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Naked and living in a barrel
The two events should only get similar responses if the events themselves were equivalent.
Indeed, they are not. Right wing extremists have been a problem for far longer and have committed far more acts of terrorism. They also have been far more deadly than Islamists since 9/11. Considering 9/11 a fluke or a stroke of luck for Islamists, right wing radicals are a far greater problem for the US as they actually have local support to a certain extent.

There isn't an exact threshold. There probably shouldn't be one. Whether someone goes to war should be a judgement call, not a legalism. You'll just have to deal with that.
And obviously judgement is flawed in these cases, as right wing extremists have been doing fine since 9/11.

That is an analysis of it as a historical event. It has turned out to have been a singular event. But you cannot apply hindsight analysis to choices made at the time. We did not know it would be a fluke 14 years ago, so our decisions process was not based on that assessment.
Indeed. There were lots of emotions stirred by the media and politicians.

In the time after 9/11, 48 people have been killed by domestic right-wing extremists, and 26 by people claiming to be jihadists - or at least so the New York Times said in June. This is an argument, that, at this point, further "war on terror" is putting our efforts in the wrong place.

It is *not* an argument that our response to 9/11 and our response to Oklahoma should have been the same. Or that either of those responses should be similar to responses to smaller attacks since.
Between Oklahoma and 9/11 there were other terror acts committed by right wing extremists. The ones at the Olympics pop up. It would seem right wing extremism is a bigger problem with deeper roots that is mostly ignored or trivialized.

And, I am sure a large number of people would argue that the jihadist number is so low *because* of the war on terror . I am not in a position to know the truth of that.
Was it high before the "war on terror"? Compared to right wing extremism?

But Oklahoma, your poster-child for "you should have a war on right-wing terror" was done by two people and one more deemed an accomplice. All were tried and convicted. For that event, no further needed to be done. After 9/11, there was no reason to think, "Well, the guys who were on the planes are all dead, so there is no further threat." The group responsible still existed, and was making further threats. None of the threats materialized, but we didn't know at the time they wouldn't.
The ideology responsable for right wing extremism is still alive and well in the US. Now it doesn't mean a war on thought is the way to deal with it, but these groups often violate real laws. Take the Bundy Ranch. Federal officers were prevented from enforcing the law by armed people! They were mostly given a pass. Authorities are complacent with this ideology and the groups it fosters.

Your error is in thinking that the war on terror has anything to do with terror attacks since 9/11. Those attacks, even in aggregate, do not register in impact (either materially, or on the nation's psyche) compared to 9/11 itself.
I know. I've said it is the case because 9/11 was a bigger spectacle.

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Naked and living in a barrel
They are less specatacular on TV, yes.

But they are just... less.
Except in numbers of acts. In mediatic coverage. In political outcry. And your twice as likely to die from it according to the NYT article you mentioned.


Naked and living in a barrel
So it's outrageous if the Canadians don't follow the rule of law as you see it on LFN terrorists, and it's outrageous if the US doesn't go after innocent citizens not connected to Timothy McVeigh?
No. I'm saying there isn't a lot of coherrence when it comes to action and threat.

Maybe the fact you didn't see a huge war on rightwing terrorism after the Oklahoma City bombing might have something to do with the fact that the Oklahoma City bombing was a response to Ruby Ridge and the Waco Siege, where a number of right-wing people who's connection to serious crime was yet lacking died in conflicts with federal forces.
So, capitulation is the solution? Why do you not advocate that the Canadian government should have given to independentists what they wanted to quell civil unrest?

As an aside; Oklahoma is a state. I'd rather you didn't boil it down to one event that happened in that state. Depending on what you're counting as terrorism, the Tulsa Race Riots possibly killed more and definitely had a more major impact.
You're counting that as terrorism?

Citation for "But between their creation in 1988 and now, al-Qaeda is averaging over 100 deaths in the US a year"? They killed over 3000 on 9/11 plus a few hundred elsewhen and then we divide that by 30 years.
Yeah, spreading the deaths of one event over 30 years isn't representative of their efforts.

So? Hiroshima was blown up with one bomb.
I like that comparaison. Both are mass acts of murder to instil fear in a population.

That's debatable. Let's take https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_...iolent_events_by_death_toll#Terrorist_attacks ; the worst act of terrorism associated with the American militia group is the Oklahoma City bombings at #28. Above them are 20 attacks Wikipedia offers "Jihadism" as a cause, five for various separatist movements, one for Sikh extremism and one unknown. The 1983 Beirut barracks bombing targeted and killed 309 Americans; the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988 killed 243, including 189 Americans, on an American airliner; the 1998 United States embassy bombings were directed against American soil and killed 224, mostly locals on Kenyan soil. Every one of these events directed against the US killed more people then the Oklahoma City bombings, and all but the last more Americans. And if 9/11 is a fluke, so is the Oklahoma City bombing, and then you have a lot of events that sum up to a fraction of the deaths of these events.
Wow, ok, your moving the goal post from the US and to the world. Amusing. I wonder why there wasn't a war on Sikh terror...

