D&D 5E The Esoteric Warrior (Monk sans Orientalism)+

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I suggest to disconnect Strunning strike from focus points.
This ability act like a drug. All the ressource turn around it.
I'd go back to the old days of stunning fist being usable X times per day. Probably like Prof. Bonus per day.
Or move it to the same archetype that keep Quivering Palm.

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I'd go back to the old days of stunning fist being usable X times per day. Probably like Prof. Bonus per day.
Or move it to the same archetype that keep Quivering Palm.
Stunning strike is hard to balance. when it kick in right from the start of a fight it is just like to good, and when it face high con saves it feel like a lame. If they switch it to a single archetype it will need a real strong feature for the others.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Stunning strike is hard to balance. when it kick in right from the start of a fight it is just like to good, and when it face high con saves it feel like a lame. If they switch it to a single archetype it will need a real strong feature for the others.
I think one good solution would be to remove the clause that makes it usable on a hit.
Instead have it be usable at the start of your turn, then the next attack that hits in the same turn, making it wastable. Coupled with a reduced pool (2 to 6 times per day), it would reduce its power a lot.

I think one good solution would be to remove the clause that makes it usable on a hit.
Instead have it be usable at the start of your turn, then the next attack that hits in the same turn, making it wastable. Coupled with a reduced pool (2 to 6 times per day), it would reduce its power a lot.
Not a fan for that, monk already need some love, reducing to PB time a day is already a big restrain, actually a level 20 monk can use 20 attempts for stunning strike per short rest.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Not a fan for that, monk already need some love, reducing to PB time a day is already a big restrain, actually a level 20 monk can use 20 attempts for stunning strike per short rest.
In that case, it would be best to create new features that could compete with the effectiveness of Stunning Strikes that comes online at low-ish level.

or, in the playtest, stunning strikes were limited to once per round. That could work, too.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I actually like this endeavor (as opposed to creating a new class that steps on the Monk's toes, it's attempting to broaden the Monk into additionally-related archetypes).

Lean into Jedi and Sith concepts too. The "Monk" should have significant vow and creed overlaps with the Paladin, but could thereby represent Jedi in a way that the Paladin feels to overtly divine magical light and pew pew about.
I’m thinking “order” rather than “way” for the subclasses. I’m considering a “vow” that bundles the basic combat style, so not everyone gets Martial Arts, but tbh that may be a bit too much.
I'd go back to the old days of stunning fist being usable X times per day. Probably like Prof. Bonus per day.
Or move it to the same archetype that keep Quivering Palm.
Pb/day isn’t bad.
I think one good solution would be to remove the clause that makes it usable on a hit.
Instead have it be usable at the start of your turn, then the next attack that hits in the same turn, making it wastable. Coupled with a reduced pool (2 to 6 times per day), it would reduce its power a lot.
I think it’s strong enough to be a bonus action when you hit, tbh.


(he, him)
I think in terms of, to use a concept from 4E era, power sources. Wizards and sorcerers draw from arcane energy, clerics from divine (god-given) energy, druids from nature. What you're talking about seems like, if not the same as psionics, a close cousin: power drawn from within, from "spirit," if you will (or prana, chi, ki, etc).
I am fond of "essence" as a power-source name for Monks (and other such similar things like the meldshapers and soulknives from 3.5). EDIT: 4e made monks psionic, but it was an odd fit compared with the other classes in that power source.

EDIT2: Sorry, I did not realise this thread was from February. Not sure how I ended up reading it....



I am fond of "essence" as a power-source name for Monks (and other such similar things like the meldshapers and soulknives from 3.5). EDIT: 4e made monks psionic, but it was an odd fit compared with the other classes in that power source.

Yeah, that works as a catchall term for prana, chi, and ki - all of which are basically the same thing, just in different languages.

My only quibble, though, is that "essence" implies that which is central - the core, if you will. Prana, chi and ki aren't the essential self - they are the subtler, energetic bodies that are part of the total being.

In the Vedic traditions, the "prana-maya-kosha" is the second of five layers or sheaths to the being. It is the second most dense, after the "anna-maya-kosha" (or physical self). But there are three subtler sheaths, so prana isn't really the "essence" of a person.

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