The Dukes of Hell


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:

The Dark Lord awaits...

Dragon #76 said:
Asmodeus rarely leaves his palace, making his will known and acted upon by servants of apparently unshakeable loyalty. Adramalech serves him as chancellor, recording the numbers, acquisitions, and transformations of the lemurs and larvae, torments suffered by devils, the names of those who serve the diabolic on other planes, and the making and terms of all pacts and contracts. The Keeper of the Records answers to no one but the Overlord himself, and has his own tower in the palace, ringed at all times by six pit fiends. This guard detail is ordered by the pit fiend Baalberith, major domo of the palace, probably at the behest of Asmodeus, and is little liked by Adramalech. A similar guard rings the chamber or person of Bensozia, consort to Asmodeus, at all times. Another 54 pit fiends round out the palace guard.
Phongor is the most feared devil in Nessus, after Asmodeus himself; he serves Asmodeus as inquisitor, and little information escapes his probing questions and methods of persuasion.
The greatest pit fiend of all, the awesomely scarred, broken-winged Alastor, serves Asmodeus as executioner. His strength is that of a storm giant’s, and he never speaks. It is said in the hells that if all were swept away and Asmodeus could choose but one devil as a companion, that one would be neither consort nor lieutenant, but Alastor the Grim.
Another pit fiend, Martinet, is constable of Nessus, responsible for the personal armies of Asmodeus. These armies camp eternally around the palace, and their generals confer often with the Overlord. These proud dukes are: Buer, who commands 15 companies of pit fiends; Morax, leader of nine such companies; Bune, general of 30 companies of malebranche; Rimmon, head of five companies of ice devils; and Zagum, leader of 30 companies of barbed devils. It is said that the nycadaemon Daerith once appeared unannounced over the lake of Cocytus and flew toward the palace of Asmodeus, and before it reached the crags about the lake was destroyed utterly, torn apart bodily by pit fiends on patrol. With such guardians, it is small wonder why the mysteries of the plane are so many, and the visitors who return whence they came so few.

Ripzerai said:
Add Martinet, who was a pit fiend in the 1e MM2 but promoted to unique status in Guide to Hell and Book of Vile Darkness.

Also add Selm, Prince of Possessors, from Dragon #42. He's in Asmodeus' court. He's served by six lesser nobles - Thyle, Cykes, Tyd, Nausyyd, Dyclex, and Hyrkovan - but they might be treated as incorporeal pit fiends or Fiends of Possession.

Cantrum, of course, was also once commander of Asmodeus’ armies and the Dark Eight, until his assassination.

Armaros and Dagon/Jaqon were once part of Asmodeus’ court, but not sure how long ago or what their deal was.

Dragon #76 said:
Bensozia is the consort of Asmodeus, and staunchly supports her mate. She is personally the most powerful of the consorts, but her influence is entirely linked with that of Asmodeus; it is said that “Bensozia speaks not, save by the leave of the Great One.” Bensozia seems happy in her position, although she is not always physically with Asmodeus, but her natural manner is coldly polite and haughty, seldom revealing her true feelings. She bears a brass scepter that does 4-16 damage to all creatures of good alignment, 3-12 damage to devils, and 2-8 damage to others. Empty-handed, she strikes with her hands for 2-12 damage…
She causes fear (6” range) by speaking to an individual (save vs. spell at -2 to avoid)…
Description: Bensozia is a tall statuesque, human-appearing devil. She has long white hair, large glistening black eyes, scarlet skin, large brown hooves, and a forked tail. She always wears loose black robes with a scarlet silk lining within, and, as Queen of Hell, a diadem of beaten gold set with large rubies (total value 26,000 gp).

