• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between


When I slew the master those decades ago, I didn't take the opportunity to familiarize myself with his family. I should have met with them and helped them grieve. At the very least, I should have been more involved in ensuring their family name was not stained by his legacy. The elven memory is long and the propensity for elven culture to want to whitewash its collective history by removing any stains is well renowned.

I know nothing of the recent history of his extended family so I want to rectify that before this is brought before the Summer Queen. I travel to the records center of Senaliesse and consult with their well-learned family historians. I drop the necessary coin and give them the family name "Avel' lethelin". "Emissary of the Sky" in the common tongue. Their family's forebear was able to predict the weather with perfect accuracy and the gift was passed down for many a generation.

Per Manbearcat
The venerable Loremaster Illyone runs the vast library out of his wall-less and ceiling-less estate. Stacks of bound and rolled parchment are demarcated by various surnames which are beautifully carved into marble sculptures or the very tree bark upon which they reside.

He sets you up with one of his expert young clerks, gives the girl brief instructions and you're on your way.

[sblock]Mark off 30 - Charisma coins. We will treat it mechanically as a Spout Lore check and you can take + 1.[/sblock]

I pay the 17 coins and wait patiently as the clerk gathers the necessary histories. We'll then peruse them together for anything interesting related to the very recent history of the family and who this boy might be.

[sblock]Family History Lore (Int)
2, 2 + 3 + (take +1) = 8

The GM will only tell you something interesting.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The entirety of the "Avel' lethelin" clan began an evolving, self-imposed exile after that fateful day that you exposed their legendary member and defeated him in single combat.

The shame was too great, their status too diminished, and the fey of Senaliesse too willing to scarlet letter them all by association. They scattered like sticks in the wind to other realms and to other places in the Feywild.

The boy is the last member of the family living in Senaliesse. He is the grandson of the master.

I quietly whisper aloud without thinking. "Simple vengeance." I thank the girl for her help and when i'm on my way, I swear a vow. "I will redeem him and his family's name."

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In the gardens of the Summer Queen's palace, flowers the size of giants predominate. Flanking you on either side of your twisting jaunt are fields of enormous red poppies stretching as far as the eye can see. When you come to your final stop, an unfathomably beautiful nymph crosses your path. Aloft on dragonfly wings and born to the very wind itself, Shy-ello-le-indria is a sylph and the master scout of the northern territories for the Star Court. She is tasked primarily with monitoring the Feydark entrance to the Fomorian city of Vor Thomill. This is the same territory where the patrol recently came up missing. If she is here, she is debriefing the Summer Queen on some important goings-on. She locks eyes with Otthor and shifts so her "barely there" gown reveals her bosom, both quite purposefully. A quick flirtatious smile later and she flies off without a look back.

The words of Tiandra, the Summer Queen, ring out like melodic wind chimes. "Mardu (the playful acronym she likes to use for Master of the Arcane Duelists), Saerie, I am here." The final bend reveals her sitting in the comfy center of a massive sunflower, her legs dangling freely. A tiny girl rests on her lap. The Summer Queen is holding a hair-braiding workshop (she holds many a workshop on beauty maintenance and the arts) for a few dozen boys and girls. They are all looking on very attentively, beautiful dolls with life-like hair across their own laps.

She speaks to the girl in her lap quietly which elicits a sweet snicker from the child. The flower then dutifully bends near to the ground so the two of them can "dismount." She instructs the students on a project and excuses herself for awhile.

"I have some news and it seems so do you. Let us walk." She points out a particular sun-drenched pathway which winds up giant branches and ultimately leads to a staggering butterfly garden. When you are enough removed from tender ears she subtly frowns (a sight not seen very often) despite the beauty around you. "Several members of the patrol were consumed by a vile Fomorian, an act of aggression not seen in a decade. The two proud warriors unfortunate enough to survive were taken captive. The Carrion King (the "everywhere-at-once" myconid archfey of the Feydark) revealed to me that they have been ushered to the fighting pits of Vor Thomill. Shy-ello-le-indria witnessed a contingent of Winter Fey, led by a female Bralani Wintersoul (she looks at you pointedly at that mention), entering the Feydark entrance of the Fomorian stronghold less than a fortnight ago."


