The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between

I tell Exel and Xanob that these women and their children will be staying the evening here so we need to make available whatever accomodations are available for sleeping. I suspect that there are probably fur rogs. Insulative peat moss can be harvested and smoked, to remove any creepy crawlies, for further bedding. If the women don't know how to do this then I instruct them. There must be harvesting tool or a knife somewhere in the cottage.

After the brief introductions and those necessaries, I tend to the eladrin's request for audience with Otthor. "He should be arriving this evening. We can set out on foot and intercept him on his way here. That actually would be a good idea."

I tell the women and children that I've seen musk deer up here. I'll do my best to bring one back so they can all eat comfortably tonight. I'll then go over to Ranyon Argoth's son and pull his gag from his mouth. "Tell them what you told me". "Them" is referring to the eladrin.

After he tells them, we'll see what they have to say and then set out in the night across the frozen bog, straightaway toward the spot that Averandox dropped us off.

I'll be mindful of any bog-related hazards, thawed spots where we could fall through and the like, any lurking predators, and try to note any musk deer tracks or scat that we cross for hunting on the way back.

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
4, 5 + 2 = 11

3 questions and + 1 forward when acting on them

* What here is useful to me?
* What should I be on the lookout for?
* What here is not what it appears to be?[/sblock]

It is a cold, stark evening, the near-full moon astride the darkened plane of night’s sky. The way across the frozen bog covers the better portion of an hour. It is a brisk trot for you and the eladrin Fey Knight, the soft crunch of the half-frozen bog and the soft moan of the breeze the only sounds. The Bralani floats alongside you, looking very much the part of a banshee. You cross some obvious signs of musk deer, both tracks and scat, and you’re able to mark it in your mind for the return trip (take + 1 from DR). You’re unaccosted by any hazards or predators.

In the distance, unmistakably a gargantuan wyrm, bathed in the cascading glow from above, makes a wide arc in the sky and lands. The massive beast takes off a few moments later and disappears below the cliff face. The eladrin both pause momentarily, stunned. When you don’t pause, they verbally relay their incredulity. To whatever degree you explain the situation to them, they’re still incredulous until the silhouette of your elven companion comes plainly into view.

Otthor, likewise you can obviously make out Saerie and her lumbering bear companion. However, near Saerie you can also see an eladrin Fey Knight and the gleaming, ethereal figure of an eladrin Bralani, silver gown and hair framing her floating form. When you meet, the grim-faced Fey Knight doesn’t look the part of “the welcome wagon” and the Bralani’s immediate remarks, without any typical elven pleasantries, certainly doesn’t improve the mood.

“We are emissaries of The Vale of the Long Night. You contacted the guardian spirit who oversees our realm’s Fey Crossing nearest this place. The Pale Prince does not brook violation of his domain...not by members of the Summer Court and certainly not by members of the mortal world.”

Rawr can feel the threat lingering in the air and his teeth bare while his nose scrunches in response.

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Otthor, likewise you can obviously make out Saerie and her lumbering bear companion. However, near Saerie you can also see an eladrin Fey Knight and the gleaming, ethereal figure of an eladrin Bralani, silver gown and hair framing her floating form. When you meet, the grim-faced Fey Knight doesn’t look the part of “the welcome wagon” and the Bralani’s immediate remarks, without any typical elven pleasantries, certainly doesn’t improve the mood.

“We are emissaries of The Vale of the Long Night. You contacted the guardian spirit who oversees our realm’s Fey Crossing nearest this place. The Pale Prince does not brook violation of his domain...not by members of the Summer Court and certainly not by members of the mortal world.”

Rawr can feel the threat lingering in the air and his teeth bare while his nose scrunches in response.

Let me just update the score here quickly. We have made the following allies:

- A Winter Wolf and its pack of Dire Wolves.

- Frost Goblins.

- A Hobgoblin Sorcerer King with a White Dragon bloodline....or something.

- An Ancient White Dragon.