Adramalech, the cruel and malicious Chancellor of Hell, aids Asmodeus greatly from his tower in the Overlord’s palace in Nessus. The Keeper of Records answers only to Asmodeus, and spends much of his time observing (through his spies and openly recognized informants, the latter including all pit fiends in the hierarchy of the hells) events in the infernal regions and elsewhere. The Infernal Records (sometimes called “The Book of Fire” by men, although the records actually take up many folios and papers) contain all true names of devils known to Adramalech (note that he has memorized those of all dukes and arch-devils in self-defense; thus, none will attack him). He also records the numbers, acquisitions, and transformations of lemures and larvae; torments suffered by devils; the ranks and powers of all devils and suspected or known alliance or deceptions among them; the names, ranks, and locations of all who serve the devils on other planes; and the making and terms of all pacts and contracts.
When not engaged in updating the records or keeping an ear to the ground, Adramalech likes to amuse himself by watching weaker creatures – particularly humans and elves brought from the Prime Material Plane – being tortured and slain by devils in the dungeons of the palace or in the encampments of the infernal armies outside its walls. Adramalech carries a +2 staff which can slay living (save at +1) by touch, and disintegrate (devils save at -1) by touch once in every 6 turns. His loyalty to Asmodeus is not entire - he often tries to conceal small items of information or magical items seized from intruders from the Overlord, under the guise of absent-mindedness…
He causes fear by pointing at a creature within 4” and speaking (save vs. spell at -1 to avoid)…
Description: Adramalech appears as an aged, gray-bearded and balding man, with cold, wet eyes that change hue from emerald green through black to fiery orange depending upon his mood (enjoyment to fury, respectively). He has normal human feet and hands, small crimson barbed horns and a crimson forked tail. He wears loose, flowing robes of green, purple, russet, or black, and beneath these is a humanoid body that is crimson and scaly down the back, and yellow-green and slimy down the front.

Phongor is the dreaded Inquisitor of Hell; he is responsible directly to Asmodeus for the provision of complete and accurate news of the hells and other planes. To do this, he has subverted the spies of Adramalech (so that they report first, and most fully, to him), enlisted spies of his own (and spies to watch his spies; he trusts no one), and perfected the arts of torture on devils, the lesser creatures of the hells, and intruders alike. Little escapes his arts, and “few return whole in body or mind from Phongor’s gentle grasp,” as it is said in the hells. In the depths of the palace of the Overlord, Phongor employs many delicate and brutal instruments of torture. While in the palace, he will always have two pit fiends as bodyguards and 6-11 servant spined devils.
In battle Phongor can employ any weapon without “to hit” or damage penalties, but he favors his envenomed whip (see the listing for erinyes in the Monster Manual for effects of the venom). The weapon is a cat-of-nine-tails with tempered wire, rather than cord, as its strands. Each strand does 1-4 points base damage, and all nine strands are capable of striking the same target in the same round. Phongor himself can feel no pain, and thus is unaffected by attacks until physically disabled.
By touch, Phongor can either cause disease (see DMG for diseases), putrefy food & drink, or attack with a shocking grasp. He can choose from these three effects freely and change between them without limit. Six times per day he can use a symbol of pain, and thrice a day he can heal himself or another (by touch). Once per day he can employ true seeing (lasts for 1-12 rounds, as he wills, but is ended immediately if he uses another of the above powers). Phongor radiates fear in a 4” radius at will (save at -2 to avoid; this power affects even devils below the rank of duke)…
Description: Phongor appears as a dead-white skinned man with glittering pink eyes, a hoarse, hissing voice, tiny horns and oily black hair, a forked tail, and red hooves. He wears open purple or black robes, and a belt to carry his whip.

Buer is a duke in the service of Asmodeus, commanding 15 companies of pit fiends. He is inclined to melancholy demeanor and, although always polite in speech, appears to delight in practical jokes. It should be remembered, however, that his words and actions are perfectly controlled, and are generally intended to further a specific aim or purpose. His loyalty to Asmodeus has never been questioned, and he keeps a careful eye on the whereabouts and activities of his forces…
He causes fear by his bellow (6” effective range; save vs. spell to avoid)…
Description: Buer resembles a centaur (human torso with arms, horse’s body) with gleaming silver skin and white hair. He has staring red eyes and red horns, and his four hooves are cloven and have crimson fetlocks. He wears a belt about his body, carrying a +2 mace and a +1 bow; the belt also carries four quivers (two on each side) containing 20 arrows each. He can flame arrow and fire such a shaft in one round, or fire two arrows, or strike twice with his mace.
From Buer’s hips (that is, the upper portion of his back, just above the forelegs) protrude six 10’-long prehensile tentacles, which have no strength to grip but can flail at any opponents (up to six separate targets) within 1”. Each tentacle slaps for 2-8 corrosive, stinging acidic damage per strike. Each tentacle can withstand 6 cumulative points of damage before being severed. Note that Buer will regenerate damage to these along with the rest of his body.