"I have some news and it seems so do you. Let us walk." She points out a particular sun-drenched pathway which winds up giant branches and ultimately leads to a staggering butterfly garden. When you are enough removed from tender ears she subtly frowns (a sight not seen very often) despite the beauty around you. "Several members of the patrol were consumed by a vile Fomorian, an act of aggression not seen in a decade. The two proud warriors unfortunate enough to survive were taken captive. The Carrion King (the "everywhere-at-once" myconid archfey of the Feydark) revealed to me that they have been ushered to the fighting pits of Vor Thomill. Shy-ello-le-indria witnessed a contingent of Winter Fey, led by a female Bralani Wintersoul (she looks at you pointedly at that mention), entering the Feydark entrance of the Fomorian stronghold less than a fortnight ago."

Rawr has a tendency to get into mischief and want to destroy things so he and the Direwolves are in the lowlands off hunting. I'll meet up with them later. Lucky is playing in the spirit world while Sadia is at my side. I can't help but smile at her look of wonderment at all that is around her and her blushing at the sylph scout's boldness. "That is their way" I simply say to her.

I bow low upon meeting Her Grace, Queen Tiandra, and then follow her with Otthor. When she finishes, I'll speak on this new bit of information. I won't bring up what we found on the southeastern borderlands just yet.

"I hope we are being dispatched to the Feydark. Truth be told, I have no directives at this point and my beasts are growing restless. Whether it be official or not, I will make my way there. I would much rather it be sponsored and have your Shiradi Champion (referring to Otthor) by my side. If the Winter Fey are truly engaging in a proxy war, I will uncover it. If our scouts are still alive, I will see that they remain so. If the Bralani Wintersoul has taken up residence in Vor Thomil as an ambassador or some other capacity, I will have my opportunity to pluck out her frozen heart and feed it to my wolves."

Sadia's playful laughter at the butterflies lighting upon her provides a jarring juxtaposition to my harsh words.

"I hope we are being dispatched to the Feydark. Truth be told, I have no directives at this point and my beasts are growing restless. Whether it be official or not, I will make my way there. I would much rather it be sponsored and have your Shiradi Champion (referring to Otthor) by my side. If the Winter Fey are truly engaging in a proxy war, I will uncover it. If our scouts are still alive, I will see that they remain so. If the Bralani Wintersoul has taken up residence in Vor Thomil as an ambassador or some other capacity, I will have my opportunity to pluck out her frozen heart and feed it to my wolves."

Sadia's playful laughter at the butterflies lighting upon her provides a jarring juxtaposition to my harsh words.

"Given that you're paramilitary and have no legitimate place or station in Senialese society, Her Grace would have no qualm about sending you to rectify this reckless course of action by our enemies...or about sending you to a most terrible fate."

The figure owning the voice is obscured from your sight in the butterfly garden. However, he quickly remedies that when he emerges from a canopied walkway, marvelling at a large butterfly resting on his hand.

Malgelir Beretheil is the Astrazalian (Evermeet int he common tongue) representative of the equivalent of the Summer Court's merged State and Defense Departments. While the Summer Queen has primary authority, these advisors hold great sway on policy decisions and are themselves held in high regard by certain segments of free-spirited fey cultures who are skeptical of authoritarianism.

He smirks and turns to face you all as the butterfly flies off. "But the recently annointed Master of the Arcane Duelists...of the entire Summer Court? If he were slain, or worse still - captured...that would be an utter disaster. It would undermine our position of strength over the Unseelie and the faith that our people have in the decision-making of its leaadership."

He looks squarely at Otthor. "No, no, no. There are plenty of eager young warriors or 'other assets' in place that would serve nicely to sweep this little dust-up under the rug."

Looking at both of you now. "But that isn't why either of you have come here...is it?..."

Tiandra looks a little pained. "Thank you Malgelir. I thought our cabinet meeting was...later?.."

He quickly responds without taking his eyes from Otthor. "I took the opportunity to see an old friend, Your Grace."


"Given that you're paramilitary and have no legitimate place or station in Senialese society, Her Grace would have no qualm about sending you to rectify this reckless course of action by our enemies...or about sending you to a most terrible fate."