Now we have the Winter Fey in our face! Are we to make allies with all the cold-based villains in the history of D&D?!

I thump Rawr on his meaty flank and exchange a hug with Saerie and probably a look given the circumstances. Ignoring the abruptness of the Bralani for a moment, I hold my friend by the shoulders at arm length and say; "Averandox and I defeated the Aboleth threat at World's End. But speaking of 'world's end,' I discovered an imminent calamity. Something terrible, far worse than we have dealt with already, from the Far Realm is about to be unleashed on this world. We have but one day to stop it...if we can..."

I look up to the almost full moon and then turn to the Bralani. "I was going to say 'a fated moon shines on our meeting.' But I guess 'ominous' is probably the better description. I have not violated your domain nor do I wish to. Yes, I contacted the spirit guarding your crossing. I did so that I might be able to warn whomever so happened to reside on the Feywild side of it. But luckily, you have come to us so we don't have to breach the territory of your unforgiving prince."

Per Manbearcat
The Fey Knight's hand subtly moves to the pommel of the frozen eladrin blade sheathed on his weapon belt.

The Bralani's eyes flash coldly. "Your boldness does not serve you here. The Prince of Frost would call it insolence and would immediately have you a frozen decoration for the halls of his palace.

Your war here means nothing to us. The Pale Prince would see every mortal suffer the loss of all they love if it were in his power to make it so...."

When the Fey Knight's hand slides to the pommel of his sword, mine mirrors it like two gunslingers in the old west.

I cut her off. "...well then I guess we have nothing to talk about. Good luck to you. We have a world to save."

I'm not defying danger here. I sincerely wanted to help whoever was on the other side of that Fey Crossing. If the Winter Fey are going to look a gift horse in the mouth and want to make enemies of us, I welcome it!

Per Manbearcat
She finally shows anger and it comes with the fury of a thousand freezing blizzards. Frozen winds whip wildly and flurries of jagged sleet explode all around her from thin air (Reach range). "Such heroic nonsense!"

[sblock]Yes! A Megatron reference![/sblock]

The Fey Knight's curved, frozen sword appears in his hand as he disappears in the flash of a glowing portal.

So much for pleasantries and parlay. It is on! Everyone is in Reach range of each other, standing in the barren, frozen peat bog under the light of the moon.

You guys can go ahead and act, but what are you going to do about the Bralani's blizzard aura?

I'll wait for Binks before I make my move. I would assume that seeing Saerie without her bow would be startling to me. I would think that would stick out to me in the same way as someone missing an eye or a limb.

The first thing I'll do is unhook my bow from my shoulder and toss it in the air to Saerie as I draw my sword with the other hand. I'll rely on my waning physical fortitude to deal with the Bralani's harsh winds and frozen shrapnel.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
4, 1 + 1 (-1 ongoing) = 5

Mark 1 xp.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The bow is tossed in the air but the galeforce winds carry it aloft. It rides them to the edge of Reach range whiere it "thunks" into the frozen peat.

Winds and jagged ice slam into you, throwing you from your feet to the ground (Forceful) and causing you to slide away on your back (now out of Reach range of Saerie and the floating Bralani). You take 1d10 damage, no armor.

Let me get Saerie going and we'll continue.

[sblock]1d10 damage, no armor. 5 damage to me.[/sblock]
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As the bow and Otthor go tumbling away due to the freezing winds, I reach for my weapon belt and draw forth my short sword and long knife. I lean into the winds and reach up with my lead arm to try to shield myself from the sleet with my cloak.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
4, 2 + 1 (+ 1 amulet) = 8

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The freezing shrapnel that assails you is caught up on your cloak and buffered away from you by the warding power of your amulet. But the winds (Forceful) still carry much of their potency. You and Rawr keep your feet, but they slide on the frozen bog, away from the Bralani and toward Otthor.

Suddenly, the Fey Knight emerges from his fey portal, standing over the prone form of Otthor. Intent on a mortal blow, his frozen sword goes over his head, ominously catching the moonlight...

