• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



First Post
silvertable81 said:
Bloody Bastid, last time you did this to me, I DIED. All that hard work making Boddynoc survive, and you jinxed me. Now again?!? :eek: :uhoh: :uhoh:

Well, let's see how well it works for me, I've played Clerics, I've got better chances.

:mad: :mad: :mad: DIE ROGUE!!! Drop your stuff for me.


im not even going to waste my time with something thats less of a halfling then me.....all you do is sit on your mutt and cast little weak, lame, crappy spells and hope your little puppy can get you out of situations......

come back when you got more ballz then me :)

edit - But i will give your dog a good home.....with a nice bowl of stew.... i mean in a nice bowl of stew anyway

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First Post
Cedious said:

im not even going to waste my time with something thats less of a halfling then me.....all you do is sit on your mutt and cast little weak, lame, crappy spells and hope your little puppy can get you out of situations......

come back when you got more ballz then me :)
All I gotta do is run faster, Speed 50 :p :p :p


The halflings begin to chant and stomp. Uh-Tah-Tah Uh-Tah-Tah Thump thump.

“We can take them. I can take them.” Comments Black Sand as he begins to walk to the door the changeling left by.

Sharshek looks over to the halfling druid. “Well?”

“They mean business. We can see 10 or more. How many do we NOT see?” Breland Taskerdoo prods Gnarl towards the opposite exit.

Suddenly a bead of energy floats into the car through an open window and centers on Cedious. “Pretty.” And he then turns to leave.

Suddenly fibrous strands grow rapidly out from this point. The strands wrap around Cedious, Balkroth, the druid and his mount. “Web Spell!” yells the druid as he and the dog become encumbered by the webs. Balkroth pulls and tugs as the web strands securely wrap around his body. Cedious scurries out of the spell’s range with wisps of web clinging to his body.

The halflings are unloading arrows onto the car. Several windows shatter from the assault. Sharshek hopes out from the car as does Black sands. Several halflings riding quick dinosaurs rush him. One stabs him with a spear as it passes by. He snarls at the meager damage from the charge.

Then Taskerdoo sees the magic caster. A human?!? Cedious looks. “I know her. She sent the skeletons after me on the river and sent zombies after me in the Rose Quarry. A green bead of energy flies into the car from her. Taskerdoo shouts as he drives his wolf for the doorway- “FIREBALL!!!!!!”

FROOSH! And Balkroth screams in pain as he takes the brunt of the blast then is burned further by the igniting webs that have wrapped around his body. Cedious tumbles out of the way to the bar. There he finds an evil secret left behind by the Changeling -Garrow. He spilt out alcohol. The car is an explosion just waiting to occur.

The halflings meanwhile charge the car hoping to contain the party of adventurers. The human mage turns her attentions on Black sands next. A burst and beam of energy strikes him. He feels the strength leave his arms, as he becomes feeble. Now the dino-riders strike. They all miss. Sharshek is greeted by the rushing foot soldiers. He fights them off easily.

Cedious looks through the flames and smoke. Balkroth has fallen to his knees and trembling. He is covered in burns and choking on the arid smoke. “Hey guys! Guys …?” Everyone has left leaving a halfling to move an unconscious ½ giant. And the flames are closing in on the alcohol. Cedious leaps out the door and before he can mention the condition of the psychic warrior within, he is surrounded by spear wielding halfling warriors.

10 halflings climb onto the smoking electric rail diner car to gain the advantage of higher ground to use short bows and spears from.

Taskerdoo aids the human fighter then looks to attack the mage. She releases another web spell that entangles a halfling only as the fighter and druid rush out of the way of the spell’s effect. Cedious smiles as he was just out of the range of the spell. Meanwhile, Black Sands, now enfeebled, is having a hard time with hitting the dino riders. They are also having a hard time trying to move in with his wild swings.

Suddenly, the archers begin to fire down onto them. Though they miss the threat is clear. Cedious merely smirks. He remembers the alcohol below. Then he frowns remembering Balkroth’s plight within. “Hey guys- “


A fireball blows out the windows as the alcohol ignites and explodes. The very car itself is rocked free of the magical stone’s effects and the car topples off the rail. Luckily away from the party- not towards them. Halfling archers are thrown everywhere. The mage is at this point attacked and tripped by wolf and the druid attacks. She goes down.

Several dinosaurs are killed by a wildly successful swing by Black sand and then by Sharshek. The halflings were not prepared for this level of bad mojo and retreat. Several are dropped as they turn to run away.

One lone halfling is caught for questioning. Cedious looks at the rapidly burning car and hopes Balkroth was dead before the fires became any worse. Black sand curses. “Where is that damned warforged?”

Bludgeon has gone to protect the dead body of his master in her car. He stands before the closet where she has been stored within a rolled up rug.


Garrow leans over the rail of his airship and waves and curses as Cedious and his party of Cannith employees. He has only enough crewmembers to support the ship. He can not afford to attack them but oh how he wants to.