He smirks and turns to face you all as the butterfly flies off. "But the recently annointed Master of the Arcane Duelists...of the entire Summer Court? If he were slain, or worse still - captured...that would be an utter disaster. It would undermine our position of strength over the Unseelie and the faith that our people have in the decision-making of its leaadership."

Quietly I say "...old friend."

I then shake my head and narrow my eyes. "No qualm about sending Saerie to a most terrible fate? She is more important to the security and prosperity of the goodly fey than all of your bureaucrats combined. From my recollection, it was her neck that was on the line against the Far Realm entities that would devour the world we were tasked to defend. It was her arrows that brought down the ancient aboleth queen mother that would have invaded our world should we have failed."

I look at Saerie intently. "I would see every pretentious, do-nothing noble put to the sword before I let Saerie suffer the slings and arrows of our enemies alone. If it is indeed the Bralani Wintersoul that we encountered prior, and she is indeed conspiring with the dark fey of Vor Thomil, then you would be sending many warriors to their death in my stead."

Looking at Queen Tiandra squarely now. "That sort of villainy (I stress that word) I cannot abide, despite the possible political fallout of my failing. But I WON'T fail."

I'll won't address Malgelir's implication that he is aware that Saerie and I arranged this audience and thus have interests of our own. He is clearly angling at something. He likely already has learned and wants to get out in front of things and express his opinion on the matters. The noble families of the Summer Fey won't like what I've planned and surely they are irked about a human child in their midst.

When looking at the Summer Queen, I'm trying to read her pained response. Does she not have the authority or the gumption to simply give him the boot?

[sblock]Discern Realities (Wis)
2, 3 +0 = 5

Marked 1 xp[/sblock]


We're going to be in a spot here pretty soon. Things are getting heated. Otthor has shown a tendency to get more and more intense when he is faced with either a disrespecting authority figure that tries to lord their power over him or when he is faced with villainy.

Also, it is pretty obvious that we're going to have to continue our council with the Summer Queen with an unfavorable audience. I place my hand on my friend's shoulder, lean in to calm my friend and to whisper some advice.

"It is ok, my friend. He does not have the final say on this. Let us give voice, and voice alone, to our pleas.

And remember, as the Summer Court's Master of the Arcane Duelist, you have history and tradition on your side. All Masters have chosen a Blade Ward to groom to take their place one day."

[sblock]Aid (Bond)
1, 4 + 1 = 6

Mark 1 xp


For the second part, I'm using Decades of Experience. If he uses this, he can take +1 and Mark xp![/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
[sblock]This is for Otthor's hard failure.[/sblock]

The Summer Queen's vexation culminates in her abruptly raising her hands at the end of the exchange as she senses tempers flaring. "This is a place of serenity and contemplation, not intemperance. Steel yourselves against this needless escalation."

She places her hands fingers to her temples. "If this is going to be done this way, then we will just include everyone rather than routing the conversation through middlemen and back and forth."

With that, she magically calls to the rest of her council with a powerful sending. "Meet in our chambers at the top of the hour."

Unfortunately your audience with the Summer Queen is not going to be the private affair you had hoped for!

[sblock]This is for Saerie's hard failure.[/sblock]

Almost interrupting the sending is a frantic pixie who comes buzzing up and almost flies right past you. She stops when she spots Saerie and banks hard with her nimble wings. "Its you!"

She flies directly into your face and practically pants out some panicked words.

"Your wolves were chasing Old Man Barnum's (famous satyr farmer) Wooley Pigs. They broke the pens and then trampled the garden. Your bear tried to corral them but just made it worse. Now its dead pigs, ruined rows, and Old Man Barnum's trapped in his house!"

My eyes bulge and my jaw slacks. I mouth "oh no." I then call to Sadia who is across the way enjoying the butterfly garden. "Stay with Otthor! I'll be right back!"

I move to Otthor and say "Tell the queen what Sadia and I saw."

I sprint off.

Per Manbearcat
Queen Tiandra wryly clears her throat as she summons a portal to the farmlands beneath her palatial domain at the top of the trees.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry. I'll make this right!"

I disappear into the portal!