Not on my watch!

I let the momentum of the gale-force winds carry my to my friend and the eladrin warrior. Both of my blades work feverishly to intercept his icy sword.

[sblock]Defend (Con) Otthor
5 , 6 + 1 = 12

3 hold. Spending it for:

* Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself.
* Halve the attack’s effect or damage.
* Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the attacker.

b[2d8 + 2] (1 piercing) damage to me. 1, 6 + 2 = 8 - 1 (less 1 piercing). 8 damage/2 = 4 damage to me.[/sblock]

With a quick 1-2, my weapons parry the downward strike toward Otthor. The eladrin warrior redirects the strike with the momentum of my defense and nearly takes my head from my shoulders. However, with the effort he opens himself up to Otthor. [MENTION=6781356]Tecklenburg[/MENTION], take + 1 forward against the eladrin.

Per Manbearcat
The Bralani rides the winds up, up and up (Near range from ground - anyone attacking at range - Volley, Wind Slash - take - 1 due to the wind and sleet storm surrounding her). Her staff begins to gather power, a swirling vortex to rival the world's worst blizzards. Soon she will unleash it!

Sit tight Binks. Need to move Otthor forward.


With a quick 1-2, my weapons parry the downward strike toward Otthor. The eladrin warrior redirects the strike with the momentum of my defense and nearly takes my head from my shoulders. However, with the effort he opens himself up to Otthor. [MENTION=6781356]Tecklenburg[/MENTION], take + 1 forward against the eladrin.

Per Manbearcat
The Bralani rides the winds up, up and up (Near range from ground - anyone attacking at range - Volley, Wind Slash - take - 1 due to the wind and sleet storm surrounding her). Her staff begins to gather power, a swirling vortex to rival the world's worst blizzards. Soon she will unleash it!

Sit tight Binks. Need to move Otthor forward.

With Saerie’s save giving me an opening, I kip up to my feet and unload a torrent of sword and spell upon the eladrin Fey Knight.

[sblock]Flawless Bladework (Int)
1, 5 + 3 (+ 1 forward) = 10

d8 damage and 2 techniques. 1 damage – 3 armor = 0 damage.

Burst: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 damage and gains the forceful tag. 2 damage.

Soul-Siphoning: Your attack heals you for 1d4. Heal 1d8 instead if this attack kills your target. 3 HP returned.

Bladesong (Int)
4, 3 + 3 = 10

3 Bladesong for:

* Void Note - Teleport somewhere nearby within your line of sight.

* Guarded Flourish - When you have no weapon or shield in your offhand and you take damage, take + 2 armor.

* Blade Crescendo - When you deal damage to an enemy within your melee weapon's range, gain 2 piercing.[/sblock]

The eladrin is skilled and armored by master smiths of the Winter Fey. Of our initial foray of feeling each other out, what his sword doesn’t parry, his armor and shield deflect. But neither sword nor armor nor shield can deflect my magic. I draw upon his life energies and a thunderclap of magic explodes from my hand, sending him into the air toward the Bralani, cutting off her line of sight to us momentarily so we can get away before she unleashes her salvo of magic!

To Saerie and Rawr I shout “MOVE!”

You good with my use of Forceful for that?

Per Manbearcat
Sure. That works. Your ploy gives you a moment for you and Saerie to scatter so she can't AoE bomb you.

But with a look of frustration, the floating Bralani, shrouded in winter's fury, is able to reorient and fire a ray of frost at you, solely, as you dash away from her.

Perfect. Locked into the tempo of battle, I feel the the ebb and flow of the Bladesong course through me. Using it, I step through worlds and reappear standing over the prone form of the Fey Knight. The ray of frost slams into the frozen bog, icing over the area that I just vacated.

[sblock]1 Bladesong for Void Note[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Alright, sit tight. Need to move Binks forward.


I draw upon his life energies and a thunderclap of magic explodes from my hand, sending him into the air toward the Bralani, cutting off her line of sight to us momentarily so we can get away before she unleashes her salvo of magic!