"They". Who is "they"? Some people oppose big government.
Except when "big government" takes away Québécois rights away. That is totally justifiable.


Naked and living in a barrel
That would be where discussion breaks down. You've made a claim that a certain death is accidental.
It isn't my claim. It is what happened. At least what the guilty parties told their lawyer when they didn't think the government was illegally recording them. If you wanna say they killed him in cold blood, if you believe them, that wouldn't be accurate, now would it?

You talk about radical right-wing groups without the same generosity;
Because, I'm actually not trying to defend or accuse ring-wing groups of anything. I'm using them in a comparaison. To establish that it was 9/11's mediatic impact and political manipulation, not the dangerousity of Islamist radicals, that is reponsable for the response to 9/11 and the lack of trillions spend on the war on radical right wing groups.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I know. I've said it is the case because 9/11 was a bigger spectacle.

I agree that it was a bigger spectacle. But it was *MORE THAN JUST A LARGER SPECTACLE*. The media presence was a thing, yes, but that was not the only qualitative difference between the events. Until you accept that, you will not be able to really understand the reaction to it, and your analysis of it and related things will be fundamentally flawed.


It isn't my claim. It is what happened. At least what the guilty parties told their lawyer when they didn't think the government was illegally recording them. If you wanna say they killed him in cold blood, if you believe them, that wouldn't be accurate, now would it?

What I want to say is that they murdered him. Because when you're using threats of violence, and people stop obeying you and you use actual violence, and they end up dead, that's what it is. Yes, people engage in self-rationalization, but that doesn't change the facts.

If you said, yes, when the mugger shot the guy for his wallet, and the guy ended up dead, that that was accidental, then okay. If you had amended it to make the victim fight the mugger who wasn't planning to use violence, then okay. There is a definition, not generally used in this context, where this could be called an accident. When you use it here and refuse to use it on other dealers in violence, you're equivocating.

Indeed, they are not. Right wing extremists have been a problem for far longer and have committed far more acts of terrorism. They also have been far more deadly than Islamists since 9/11. Considering 9/11 a fluke or a stroke of luck for Islamists, right wing radicals are a far greater problem for the US as they actually have local support to a certain extent.

You can live your life assuming the successes of certain people were just flukes or strokes of luck, but 9/11 was an operation that took more than a dozen people and more than a year of planning that successfully hijacked not one, not two, not three, but four airplanes, only one of which was stopped from reaching its target.

To establish that it was 9/11's mediatic impact and political manipulation, not the dangerousity of Islamist radicals, that is reponsable for the response to 9/11 and the lack of trillions spend on the war on radical right wing groups.

No. I'm saying there isn't a lot of coherrence when it comes to action and threat.

I'm not sure what you mean by coherrence here. But if you looking to see if the action was in response to the threat, you don't get to judge the threat. The question is how did the person taking the action judge the threat. They're the ones who get to judge whether or not 9/11 was a fluke or something that is going to be repeated or not. They're ones who get to choose whether the murder of Americans on an American plane scheduled to land in the US in a few hours counts. If they reacted to their analysis of the threat, then they reacted to the threat.

Secondly, yes, there's confounding factors. It's a lot easier to go after a clearly defined enemy abroad supported by foreign nations then it is to go after an ill-defined group of Americans. You get all civil-libertarian about the LFN, but don't seem to care about the civil rights of the radical right-wing. Yes, the Bundy's should have been arrested, but stuff like that had not turned out well in the past. 86 people died in the Waco siege. Since 9/11, 48 people have been killed by right-wing extremists. Repeating the first in an attempt to reduce the second seems morally questionable.

Thirdly... 0.1% of American deaths in 2001 were due to 9/11. One in a thousand. In the years since, one in a million, maybe one in a hundred thousand some years, died due to right-wing extremists. An average of 4 deaths a year, that's as many as arthropod-borne viral encephalitis killed in 2013, and less then the 10 killed by malaria or the 40 killed by salmonella or 11 killed by falling with murderous causes. (All numbers from the CDC.) Any response beyond the normal FBI response might arguably be excessive. If 9/11 was irrelevant, maybe we ought to be putting up signs "Watch out for people who might throw you off a balcony" instead of "Watch out for unattended bags."

Wow, ok, your moving the goal post from the US and to the world. Amusing. I wonder why there wasn't a war on Sikh terror...

I'm moving the goal posts to include acts done against Americans, one of which was done at least in part on American soil (the bomb in the Kenya explosion may or may not have been on US soil, but the embassy it was directed against was, and the other bomb was on US soil). Yes, an Indian airplane flying from Canada to India that was blown up in an attack on Indians doesn't factor much in American calculations, whereas an American airplane flying from the UK to the US that was blown up in an attack on Americans probably does.


Dannyalcatraz said:
If Bullgrit ever returns to this thread, he will be confused as hell...
So long as the continuing discussion is full of facts and insight, it's ok to wander to and fro a bit :)




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