Every fiber of my being wants to chase Saerie through that portal and run away from this bureaucratic mess I'm about to enter into. I'm not interested in having a parley with a presumptuous collection of elitists, save for Queen Tiandra, that I have no respect for. But I check myself as I realize that if I don't attend, any opportunity to advocate for my right to join Saerie in hunting down the dark fey responsible for killing and imprisoning our scouts will be lost. Its also a fact that I'm going to have to represent my aims at making a Blade Ward of the Avel' lethelin boy. They'll surely seek significant punishment for his rather meek assassination attempt on me. It would make whole the exile of his family name from our society. The nobility would see that as "cleansing", of that I'm sure.

I call Sadia over to me and we follow the Summer Queen and Malgelir. On our way, I do my best to recall the Blade Ward tradition. What rights or latitude, if any, is the Master of the Arcane Duelist afforded in the selection? Is there a test, a proving ritual, or a vouching?

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
3, 4 + 3 (+1 from Saerie's DoE and +1 for this being martial tradition related) = 12

The GM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation.

Mark 1 xp for Decades of Experience from Saerie.[/sblock]


I disappear into the portal!

The sign reads:


Truth be told, Old Man Barnum has never needed that sign. Rumors that he's a farmer by day, warlock by night have been enough to scare away thieves, pranksters, and fill childrens' sleepy minds with all manner of nightmares.

But Dire Wolves from the material plane can't read and don't know of the legend...

One wolf plays a version of whack-a-mole with a tiny fey creature who is springing an and out of holes on his grasshopper legs as his mocking song fills the air. Every time the wolf's snout penetrates the earth, the Grig pops out of another hole with new verse of his taunting song and a dagger poking a flank or a paw. Clearly they have been at this game for some time as the cabbage patch is in utter ruins.

Another wolf is suffering a "Guilliver-Tie-Down" by a collection of incensed Brownies, their wee voices a unified clatter. The wolf isn't resisting much due to the fact that he his red muzzle has already gorged in full on large, Woolly Pig, the gory remnants of which lie nearby.

The last wolf is chasing down and slaughtering several Woolly Pigs for sport or later feasting. The trail of blood, torn flesh, splintered wood, and ruined troughs renders the former pen virtually unrecognizable. Unfortunately, part of that is on Rawr as he chases down the wolf and tramples anything that wasn't in tatters before.

[sblock]Dire Wolves:

Instinct: Menace the weak

Cost: Dominance. Deference to the pack by those that come in contact with it.[/sblock]


Originally posted by Tecklenburg

Every fiber of my being wants to chase Saerie through that portal and run away from this bureaucratic mess I'm about to enter into. I'm not interested in having a parley with a presumptuous collection of elitists, save for Queen Tiandra, that I have no respect for. But I check myself as I realize that if I don't attend, any opportunity to advocate for my right to join Saerie in hunting down the dark fey responsible for killing and imprisoning our scouts will be lost. Its also a fact that I'm going to have to represent my aims at making a Blade Ward of the Avel' lethelin boy. They'll surely seek significant punishment for his rather meek assassination attempt on me. It would make whole the exile of his family name from our society. The nobility would see that as "cleansing", of that I'm sure.

I call Sadia over to me and we follow the Summer Queen and Malgelir. On our way, I do my best to recall the Blade Ward tradition. What rights or latitude, if any, is the Master of the Arcane Duelist afforded in the selection? Is there a test, a proving ritual, or a vouching?

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
3, 4 + 3 (+1 from Saerie's DoE and +1 for this being martial tradition related) = 12

The GM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation.

Mark 1 xp for Decades of Experience from Saerie.[/sblock]

Your recall on the Blade Ward tradition is acute:

1) The Master's latitude is complete save for blood ties or criminal/non-Summer Fey background.

2) In the case of either 1 or 2, a deadly proving ritual must be undertaken with a neutral third party arbiter bearing witness. This is to confirm the potential Blade Ward's dedication to the Summer Court and their unparalleled skill in marrying blade and magic.

The open balcony of the Summer Queen's palace is imposing in its natural grandeur. Impossibly intricate mithril carvings and crystalline sculptures capture an endless array of dazzling sunbeams. The lounge furnishings and magic rugs are animated, serving as taxies to various views, wine casks, or texts (which, of course open themselves on demand to whatever subject is requested). All parties have access to constant magical Sendings so conversation can remain entirely telepathic if the participants wish it to be.