Bune is a duke in the service of Asmodeus, commanding 30 companies of malebranche. He is greedy (fond of material wealth) and enjoys manipulating lesser beings of all sorts (including his warriors). His loyalty to Asmodeus is solid, but he is naturally “cheeky” to and defiant of all beings of whom he is scared (in other words, those stronger than himself). Asmodeus tolerates this because of all the dukes, Bune is the quickest and
most careful in the execution of his orders. Bune is content with his position, sees Asmodeus as the most powerful archdevil and thus the safest lord, and will not betray him…
Bune causes fear (save vs. spell at -2 to avoid) by touch…
Description: Bune appears as a malebranche, except that his scaled body is green in hue (coppery on the belly and loins), and his talons are silvery in color. Bune’s head, however, is human – with dog-like furry ears and a great griffon-like beak. His voice is high-pitched and lilting, although he will screech if he becomes infuriated, and he is an excellent mimic of other beings.
Bune fights with a saw-edged sword, shaped somewhat like a leaping flame (2-8 base damage), and a trident. He bears the sword and any treasure (in a pouch) by means of a belt, but rarely wears any other clothing. Bune’s bite does 2-5 damage; if he is unarmed, his claws do 2-8 damage each, but he will snatch up a weapon at any opportunity.

Morax is a duke in the service of Asmodeus, leading nine companies of pit fiends. He is a being of few (and well-chosen) words, but exults in a good fight. He often wrestles with the pit fiends under his command, hurling them about and roaring. He is respected by the pit fiends for his fairness to them and his loyalty to Asmodeus. He despises weakness, and is angered by creatures who bluff or presume to have a strength or station they do not possess or deserve. Morax respects Bifrons, Geryon, Asmodeus, and other physically strong devils, and has little
time for “sneaks” or those who “hide behind magic” (for example, Phongor and Adramalech, in Nessus). Morax and Alastor are good friends, and will aid each other when one is in need, knowledge of the situation and opportunity permitting…
He causes fear by touch (save vs. spell at -2 to avoid)…
Description: Morax is a cloven-hooved, humanoid devil. He has a bull-like head, with massive curved horns (somewhat like Moloch), bat-like wings, and heavily muscled arms. He has a short forked tail. His entire body is a dark, dirty brown in hue, and his eyes are scarlet. He has a cluster of 2-inch-long spines on his chest, and in battle loves to hug victims against this cluster (piercing and crushing damage of 4-24 points per round). He prefers to fight by hurling two throwing axes and then closing with opponents to use his hands (3-12 each). If he wields a weapon (a rare thing), Morax does damage by weapon type +7.

Rimmon is a duke serving Asmodeus. He leads five companies of ice devils in battle, and appears as an ice devil with a handsome, human-like diabolic horned head. He is nasty and sarcastic and little liked in the hells, but he is loyal to Asmodeus and has little personal pride. Rimmon rarely fights with a trident, getting 2 attacks per round, one for weapon damage +6 and the other 4-16 for his tail. Unarmed, he does 2-8 damage with each set of claws plus 4-16 for his tail…
Rimmon radiates fear in a 2” radius at will…

Zagum is a duke serving Asmodeus, and commands 30 companies of barbed devils. He is ambitious and cold-blooded, but considers cruelty a self-indulgent waste of time, whereas humor (laughing with fellow devils) pays dividends in terms of comradeship, mutual aid, respect, and cooperation. Therefore Zagum has a sense of humor, if a coarse one, and is constantly inventing jokes or stunts that amuse rather than harm…
He causes fear by gaze (1” effective range, save vs. spell at -2 to avoid)…
Description: Zagum appears as a gigantic barbed devil, with a long (15’) tail and a jagged row of barbed spines running up his back, culminating in a bony collar edged with spines at the back and sides of his head. His scaled skin is crimson in hue, his eyes yellow with black pupils.

Faces of Evil: the Fiends said:
The servants of the Overlord are unknown but whispers claim the Executioner of Baator, Alastor the Grim, serves the mysterious lord unquestioningly.

I don’t doubt that he does! He seems to be one of the most popular pit fiends among fans, and I’d say for good reason.

Guide to Hell said:
Much to Bel’s surprise, no ravening hordes swept into Avernus. Instead, Asmodeus sent Martinet, his constable, to meet with Bel. Martinet first congratulated Bel on his coup, praising his guile and his capacity for long-term planning. He then informed Bel that Asmodeus had decided not to “make him burn in the Pit of Flame for all eternity.” Rather, Asmodeus would support Bel as lord, but only if he continued to fulfill his obligations to the Dark Eight. Bel, delighted that his treachery had found favor with the Dark Lord of Nessus, agreed to the terms immediately…
Bel’s current policy is to support Asmodeus in the hopes of further advancement. To that end, he has inserted spies into the courts of the other lords and funnels information through Martinet to Asmodeus. While most of the information garnered isn’t news to the Dark Lord, the effort has curried some favor with him.