“Soon. Soon I will have my day.”

The ship slowly turns and returns towards Karrnath. Mallora has failed him. Maybe Keltis Doran will succeed where she failed.


After collecting anything of use from the mage’s body and those of the savages, the team turns toward the captured halfling. Taskerdoo and Cedious translate any and all threats made by Black sand and Sharshek. They learn very little and Black sands kills him out of impatience. They locate the remains of Balkroth and collect anything that survived the fire and following roll of the car into the jungle.

“I think we need to follow that airship and kill him, the Emerald Claw and all of Karrnath.” Offers Black sands.

“The mission is important. We need to finish it if we can.” Suggests the human.

“We need to do something.” Adds the bored Cedious.

“We’ll bake in this sun. Can we be moving while we discuss this?” suggests the druid.

They look to Bludgeon whom holds the rolled up carpet.

They decide to finish the mission (spite the Emerald Claw then kill them thinks BS) and head south. Bludgeon remains behind holding his charge, his dead charge.

They see many small dinosaurs in the fields along with various more common herd animals. They note that most creatures avoid the rails. If they are aware of the danger of touching a stone or being hit is uncertain. Gnarl suggests to the druid there is an underlying warning or ward in effect. He doesn’t like the rail area much but understands this is where they are and follows.

The day comes and goes. They camp within the jungle but close enough to the rail to hear if a new series of cars were to go by. The jungle is alive with critters but nothing eventful occurs. They gather their supplies and begin to walk again.

Around noon Cedious gets a sense of being watched. He looks to the fields around the rail and sees nothing to worry about. Shortly there after, Black sand looks up. There are several glidewings circling overhead. These large flying dinosaurs glide over the rising hot air of the grasslands and hope for easy food. Food like the PCs walking out in the open?

Black sand then spots something in the distance. He covers his eyes to shade them. Something is following them using the sun as cover. Something metallic. “I think the airship is following us.”

They all turn and wonder if it is the Emerald Claw once more. Cedious turns around and drops his breeches to moon Garrow. In the time for this happen, the others realize it is a flying warforged with a built in rapid reload x-bow attachment- and it is flying in FAST!

They all run and try to find any cover they can. Cedious pulls up his pants and faces the flying forged. He can hear a roar and whistle as it comes in. The wings are not feathers. It is more like a glider than that. The forged swoops over and fires twice at him. Both shots miss.

Cedious, not the least bit scared, turns and faces the warforged. It now hovers and retakes aim at him. The gliders are built into him and shot flame and hot air. It leans in to attack but suddenly is attacked by a large flying dinosaur. Cedious watches with amusement as the two fly away. At about 2000 feet away an explosion occurs and several pieces fall to the ground.

“Well- that was different.”


That afternoon, they find the beginning of the Talenta Gorge.

The electric rail bridge crosses the gorge in a zigzag formation. It uses built pillars, natural rock formations and large 300+ feet tall trees for support. The bridge is about 50 feet wide. Down the center are the crackling blue stones that empower and push the rail cars. Occasionally, a bug flies too close and burns up complete with a short silent explosion.

“Keeps the bugs down. Cannith could make money with these bug killers.” Comments Cedious.

“Heh- call them Bug Zappers.” Follows up Sharshek.

They walk along the bridge noting the different types of birds and bugs. There is a two-foot high wall along the edges to contain or more keep out the amount of critters. The trees are thick and very strong. They see a river near the bottom that reveals itself sometimes through the vegetation. A few hours later they see a section of wall that has been replaced. Going to it, they find ropes and some supplies still around. The rail bridge is built onto a thick branch here. Looking over the edge, they spot two electric rail cars below caught within the branches about 100ft down. The bottom of the gorge can not be seen here.

“This is the spot I suspect” offers Cedious.

“uh…. Gnarl will have problems climbing down.” Says the Druid with a great deal of concern and wonder as he sees the bottom is over 100 feet down.

“Can he leap from branch to branch instead of climbing ropes and vines?” ask Sharshek.

“What do you think?” asks the druid to his wolf who has his two front paws on the top of the small and short wall. It looks around and gives a short and soft “hurrumph.” Sound and wags it’s tail.

“Yes I guess.” Says Black sands. “And what of …Cedious …?” The ½ Giant begins to wonder where the halfling is until he spots him climbing down a vine onto the tree. The branches are in some places 10 feet wide. Easy to walk for halflings and humans alike. Half-giants should be okay so long as they don’t do anything stupid.

Gnarl with Taskerdoo leaps to the main branch the rail is built onto. No problem. The others begin their climb using the ropes and vines available. Cedious is easily the first to reach the highest car up. It is already covered in green moss and vines snake around sections of it. He looks over the doors and finds it has been torn away. Deep two fingered marked remain. “Warforged…” he grumbles under his breath.

Cedious eases his way in as Gnarl nears the area. Sharshek and Black sand continue slowly. The thought of falling scares them. The sudden stop even more so.