The Minister of Arts is Ghostroot, a former dryad whose tree perished many centuries ago in a terrible war with the formorians that scarred the land deeply. Somehow, she survived the affair becoming a hamadryad. She also chairs the Green Court's equivalent under her Archfey patron, the Summer Queen's consort, Green Lord Oran. She hates war above all other things.

The Minister of Coin is a powerful gnome illusionist and former adventurer of the mortal world, Karl Stoneshine. He has studied currency and economics in more realms than most have even heard of.

The Minister of Law is an Elven Ranger from Shinaelestra, the Fading City. Tell me what he hates or what he loves above all other things.

As you know, Malgelir Beretheil of Astrazalian is the Summer Court Minister of Relations.

Malgelir starts in immediately:

"I don't know why the human girl of the mortal world is allowed in here with us. Truth be told, I'm wondering why she was allowed to accompany our agents back to the Feywild at all? And I'm quite certain I'm not the only one who has wondered this. She is a danger to us all. You all know of what I speak." He looks around at faces that betray nothing.

He is speaking aloud in the common tongue for Sadia to plainly hear him. She tries to feign distraction, but she is clearly paying attention and frightened.

Karl Stoneshine moves his lips but no other part of his face follows suit. "Motion to discuss her fate."

With nary a tenth of a second of delay, Minister Malgelir raises his hand. "Seconded."

He turns to her with honeyed, serpentine words. "Come forward girl. Let us have a good look at you."

Her small form, sitting forward in her chair, eyes down, hands clasped, begins to slide toward the assembled group as the mobile lounge draws her near. She sits back and grabs the armrests, knuckles whitening, fearful eyes as big as saucers. She looks to you, Otthor, for help.

Malgelir leans in to examine her as she slides toward him...
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The sign reads:

Truth be told, Old Man Barnum has never needed that sign. Rumors that he's a farmer by day, warlock by night have been enough to scare away thieves, pranksters, and fill childrens' sleepy minds with all manner of nightmares.

But Dire Wolves from the material plane can't read and don't know of the legend...

One wolf plays a version of whack-a-mole with a tiny fey creature who is springing an and out of holes on his grasshopper legs as his mocking song fills the air. Every time the wolf's snout penetrates the earth, the Grig pops out of another hole with new verse of his taunting song and a dagger poking a flank or a paw. Clearly they have been at this game for some time as the cabbage patch is in utter ruins.

Another wolf is suffering a "Guilliver-Tie-Down" by a collection of incensed Brownies, their wee voices a unified clatter. The wolf isn't resisting much due to the fact that he his red muzzle has already gorged in full on large, Woolly Pig, the gory remnants of which lie nearby.

The last wolf is chasing down and slaughtering several Woolly Pigs for sport or later feasting. The trail of blood, torn flesh, splintered wood, and ruined troughs renders the former pen virtually unrecognizable. Unfortunately, part of that is on Rawr as he chases down the wolf and tramples anything that wasn't in tatters before.

[sblock]Dire Wolves:

Instinct: Menace the weak

Cost: Dominance. Deference to the pack by those that come in contact with it.[/sblock]

I finish my run so I have clear line of sight to the wolf chasing the pigs and the wolf playing whack-a-mole. Bow out, arrow strung, I growl a deep, menacing growl which conveys the following in their language:

"Submit to me right now. On your back, bellies up, tails tucked or you're getting one right through the middle of your chest..."

[sblock]Order Follower (Loyalty)
1, 4 +1 = 6

Mark xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The smell of blood is in the air and on their tongues so the two wolves have no intention of giving up their feast or submitting. They turn to face you, hair on their backs stands straight up along with their tails as their front quarters simultaneously lower. Fangs bared, ears flattened, they each rush.

Rawr is in easy position to intercept the wolf in the pens, but the one trying to devour the Grig has a straight shot and will close quickly (Near range).

The last wolf doesn't strain against the brownies, intent on seeing things play out.

I think to myself so be it. My whistle to Rawr is probably redundant as he is on the one wolf with all the primal fury a grizzly can muster (which is a lot!).

I wheel on the nearer one rushing me and release!

[sblock]Rawr - Do Their Thing (Quality)
4, 5 +2 = 11

d8 (5) +1 - 1 (armor) = 5 damage and messy tag.