To Saerie and Rawr I shout “MOVE!”

I unconsciously reach for the warding amulet on my chest when I see the Bralani prepare to unleash her frozen salvo upon us. When I see the Fey Knight obscure her vision to us and hear Otthor's call, I instinctively sprint away and toward the bow's resting spot. Rawr follows close behind.

Per Manbearcat
You arrive a moment later, perhaps intent on picking it up. But a fey portal opens right before you arrive. The eladrin Fey Knight escapes from Otthor's teleporting gambit with one of his own and reappears at your bow. He kicks it away from your reach and brings his sword and shield to bear against you in a spinning, dervish-like flurry.

You can either DD if you want to get away or D/H&S if you're going to engage...or something else if you have a trick up your sleeve.

No tricks. With my weapons in hand and trusted bear beside me, I'll give him the fight he is looking for. I circle left and bring my weapons up to parry and counter as Rawr circles left as well to flank him.

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
5, 1 + 3 = 9

d8 + 1d4 (offhand) + 3 (Rawr) damage to Fey Knight. 2 + 2 + 3 = 7 - 3 = 4 damage to Fey Knight.

Counterattack on me: b[2d8 + 2] (1 piercing) damage to me. 2, 7 + 2 = 9 - 1 (less 1 piercing). 9 damage to me.[/sblock]

Yikes. 8 HP left.

Per Manbearcat
As revealed before in the initial exchanges with you and Otthor, the eladrin warrior is a highly skilled, deadly combatant. You and Rawr execute your pincer effort and steel and toothy maw bypass armor and shield. The eladrin is wearing down, but not before he delivers a nasty retort with his icy blade. The weapon appears to be carved out of a block of frozen blue, no steel about it. This time, the weapon slips past the guard of your short sword and superficially lacerates your forearm. But when it does, you feel the freezing, lonely hopelessness of the Vale of the Long Night pervade your senses.

You're going to need to DD (you can use your + 1 from your amulet) before you carry on.

Living an isolated life for as long as I can remember means loneliness never comes into the equation for me. And hopelessness? As long as the strength of my wits, my steel, and my loyal bear companion are with me there is always hope! My reserves of mental fortitude are well beyond the reach of this magic!

[sblock]Defy Danger (Wis)
4, 4 + 2 (+1 amulet) = 11[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
From her airy perch, the Bralani begins a [Slow] conjuring. It will take a moment for it to come to fruition, but formless wisps of air begin to amalgamate into a pair of distinct, incorporeal shapes; medium-sized tornadic entities with spinning winds for arms and a faded glow for a pair of eyes where a head might be!

Doesn't she know I only have 8 HP left! :p

Could certainly use Exel and Xanob right about now...

Otthor's go or do I need to do something here?

Per Manbearcat
You're either going to need to engage in melee or get out of dodge. Otthor isn't going to be able to intervene quickly enough here.

Alright. I'm not engaging in melee. I'm going to drop my long knife and sprint to the bow, scoop it up, and put some distance between me and the eladrin warrior.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
3, 1 + 3 = 7

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
On the back of your speed and agility, you avoid another melee exchange with the eladrin warrior. You drop your long knife, scoop up the bow, and open up the distance between the two of you...but in order to protect yourself from taking a killing stroke, you have to get your short sword up in time to deflect the deadly blow. The masterful eladrin disarms you of your last melee weapon as you run off into the darkness. Rawr is all over him, cutting off any prospects of pursuit.

You're up Tecklenburg.


Alright. I'm not engaging in melee. I'm going to drop my long knife and sprint to the bow, scoop it up, and put some distance between me and the eladrin warrior.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
3, 1 + 3 = 7

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
On the back of your speed and agility, you avoid another melee exchange with the eladrin warrior. You drop your long knife, scoop up the bow, and open up the distance between the two of you...but in order to protect yourself from taking a killing stroke, you have to get your short sword up in time to deflect the deadly blow. The masterful eladrin disarms you of your last melee weapon as you run off into the darkness. Rawr is all over him, cutting off any prospects of pursuit.

