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The Continued Misadventures of the Starwars Iconic Characters...


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"Thanks Arani. TD, how are you feeling?" Rorworr inquires of his droid.

"Fly low, eh?" Rorworr grins at Set. He calls over his shoulder to the everyone in the back. "I meant what I said about holding on to something!"

With that he pushes the van into gear and sends it scooting across the forest canopy towards Set's destination.

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Valara Saar

First Post
"What did Roworr just say I can't speak Wooooooookkkkieeee," she yelps as the van pitched forwad. She hits her face on the back of the pilot's seat. Pushing off of it she eyes Sia-Lan

"He didn't say hold on by, any chance did he?" she asks rubbing her forhead.

That had to have been on purpouse. Mental note, let the wookie win the arguements. Its not worth the pain.
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Sia-Lan Wezz

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Gently helping Valara back upright, Sia-Lan looks around at the bloodied, battered and exhausted lot of her companions. She feels a wave of fatigue pass over her and closes her eyes in either meditation or sleep.

Arani Korden

First Post
Valara Saar said:
"He didn't say hold on by, any chance did he?" she asks rubbing her forhead.

"Probably. Holding on is a good rule of thumb in this type of situation, anyway.

Once I finish with this droid, he should be able to translate everything Rory says for the benefit of those of us who don't speak Shyriwook."

Arani peers at the droid.

"Of course, the last time something like this happened to MT, it took us a week to convince him he wasn't a superintelligent war machine from a grim future dominated by droids."

Repair skill is +5, by the way.
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Jack Haggerty

First Post
Rorworr races the air-van along the tops of the trees as fast as he can push the engine... Which is none too fast before the engine protests with an unhealthy rattling. Fortunately, the problem seems to go away by reducing the van's speed to a more reasonable pace.

With the afternoon sun behind you, the pair of vehicles leaving the cliff are easy to follow by the glints off their metallic bodies. Both Set and the Wookiee can trace thier paths as they head to the line of the river, before turning to follow it down the valley toward the Burn's crash site.

Emtee blindly bounces and bobbles about before Arani can get her hands on the small droid. "Hey! Who is that? Let me go, you ham-fisted lunkhead!" the droid cries out. Flipping back an access panel, Arani spots the burnt out fuse that's blocking the input from the droid's optical sensors, and replaces it with a spare from Kelko's tool kit.

"Oh, Hello!" the droid calms down immediately, "I had been wondering where you had gotten yourselves to..."
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Arani Korden

First Post
Jack Haggerty said:
"Oh, Hello!" the droid calms down immediately, "I had been wondering where you had gotten yourselves to..."

"You're welcome. And we've been hiking through the jungle, wrestling giant river snakes, and fighting people who may have been pirates, but claimed that they were just some sort of scavengers. But whoever they were, they were bad because they said they were going to kiill all of us and they shot at Set first and he was actually being sort of brave and heroic and trying to 'negotiate' with them at the time which is a pity because just between you and me Set isn't the most diplomatic of people but even so that's no reason to shoot him."

Arani swivels the droid around to show him the rest of the van's occupants.

"Anyway, the sleeping person over there that you don't know is Valara. And the other . . . . the other creature is Zeev. I don't know if he's sapient, or some sort of pet. I don't know if he's a he for that matter. After that incident at the last school dance I've learned not to make assumptions about that sort of thing."

She lets the droid go.

"Hey Rory, Set. Have you guys found a safeish place for us to hide out until dark? I hate to say it, but if we find a place, we may need to split up. Kel doesn't seem ready to join in on any commando raids, and someone really ought to stay with him."
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Set Harth

First Post
"I'm Looking, cool your thrusters!" Barks Set.
He splits his gaze between the Pirate's speeders and the ground below. Search and Spot +0

Jack Haggerty

First Post
Looking over the tree-tops, there doesn't seem to be any natural clearings within sight... Only those created by escape pod's landing, the crashing Burn and the cliffside landing field. However, if he's careful about it, Rorworr thinks he might be able to sqeeze through the canopy branches into a secluded spot between the tree-trunks.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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