Volley (Dex)
3, 4 +3 = 10

d8 (2) - 1 = 1 damage.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
[sblock]We're going to handle this as each of the wolves has 1/3 of the 12 HPs total of the follower; 4 apiece. The first wolf is slain by Rawr.[/sblock]

Lupine bones crunch disgustingly as Rawr barrels into the side of the far creature as it tries to rush you. His maw crushes through spinal column at the neck and the creature immediately goes limp...quite dead. He won't challenge you any further.

Your arrow finds its mark in the shoulder of the large dire wolf bearing down on you, but the meaty muscles of the beast save it from certain death. It closes the distance with ferocious speed and the kind of ill intent in its eyes that says "one of us isn't walking away from this."

He's upon you (hand range). You aren't getting another shot off or getting out a melee weapon without defying some danger.

I'll get back to you...


This is a garden so no trees to clamber up, no briars to lure him into. Screw it, I'm just going to accept his rush, slam my bow into his jaws to fend him off until Rawr can finish him.

[sblock]Defend (Con) Myself
3, 3 +1 = 7

Hold 1.

* Halve the attack’s effect or damage. d6 (4) /2 = 2 - 2 armor = 0. Forceful tag.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The wolf explodes into you in a few hard strides. Your bow goes up and slams it under the chin and then finds off its clamping jaws repeatedly. It gets free for a moment and you have to fend it off with your elven chain armored forearm to prevent it from clamping down on you (thus pinning any future attempt to go for a melee weapon for now).

But this bides the time for Rawr to aggressively lope the distance between you!

Rawr needs no direction from me to finish the unruly wolf!

[sblock]Rawr - Do Their Thing (Quality)
2, 3 +2 = 7

They do it, but there is an unforeseen cost, consequence or limitation (ask GM).

d8 (3) +1 - 1 (armor) = 3 damage and messy tag. Dead.

Consequence is counterattack on Rawr. d6 (5) - 1 armor = 4 damage to Rawr. 12/16 HP for him.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The exchange between Rawr and the wolf with you is violent as all hell...but decisive. Rawr's fur is blooded with spatter from the wolf's shredded juggular and a bit of his own torn flesh. You're drenched on gore as well. Rawr licks the blood off you to make sure you're ok. When he is sure that you are, he begins to charge the wolf that the brownies have under control.

That wolf has made no moves to challenge you and appears quite cowed.

I pat Rawr on his huge flank. "Hold my friend! I think we're ok." I brush myself off as best I can as I walk over to the prostrate dire wolf. Rawr loom huge next to me. When we near the brownies, I say "Have no fear. I am Saerie, Ranger of the Summer Court. Be you Master Barnum's farmhands?"

Per Manbearcat
The singular clatter of their puny voices dilutes to one. Tiny hat removes from head as the leader of the group introduces himself with wee voice. "Saerie of the Summer Court. I am Brunhill and these are my brothers Urnha and Oshaid." No hats here, but curt bows. "Ohhhhhh! Look at this mess! Farmer Barnum is going to boil us in a pot and have us for dinner!"

"He will not." I assure them. "This mess is my responsibility. I will make amends for it."

I shoulder my bow and draw my elven knife. Putting my foot on the belly of the last dire wolf, I lean in close to its face and place the cold steel on its exposed neck. I growl in its language. "Your muzzle isn't wet with blood so you appear to have some sense about you. If you will pledge yourself to me, you may keep your head on your neck."

[sblock]Do I need to make an Order Followers roll?[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
[sblock]You do not. This wolf will be the last vestige of the pack. HPs will go from 12 down to 4. However, (1) Loyalty will actually go up 1 (to +2) and (2) You can change its Instinct from Menace the Weak to something more favorable. Cost will change from Dominance to Affection:

Affection: kind words and deeds, quality time and attention.[/sblock]

He makes submitting noises, rolls away from knife and out of the, truly insignificant, brownie ropes. He stays as low as a snake and continuously licks his muzzle until he can reach your feet and chins which nuzzles affectionately and deferentially.

New Instinct: Avoid danger or punishment.

I pat him on the head and then give him the "up" signal. In common I simply say "good." To the brownies I say, "...he will bother you no further." I reach for my coin purse and pull the strings to open it. "Let us talk compensation for these damages."