My eyes are immediately drawn from the flash of teleportation magic at my feet to the flash at Saerie's position where the Winter Fey warrior ends up. I flinch as I see her get the worse of the exchange but I breathe a sigh of relief when she escapes with the bow, despite losing her other melee weapon.

Overhead the Bralani is in the middle of a conjuring and my mind wanders to what she is bringing into our world and how I might defeat it in combat. It appears to air elementals.

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
3, 3 + 3 (+ 1 Elf) = 10[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
As the slowly become more and more manifest, your initial intuition proves true. They are indeed Air Elementals. One of the facets of your training involved combating the otherworldly dextrous creatures. Their speed is without equal...swords often simply pass through their mostly incorporeal form....but boy are they vulnerable to Force magic!

Like Burst and Magic Missile ;) I'll get to them in a minute, now I want to address the more immediate threat.

I reach forward with my off-hand and clamp it into a fist as I draw forth magic to pull the Fey Knight back to me where we can finish our duel.

[sblock]Wind Slash (Int)
1, 3 + 3 = 7

1d8 damage and 1 technique. I'll choose danger as my complication.

Damage to Fey Knight. 8 - 3 (spending 1 Bladesong for Blade Crescendo so less 2 piercing) = 7 damage.

Burst: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 damage and gains the forceful tag. 4 damage.

11 total damage. He's dead.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your blades of cutting air tear past the defenses of frozen blade, shield, and fine armor. The warrior that is pulled to you by the strength of your force magic can no longer stand. He crumples to the permafrost as the light fades from his eyes.

But the permafrost that keeps the malleable bog serving as a viable substrate for creatures to pass across suddenly fractures entirely under the weight and the friction of all the activity here. A large section spiderwebs and what was once hard becomes soft and mushy. You sink knee-deep suddenly and surely that won't be the end of the sinking! Every second you slide an inch deeper...

[sblock]Spending my third and final Bladesong for Void Note to teleport nearby[/sblock]

I summon the final echo of the song that slows time for me, that binds all things. I disappear in a flash from the sucking bog and reappear next to Rawr where the ground is firm. I feel the song ebb from my body and mind.

I attempt to shout over the fury of the storm that surrounds the Bralani. "Your ally is fallen due to following the orders of your rash decision here! Retrieve him before this bog claims him forevemore! He deserves a resting place amongst your people where the brave, lost warriors reside! I promise you will not be attacked!

[sblock]Parley (Cha)

Leverage is the need to remove a fallen ally from the battlefield, before his remains are claimed by an unfitting resting place, and my promise of momentary peace in order to do it.

1, 3 + 1 = 5

Marked 1 xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The Bralani, much more intent on your death than on honoring the fallen, retorts with a voice that is a tempestuous rage, booming like thunder over the storm that surrounds her. "YOU WILL SOON JOIN HIM!"

Suddenly, the sky goes dark for a moment. You don't even see it before it is upon you. A large griffin, size and wingspan blotting out the moon with its proximity to you, swoops down and is upon you...mighty, massive talons leading. A fine meal you'll make!

Go ahead and DD, or whatever, and then I need to get Binks up.

I reflexively hit the deck!

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
2, 3 + 2 = 7

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
2 choices. You can either:

1) Squirm free and avoid getting nabbed and carried up into the air (avoid Forceful tag)...but you're taking d8 + 3 damage.

2) Avoid the damage but take the Forceful tag and be swooped up into the air some 40 feet...and made vulnerable to the Bralani's attacks.

I'll eat the damage, thank you!

[sblock]d8 + 3 damage. 3 + 3 - 2 = 4 damage to me.[/sblock]

The huge talons clamp down on one shoulder and arm and close like a crushing vice. I'm only 10 feet in the air or so before I'm able to barely wriggle free of the grasp. I land softly on the frozen bog below.

