D&D General The Fate of Bargle

Is Bargle Guilty, or Not Guilty?


Chaotic Looseleaf
Bargle is so guilty that I hear courts in the Duchy now indict the accused "Bargle" or "Not Bargle."

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Bargle the Infamous, known magic-user and member of the court of Baron Black-Eagle, stands accused of her murder.
Man, Bargle is way more put together than I ever pictured. Did I miss that episode of Queer Eye for the Mage Guy?

We know she wasn’t killed by a nonmagical weapon: chainmail yoga pants are an expensive piece of magical armor, and she has a full bodysuit!
You know, it's always been able to be worn secretly under clothing, and it seems to me that if a shirt of elven maille can stop a spear thrust from an ogre from going straight through a halfling and taking the maille shirt with it, by similar physical principles it must also be able to be made comfortably form-fitting.

:: makes some quick notes ::

Well, it can in my setting, now, anyway. I give you: Elmorean chain.

I knew I got into dungeon mastery for a reason.

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She isn't dead. She just faked it.
No d6+1 damage MM should kill a 3rd level or higher cleric.
It's a conspiracy
She had used her last cure light wounds on the fighter shortly before, while having herself accumulated more serious wounds while fighting elsewhere in the caverns.
It wasn't murder, as it was clearly self defence. Ask yourself what Aleena was doing there? She was clearly breaking in on his household.
So naturally, your client can produce documentation demonstrating his title to, let me see here, the "caves in the hills" outside of Threshold? Or evidence that he had been squatting there for more than a month, and thus acquiring tenant's rights? And, for that matter, evidence documenting his ownership of the alleged pet snake, which the local druid has filed an amicus curiae brief regarding that species being most commonly found living in the wild? And was your client aware of the undead resident in his alleged household, in gross violation of a number of civic ordinances?

Furthermore, we have testimony to the effect that your client was invisible prior to the use of this spell! If your client was invisible, and, strangely, still in fear of his life, why did he not simply leave? It is simple to move while invisible, while casting a spell or making an attack ends the effect.
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It was an act of defense of the entire Barony, as well as self-defense.

Aleena the Cleric was about to summon a number of demons to overthrow the Court of Baron Ludwig von Hendriks. Bargle accidentally saw her enter the supposedly "abandoned caves". Curious what a religious leader was going to do in such a place, he followed. But once he realized what she was doing, he confronted her. She gave no indication of stopping. The Patriarch can visit the scene of the crime heroism and see the outlines of an incomplete summoning circle on the ground.

Bargle is a hero who saved countless lives. Bargle did kill her though.


Can we stop accusing Aleena of any crimes? She was a good, kind, selfless person. A friend to those in need, a mentor to those in doubt, a shield to those in danger. And an inspiration to those coming after.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Can we stop accusing Aleena of any crimes? She was a good, kind, selfless person. A friend to those in need, a mentor to those in doubt, a shield to those in danger. And an inspiration to those coming after.

Stop accusing her of crimes??!!!!

As is well-known and cannot be reasonably disputed, Aleena was not just a criminal who framed Bargle, but was, in fact, a plane-jumping cleric who came from a Gygaxian AD&D campaign solely so she could cast feign death in order to frame poor Bargle.

Aleena is an inspiration to the worst charlatans and liars ever- that's right, she's practically the patron of Bards.

Voidrunner's Codex

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