Martinet is the constable of Asmodeus. His job is to clean up the frequent political messes of Hell. His influence has stopped several wars from breaking out among the lords, and his diplomacy has ended even more conflicts. Martinet has an extremely level head, and he never flies off the handle. He has withstood the tirades of Baalzebul and Mephistopheles without so much as raising an eyebrow. While most of the lords think that he is a tiresome meddler, they cannot ignore his office without offending the devil who stands behind the constable: Asmodeus.

Book of Vile Darkness said:
Technically, all devils are the servants of Asmodeus. Nevertheless, he has some elite creatures that he utilizes. Six powerful hamatula mortal hunters called the Spark Hunters serve as his elite agents on the Material Plane.
Glasya is the daughter of Asmodeus and Bensozia, who was killed by Levistus (hence his icy imprisonment). For a long while, Glasya spent her days as the consort of Mammon, but that was mostly just to stir up trouble for various archdevils, including her father, when it struck her fancy. Now she serves in her father’s court, but she is dissatisfied and bored with her fate. She is about 9 feet tall, appearing to be a beautiful human woman with bat wings and long black hair. She has coppery-colored skin, tiny horns on her head, and a forked tail.
Martinet serves as the constable of Asmodeus, managing many of his affairs, particularly interaction with other devils. As such, when two powerful denizens of hell go to war, it is up to Martinet to put a stop to it If hell’s master does not wish the war to continue. While Martinet is not as powerful as most archdevils, the fact that he is the mouth, eyes, and ears of Asmodeus earns him far more respect than he would otherwise be due. The threats and tirades of others never impress him, and he always has a cutting retort.

Needless to say, Martinet started off in his position as a pit fiend, being promoted to unique fiend while in his service. He’s also responsible for helping to hook up Bel with his current position – maybe that’s how Martinet got promoted as well.

Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells said:
The court of Asmodeus encompasses both unique devils and pit fiends. The former group includes Adramalech (Chancellor of Hell), Phongor (Inquisitor of Nessus), and the commanders Buer, Bune, Morax, Rimmon, and Zagum. The latter group includes Alastor (Executioner of Nessus), Baalberith (Major-domo of the palace of Asmodeus), and Martinet (Constable of Nessus).
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Creature Cataloguer
does FC2 actually say whether he is a pit fiend or unique devil? i'll have to go back and look...


Creature Cataloguer
oh! it helps one to catch things when one actually reads it... ;) i think that's going to be yet another one for the "ignore" pile. ;)

OK, i want to take a step backwards for a moment:

Hmm, dummy me; looking back on it, I probably went through Maladomini too fast. Baalzebul’s court is easily one of the biggest aside from Asmodeus’, so I think it bears further discussion. Some of the dukes might even have been in the original Lord of the Seventh’s court before Triel became Baalzebul. He is notoriously distrusting of pit fiends and probably eliminated or “promoted” any who were in place at the time. Regardless, many dukes have been with him since before the Reckoning, and still are now. Moloch may have been a part of his court, or he may have merely been part of Levistus’ court and willing to become vassal of Baalzebul in hopes of using that to leverage his way into Levistus’ spot. Baftis has likely been with Baalzebul since he took over the layer, as would Neabaz and Barbatos likely as well. Nisroch was apparently in his court at some point. Lilith, Abigor, Zepar, Bileth, and Tartach probably came along later, and when Nisroch tried to assassinate Abigor he was banished. When Moloch became Lord of the Sixth, Lilith, Bileth, and Tartach were sent along to assist him – and keep him in check. The pit fiend Corin managed to earn Baalzebul’s trust long enough to betray him as part of the Reckoning. Lilith and Bileth returned to Baalzebul not long thereafter. Three pit fiends, Teurn, Wysturak, and Yaghoq, now serve as Baalzebul’s bodyguards – perhaps they managed to prove themselves trustworthy despite his paranoid of pit fiends, or maybe he has found some better way to keep them under his full control. Vashaak Ratoth Bruu, the medusa offspring, serves Baalzebul most closely as his handservant, joining him shortly before Malagarde’s death. I think that Baalzebul and Moloch’s relationship is strained, but could become tighter once again under the right circumstances.


wow..thats A LOT of info...

sorry if i miss the point of the topic, but is this gonig to be divided by name?

like, u have the name of the duke and then info about him...
kinnda a dumb question, i know, but im really interested about this, but it seems a bit "brain storming" yet
(and my knowledge isnt even 1/3 of what you guys know about this!)


Creature Cataloguer
that's probably a better question for another thread. :) it is a *good* question though, just very off topic for this thread.

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