Per Manbearcat
Sit tight. Have to move Binks forward.


I put some distance between myself and the eladrin warrior, looking at a gentle rise to try to crest and get some cover for stealth in case he pursues. As I reach it, I jump to the ground to lay still and flat for a moment. Rawr is fending off the eladrin when suddenly the fey warrior is ripped from his feet as Otthor cuts him down with magical blades from afar. I slowly get up to a knee and string arrow to bow to try to penetrate the Bralani's defenses. That is when I see the dark form of the griffin cast a shadow in front of the moon. I breath a sigh of relief when Otthor escapes its clutches. This must be the griffin with hatchlings up on the ridge. Therefore, she won't put herself at too much risk for prey. If we put a dose of fear in her, she'll retreat and prey on something less feisty. I'll put a shot into her thick noggin at an oblique angle, so as not to injure her, and scramble her brains for a second.

[sblock]Camouflage: When you keep still in natural surroundings, enemies never spot you until you make a movement.


Called Shot: When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range...(Dex)
1, 4 + 3 = 8

✴ 7-9: They do nothing but stand and drool for a few moments.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your untold hours in the untamed wilderness do not betray you. As you surmise, the creature goes wobbly, shaking its head as it glides awkwardly through the air. It banks gently, flaps its wings hard to gain altitude and flies off into the distance looking for less dangerous prey.

The Bralani finishes her conjuration/summoning. Two air elementals streak, with great speed, toward Otthor.

I sense there is little I can do to help Otthor with the air elementals. But despite her being sheathed in a storm, if my arrows get through, they'll still penetrate the Bralani's wintry flesh. From Far range, I draw as far as Otthor's bow will allow and unleash.

[sblock]Volley (Dex)
4, 6 + 3 (- 1 for her storm) = 12

d8 damage. 5 - 1 = 4 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your arrow stubbornly pushes through the gale-force of her windwall and finds its mark. It takes her in the shoulder and her eyes blaze with the deepest of cold. The fight turning against her, she beats a contemptuous retreat as her summons covers her escape. Her voice booms with disdain.

"Winter has a long and hateful memory..." With that, speedily carried aloft by the winds of a blizzard, she flies off toward the Fey Crossing...which just so happens to have your cabin shelter between here and there...

Oh no. I have to leave Otthor to handle this. "The cabin! She is going to murder innocent women and children!" Hopefully Otthor can hear me despite the battle he must endure. I call Rawr to my side and, knowing it might be futile trying to keep pace with her on the long run across this frozen bog, I set into a dead sprint nonetheless.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
5, 3 + 1 = 9

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Rawr lumbers after you. Though he is fast, there is no way he is going to be able to maintain that speed for the necessary 3ish miles to the cabin. As your feet crunch on the permafrost layer covering the sucking bog, you hear Rawr's protesting huffs fall further and further behind until you hear them no more.

You're on your own...

I'll move you forward in a later post.
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The Bralani makes her cold proclomation and exits the battlefield on frozen winds. Saerie cries out an impending threat to womene and children and gives hard chase, her trusty bear loping after her.

As the eladrin Fey Warrior's body is claimed by the, now exposed, sucking bog, the two, mostly insubstantial, dervishes descend from the sky with terrible speed. The lights that mark their eyes reveal that the creatures possess sentience, but you can find no hint of malevelence. Nonetheless, they do as as their conjurer commands...and that conjurer commands your violent end. There is no circling, no flanking, no baiting, no strategic formation. As they speed to your position, it is clear they mean to assimilate you into their wind fields.

You can make a move before they set upon you.


Though your lungs burn, a three mile sprint is little difficulty for you and the permafrost layer covering the sucking bog provides ample traction. Although you can't get into bow range, you're able to barely keep pace with the Winter Court sorceress such that you can follow her flight. You finally reach the cabin you left a little more than an hour ago.

