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The Continuing Adventures of the Knights of the Silver Quill

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as far as the card game thing, in my opinion, out of the number of cards to be drawn, we are just lucky that anyone got any positive cards at all and that no one suffered or died. so can we move on now, cause a lot of interesting things happened that game session. it was a lot of fun and very challenging to try and mix all the things that have happenend with all the new characters and forget things that we aren't supposed to know! ;)

btw, kyla is not a new player nor merely a cohort, just a new character for me since hannah died. ziona thought it would be interesting if we played sisters and i agreed.

i would have piped up sooner but i had trouble getting to the new boards! it's great to see so many people enjoy the story. although all this praise is certain to go to doc's head. his ego is already so inflated ;) (only kidding!!)
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mmm... Knights of the Silver Quill... soooo good. But we want updates!!! Now!!! everyone is saying how good, or cool, the sesion was. But it isnt posted yet!! so hurry up... everyone is so impatient... Pllz... so desperate for updates...

Dr Midnight

Sorry Grim, the story's complete for this week. No new stuff until late Thursday night at the earliest.

Here's a teaser, though-

two more levels of the tower to ascend, if they want to (meaning YOU DON'T HAVE TO (meaning YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IF YOU DO(meaning RUN))), and then it's off to the final encounter. Of course, this "final encounter" will still take a month or so, but still... things are wrapping up.

So many loose ends. Hedrack? Glaring Sun? Eye of Heironeous? Chatrilon & Maridosen? Can they all tie together by the end?


Just what in the name of the Dark One awaits the Knights at the end of the module?


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MasterOfHeaven said:

Oh, by the way Ziona, is Kyla a cohort for Katya, or is that a new player?

Kyla is a pc played by Jill, who was previously playing Hannah.

The two are sisters, (which we thought would make for interesting roleplaying), and, as you may have noticed, don't get along all too well. Although Kyla is only 2 years older, they are worlds apart. Kyla is the serious, holy, cleric of Pelor, and Kat is the adventure-loving, treasure-hunting, arcane trickster. Their parents are super proud that Kyla has been so blessed by Pelor, and although Kat inherited her father's sorcery, they kind of hoped she would be a bit more on the straight & narrow, and not so shady.

At any rate, hope you enjoy our interaction. I know we're just getting started with our new characters, but I think it's going to be quite interesting! :D
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Actually, (and I hope you don't take this the wrong way) I'm looking forward to more PC deaths in the near future. Let's see them bashed, smashed, scorched, roasted, zapped and cut into pieces, I say. ;) As long as Dartan survives, it's all good.


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LOL... its ok... I can survive with the lack of Dr. M. I hope... I really hope... (J/K)

Even though I probably already have, I would like to express my thanks at how increadibly cool, moving, and fun this story hour is. I'm aspiring to make mine just as terrific, but its slow going.
Could you maybe explain how you started writing the Story, and how you actually write it?
Do you keep notes?
or just use whatever you remember of the sesion? or what?



Grim's Story Hour: The Adventurers of the Green Dragon


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MasterOfHeaven said:
Actually, (and I hope you don't take this the wrong way) I'm looking forward to more PC deaths in the near future. Let's see them bashed, smashed, scorched, roasted, zapped and cut into pieces, I say. ;) As long as Dartan survives, it's all good.
Hey! I like this group very much, thank you! I miss all the old characters that died, and I hope no more of them do. Coincidentally though, I have to say that Dartan is my least favorite character. I just don't like his style, he's too much of a bastage. He's growing on me though.

Regardless, here's to a very long life for the entire party, AND to resurrections to all the previous ones! This is achievable!


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Metus said:

Regardless, here's to a very long life for the entire party, AND to resurrections to all the previous ones! This is achievable!

Here Here! And here's to Dr. Midnight's gift for storytelling. And to all the players who put up with him. And here's to all the readers who keep this thread, and all the previous ones, alive. Good Job everyone!

Dr Midnight

Could you maybe explain how you started writing the Story, and how you actually write it? Do you keep notes? or just use whatever you remember of the sesion? or what?

How I started writing the story... well, I'm not sure what you mean, but I was inspired to years ago when I played in another DM's run. I found out that he typed up the story and put it online. After playing, in a day or two, you could go and read your own exploits. I found that to be a lot of fun. A couple of years later I did that with my own campaign. It was called the Reclaiming of Anriat Mountain. I played with a bunch of people that just aren't any good, and I didn't have any readers like I do now, so steam for the whole process wore out. When I got to the ENboards, I saw that it was happening so often that there was a whole forum for it. I had to bide my time until I could find a group to play with, and after six months, I met the group I'm with now.

How I actually write it- again unclear on what you mean, but I just sit with a drink, play the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, and start typing.

I only keep notes when someone says something I want to use as-is. For example, this week's thing about "if that cat could get out and carry me" between Jettok and Katya, that was said. A lot of quotes and dialogue are manufactured to reflect the mood or out-of-game discussion. I try hard to keep the writing true to the spirit of what happened, but sometimes things stretch. This week's last three paragraphs didn't really happen. It was Jettok's player Lou whining out-of-game about it that made me put it in. I feel that it gives you a sense of the characters and about the "characters" behind them.

Hey, Dr Midnight, I was wondering... do you have the character stat blocks available anywhere? I would be interested in seeing them.

The only character I have the stats for right now is Jettok.
Sir Vek Mormont has a character sheet online somewhere.... Ahh, here it is: http://www.ucsunnydale.com/vek.jpg

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