One of the fascinating things about the 3e stat blocks is how they became very good at solving problems that they created. This is not UNIQUE to 3e – it happens in other incarnations of D&D, esp. modern D&D – but since you provided the handy example, I'm running with it.3.0 and 3.5 stat blocks were quite similar, with only some labeling changes and the addition of "Full Attack" and "Level Adjustment" entries.
View attachment 316143
Late 3.5 though saw a rearrangement and reorganization, including the addition of special trait details added to the end.
View attachment 316131
The Corrupture Ooze is a monster adapted to water environments – meaning it moves/breathes fine in water & you're at some form of a disadvantage if you face it in the water and you are not water adapted (can't recall the specific 3e rules). Due to the info density of the stat block, this information is repeated in multiple areas to make sure the GM doesn't miss it:
• (aquatic) tag
• Speed ...swim 20 ft
• SQ amphibious...
• Skills ...Swim +18
• Skills "In addition, it has +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard."
I recognize how the system encouraged spelling this stuff out, but good heavens that's a LOT of redundancy for conveying a pretty simple idea.
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