The squat stone structure is nigh impregnable save for the few windows and the door. Dried, cured leather covers each, with the latter being multiple, hardened layers glued together affixed to hinges. This is where the Bralani lights down. The winds batter the structure's openings and in short order, the door is torn from its hinges. You can hear screams from within. The Bralani begins to gather power at the threshold. "Prepare for the cold embrace of oblivion..."

You can make a move. You're at Far range.



The Bralani makes her cold proclamation and exits the battlefield on frozen winds. Saerie cries out an impending threat to womene and children and gives hard chase, her trusty bear loping after her.

As the eladrin Fey Warrior's body is claimed by the, now exposed, sucking bog, the two, mostly insubstantial, dervishes descend from the sky with terrible speed. The lights that mark their eyes reveal that the creatures possess sentience, but you can find no hint of malevolence. Nonetheless, they do as as their conjurer commands...and that conjurer commands your violent end. There is no circling, no flanking, no baiting, no strategic formation. As they speed to your position, it is clear they mean to assimilate you into their wind fields.

You can make a move before they set upon you.

My sword is out before me instinctively. A wry smile appears in the corner of my mouth as I consider just how absurd my defensive posture must look in this situation. Am I to parry the very air!

That smile ends quickly enough and words of an ancient magical tongue stream forth as my free hand weaves arcane symbols.

[sblock]Cast a Spell (Int) - Magic Missile
1, 4 + 3 = 8

The spell is cast, but after it is cast, the spell is forgotten. You cannot cast the spell again until you prepare spells.

2d4 damage (no armor) to one of the air elementals. 2, 4 = 6 damage. Vanquished.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The bolt of raw magical force penetrates into the raw essence that animates the whirlwind, ending its connection to this world. The vortex spins itself out into nothingness soon after.

The second one envelops you. You feel the force of the screaming, spiraling wind on your bare skin. You feel your feet being drawn from the ground, up, up into the air. This must be what it is like when others are afflicted by your Wind Slash and Burst technique!

There is nothing to fight physically. Nothing to steel my will against. I try to drop my center of gravity and thrust my free hand into the icy covering of the sucking bog. Maybe the vice-grip of the peat can be friend as well as foe.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Str)
5, 6 - 1 = 10[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your hands have decades of strength born of climbing, sanding floors and bows, and deftly and delicately wielding all manner of weapons. You penetrate the permafrost layer with your hand and dig into the peat below. When the small, elememtal windstorm takes to the air, its attempt to drag you with it is foiled.

It is too quick for you to counter until it is out of Close range and at the edge of Near.

[sblock]FYI - 1d6 to any physical damage to the air elemental.[/sblock]

Then I'll call forth blades of cutting air and the same force magic that laid low the first. My hand excavates some of the peat as I explode from my crouch into a spinning kata of blade and magic.

[sblock]Wind Slash (Int)
2, 5 + 3 = 10

1d8 damage - 1d6 and 1 technique. 5 damage - 2 = 3 damage to the elemental.

Burst: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 damage and gains the forceful tag. 3 damage. Vanquished.[/sblock]

With both elementals vanquished, I sheathe my blade and speed to pick up Saerie's short sword and longknife. I say a solemn prayer for the eladrin fey knight. Even though we fight for different sides, I still feel a kindred bond with the warrior. It is terrible that his grave will be such an ignominious place. Worse still that his superior let it happen.

My thoughts quickly move to Saerie. I feel a constant weariness biting at my bones after the Sahuagin bit at my flesh. When will this wound ever stop bleeding? I hope my love for my friend will carry my legs when my failing constitution refuses.

I want to try sprint after Saerie all the way to...wherever she is.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
3, 4 + 1 (-1 ongoing) = 7

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Ok hero. I'll let you get there not long after her if you want. However, you're going to have to stake 1d6 HP (no armor obviously) against it. Otherwise, you get there pretty quickly, but your weary body makes your pace slower than you'd like.

Your choice.

I'll stake the HP to sprint all out all the way there.