The moss grows inside the car making for areas of slippery conditions. Cedious goes on anyway into the car. Taskerdoo follows with his wolf. Cedious looks into the first private room. He finds a closeable bag that has been ripped open. Along with the ruined papers are jewels. He collects and only later wonders why someone would leave this behind.

Taskerdoo looks into a room he and his wolf slide to. The door was once locked but has since been ripped open by someone with great strength. Gnarl lets out a soft growl of discontent. “A body?” Taskerdoo looks inside and finds the remains of a dead changeling. His body condition and level of decay suggest he died during the crash and was missed by the rescue crew. Who opened the door is uncertain. Cedious will later suggest a warforged. On the body or within the room he finds 10 gold, 25 silver and a scroll case. Looking for a good scroll case, Taskerdoo takes and opens it. There’s something within! He opens it and finds a map. It is written in dwarven and includes notes written in dwarven. At a quick glance, he reads “Mror Holds Mountains” and written by a circled room the word “Goodies”. He keeps this for future use.

Sharshek arrives next to the car. He stays outside and looks around. He sees many insects and birds. Small possibly harmless tree frogs hop here and there. Brightly colored blossoms hang from fruit bearing vines. Pretty but not helpful.

Cedious moves to the room across the hallway. Old blood on the wall and marks from bodily impact suggest someone was once within this room at the time of the crash. The body has since been removed. The druid finds an empty room across the hall from the dead changeling. Nothing of use can be seen at the bottom of the car so they climb out. Black sand arrives just in time. He is sticking to climbing down the main trunk in fear of a vine snapping under his great weight. From the branch the upper part of the car rests on he looks down. Water is visible below. They have another 50 plus feet to go.

Cedious easily swings, slides and climbs to the next car trapped within the branches. From here he can see the murky ground below. Two more cars fell to the muddy waters below. One is in part submerged in the water and the other landed on the wet land but burned from the impact. He looks up and spots the wolf leaping from a branch to the far right. He then walks the branch to a new section and leaps onto another branch. Slowly he winds his way around to the car. Only once did his rider look scared from the trip.

Cedious waits for the druid this time. This car is completely covered in slick wet moss that tears free easily. Once torn, it creates an ice-like condition of wetness. Not good. Also, he looked into the car. Thick webs are visible at the bottom. The car sits on a 45-degree angle this time. One slip and you will be in those webs. Webs = spiders or nasty mages.

Carefully, Cedious enters the car as the wolf lands about 50 feet away on the same branch the car rests on. Cedious peeks into a private room and finds little except for fine clothes that seem to resist mildewing. He collects the outfit suspecting them to be magical. Taskerdoo and his wolf scurry a bit as they enter the car. The moss is terribly hard to walk on without falling. He locks his legs around his mount and uses his arms to grasp anything he can to aid his ride to a room. The room is closed. The door appears to be jammed shut from the inside. He forces the door open and a large block of stone falls and barely strikes the halfling druid. A crack on the outside reveals how the person that set this trap escaped the room. But why the crude trap?

Cedious looks into the next room and finds a set of shackles. Signs of blood and a fight are here.
Blood (dried) is on the cuffs, pieces of cloth and on the walls. Curious he thinks. The druid looks into the next room. He spots something on the floor. It is a round 3-inch ball of metal with silver runes and lines on it. A small jade crystal is set within it. The design reminds him of the warforged. Perhaps this item is a part of one or could be used by one. He holds onto the item. Then he hears something.

He looks out and sees Cedious. He has ignited a torch and with a smile releases it and it falls onto the webs. Two bundles are within the sticky strands. As a rush of heat rises, two large monstrous spiders come out of their hiding places in the shadows. “I knew it!” exclaims the rogue.

Outside, the human fighter looks down and sighs. “They can handle it right.”

Black sands is making his way across the branch and doesn’t know what is happening but sees the burst of flame through the dirty windows at the bottom of the car. “If not- we can push it over the edge.”

One spider rushes along the “ceiling” and the other along the floor. They seem to weather the moss much better than the two halflings. Gnarl bites at the one and misses. The druid likewise. Cedious slips and slides down the walkway tearing up green moss as he goes. He slams into Gnarl and thus trips him up. Together, the three then slam into the one spider and they fall into the smoking wisps of the web. The two sucked dry halflings have fallen to the floor.

Above Black sand considers what he drop to crush a spider. Sharshek reminds him he may hit the dog. “Oh yeah- I aim to the left a bit then. We won’t miss the annoying one as much.”

“…and which one is that?”

The spider climbs down the ceiling and onto the wall to strike Cedious even as he tries to stand up. The bite burns but he doesn’t feel ill from it. Good thing since the other spider is also trying to get up to attacks him.
The wolf and druid take down the one spider and Cedious takes out the one next to him. “Not even close.” He says as he folds the torn shirt in a mock repair. How he misses the artificer at times like this.

They find little here but lose coins no higher than single silver. They carefully climb up even as the human and half-giant have begun to climb down to the roots below.

Voidrunner's Codex

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