:
Ha! If i had said "moose" then these guys probably would have laughed so much we would have had to end the session.

I agree. If you had said moose it would have been game-over for the day. We would have been forced to switch to Arkham Horror just to regain our composure. (although we probably would have tried to get you devoured)

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