[sblock]1d6 damage. 3 damage to me.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Ok, you pass poor, winded Rawr somewhere around the 2 mile mark. I'll bring you in not too long after things begin with Saerie and the Bralani.
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Though your lungs burn, a three mile sprint is little difficulty for you and the permafrost layer covering the sucking bog provides ample traction. Although you can't get into bow range, you're able to barely keep pace with the Winter Court sorceress such that you can follow her flight. You finally reach the cabin you left a little more than an hour ago.

The squat stone structure is nigh impregnable save for the few windows and the door. Dried, cured leather covers each, with the latter being multiple, hardened layers glued together affixed to hinges. This is where the Bralani lights down. The winds batter the structure's openings and in short order, the door is torn from its hinges. You can hear screams from within. The Bralani begins to gather power at the threshold. "Prepare for the cold embrace of oblivion..."

You can make a move. You're at Far range.

Do I need to Defy Danger here to stealth and attack from surprise or does Camouflage just apply here so I can Called Shot?

Per Manbearcat
The way I see it, you're trailing her from the ground outside of Far range in the dead of night (despite a nearly full moon). Her ability to detect you would be pretty poor, and that is your shtick anyway being a Ranger and all. Further, you should easily be able to sneak into Far range and attack her from surprise with Camouflage. If I was going to make a stealth complication, I would have used that instead of Rawr.

You're good to go wtih Called Shot.


I pad quietly and quickly into position. When she unleashes on the door and begins to gather power, I loose an arrow aimed for her head...

[sblock]Called Shot (Dex)
5, 6 + 3 (-1 windwall) = 13

* Head .10+: Deal your damage and they do nothing but stand and drool for a few moments.

d8. 3 damage - 1 armor = 2 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The arrow penetrates the powerful wind-field that surrounds her. It then explodes in a blast of biting shrapnel when it impacts the frozen magical warding that surrounds her, tearing into the side of her face. Her gathering of power ceases immediately as she shrieks and reaches up to grasp her bloodied head, quite stunned.

I don't hesitate. I take this moment to cut the distance between us in half, sprinting toward her and firing off another volley!

[sblock]Volley (Dex)
5, 1 + 3 (- 1 windwall) = 8

I'll take danger as my complication.

d8 damage. 2 - 1 = 1 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
As the second arrow comes in and explodes against the warding on her ribs, she shakes free of the daze from your initial attack. With a bowed head and a furrowed brow, she flies up and backwards with extreme suddeness. With a scream, she throws her head back as both hands come forward simultaneously and an arctic ray bursts forth from them!

I continue my sprint toward her, diving forward and (hopefully!) coming up from a somersault to unleash another arrow!

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
3, 4 + 3 (+ 1 amulet) = 11

Volley (Dex)
3, 5 + 3 (-1 windwall) = 10

d8 damage. 5 - 1 = 4 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
This last arrow passes through her windwall, her frozen magical ward, and slams into her arm holding the crystalline staff causing her to drop it. Even from this height, the magic of the staff holds it together.

She waves her hand in a circle and the water vapor in the air before her freezes in a great disc of impermeable, suspended ice. Before she disappears behind it, she says " have earned yourself an eternal winter..." With that, she turns and flies away toward the Fey Crossing, the ice shield melting and disappearing like a snowflake on the wind.

You giving chase?

Otthor, you arrive in time to see the dissipating, floating ice-shield. Rawr is a few hundred meters or so on your tail.

I'm not. However, I will sprint forward until I can see beyond the ice-shield-snowflake-thing that she created. I need to make sure she actually vacates the area. I'll keep an arrow strung and the string taut as I follow her fading form into the darkness. I'm going to make sure that we all take turns keeping watch tonight.

When Otthor and Rawr find me, I'll be in the same position. When they come close, my eyes will still be off in the distance, bow still at the ready. I'll nod toward the staff that she dropped. "The Winter Court emissary is gone...but I fear this will not be the last we see of her and her people. This complicates tomorrow's journey I'm afraid."
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