TSR The Cult of Abaddon - Release from NuTSR/TheEvilDM


🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her) 🇵🇸
It's pretty pathetic. WotC has never served C&D's like TSR did of old. "You can't use the term Hit Points! We'll sue!"

Honestly, the antics of LaNasa and nuTSR remind me of the film "The Road to Wellville", where one of the characters is trying to replicate Kellogg's corn flakes and eventually just ends up stealing the product and putting in their own boxes. That level of blatant buffoonery at work. (The film, btw, is not that great.)
Definitely the weirdest performance of Anthony Hopkins' career, to be sure

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Would that not be grand in court... "Declaratory denied. Rule in favor of defendant. But if you sign this public document acknowledging that Dungeons & Dragons, the TSR trademarks and copyrights, Star Frontiers, and any other materials are the property of Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast and may only be used with their permission, they will defer on you compensating their legal fees."
Addendum: "The defendant has also requested a video clip of you reading aloud and agreeing to said acknowledgment for them to share on social media."

Addendum: "The defendant has also requested a video clip of you reading aloud and agreeing to said acknowledgment for them to share on social media."
Hah! I'd love to see that. It won't happen. LaNasa is likely to change his name and flee the country and leave Ernie to take all the fallout.


David Flor, Darklight Interactive
Donald Semora of Wizard Tower Games has clarified their involvement...


So I have to ask the question... Say you're a layout person, and someone asks you to layout their document for publication. The document they hand you is an editorial train smash that makes you question life itself. Do you push back, strongly suggesting "hey, maybe you should get someone who isn't insane proofread this", or do you just say "f$%# it" and do the layout anyway without any regards of what it actually is you're laying out?

So I have to ask the question... Say you're a layout person, and someone asks you to layout their document for publication. The document they hand you is an editorial train smash that makes you question life itself. Do you push back, strongly suggesting "hey, maybe you should get someone who isn't insane proofread this", or do you just say "f$%# it" and do the layout anyway without any regards of what it actually is you're laying out?

As a layout guy, I just do the job and push the product out. There are jobs where you're not supposed to pay attention to the content, just make it look pretty.

Of course, Don knows enough that he should be more than just a layout guy. But I can also imagine hitting a point with a business partner like NuTSR where you just stop caring and forge ahead.


As a professional editor for the past 25 years: what the client wants you to do varies. Some only want the very minimum ("spelling and grammar"), and get snippy if you change too much. Others say, "Work your magic" and want you make the text as good as possible - from spelling, grammar, punctuation and style up to and including changing paragraph order, fact-checking and querying anything that's unclear.

Of course, editors usually charge by the hour, and where I live that can be EUR 125/hour or more. So the more work you expect your editor to do, the bigger the bill will be at the end.

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