Per Manbearcat
The brownies begin to respond but then suddenly shrink back as the circular front door to Old Man Barnum's quaint home flies open revealing the form and visage of a very displeased, overall-wearing and staff-toting Satyr.

We'll handle this later.
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Your recall on the Blade Ward tradition is acute:

1) The Master's latitude is complete save for blood ties or criminal/non-Summer Fey background.

2) In the case of either 1 or 2, a deadly proving ritual must be undertaken with a neutral third party arbiter bearing witness. This is to confirm the potential Blade Ward's dedication to the Summer Court and their unparalleled skill in marrying blade and magic.

Sounds good.

The Minister of Law is an Elven Ranger from Shinaelestra, the Fading City. Tell me what he hates or what he loves above all other things.

The elf Arborealon is a former active member of the Summer Court elite Ranger unit of which Saerie is a part of. He is now an inactive duty, reserve member due to age and political position, neither of which he wished for, being thrust upon him.

Above all else, he hates tyranny and oppression of the meek. He may be my only ally among the four ministers. Ghostroot may also be, but tree nymphs are notoriously tough nuts to crack.

Malgelir starts in immediately:

"I don't know why the human girl of the mortal world is allowed in here with us. Truth be told, I'm wondering why she was allowed to accompany our agents back to the Feywild at all? And I'm quite certain I'm not the only one who has wondered this. She is a danger to us all. You all know of what I speak." He looks around at faces that betray nothing.

He is speaking aloud in the common tongue for Sadia to plainly hear him. She tries to feign distraction, but she is clearly paying attention and frightened.

Karl Stoneshine moves his lips but no other part of his face follows suit. "Motion to discuss her fate."

With nary a tenth of a second of delay, Minister Malgelir raises his hand. "Seconded."

He turns to her with honeyed, serpentine words. "Come forward girl. Let us have a good look at you."

Her small form, sitting forward in her chair, eyes down, hands clasped, begins to slide toward the assembled group as the mobile lounge draws her near. She sits back and grabs the armrests, knuckles whitening, fearful eyes as big as saucers. She looks to you, Otthor, for help.

Malgelir leans in to examine her as she slides toward him...

Obviously I'm not going to have him intimidate her. Can I attempt to seize control of the magic which animates the furniture and bring her next to me rather than up close to him?

Per Manbearcat

[sblock]Not So Fast, My Friend (Int)
When you battle another for control of the magic which animates the furniture in the Summer Queen's balcony, roll +Int. 10+ and you've got it. 7-9, you've got it, but pick one and the GM will take the other to use against you:

* The Summer Queen is not offended by the aggression.
* The magic in the piece of furniture doesn't go haywire.[/sblock]

I reach out with my hand for Sadia's lounge which is moving toward Malgelir...

[sblock]Not So Fast, My Friend (Int)
5, 3 +3 = 11.[/sblock]

...and grasp the magic which imbues it with life. I pull it toward me so that the girl ends up next to me and then place a comforting hand on the top of her head accompanied by a soft smile. Leaning in toward Malgelir...

"This is Saerie's ward. She is entrusted to me while her primary guardian is away. Though she has seen more horror, loss, and hardship in the few human years of her existence than you have in the decades of an eladrin's life, she is still but a child. As a common courtesy, you, and anyone else here, will address me rather than Sadia."

[sblock]Parley (Cha)
2, 4 +1 = 7

My leverage here is propriety and I'm not so subtly calling Malgelir on menacing this child. Certainly he doesn't like that laid bare before his peers.

They will do what you ask, but need some concrete assurance of your promise, right now.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The Minister of Relations does his best to transform his quickly forming scowl into a relaxed smile as he leans back.

The elderly Arborealon looks on, lip twitching with bridled anger. Ghostroot's face remains as placid as a pond's surface on a windless morning.

The thick eyebrows of the gnomish minister who seconded the motion rise at this exchange. "You know all of the relevant history of this human girl and will impart it to us upon inquiry?"

"Yes and yes."

Per Manbearcat
"Very well," says the Minister of Coin. "Blue eyes. You know the Pale Prince fancies human girls with blue eyes. He's claimed them as trophies en masse from the mortal world since time immemorial. All goodly fey know this. And they know to stay away from the capital of the Summer Court, where they would normally spend their coin in leisure and luxury pursuits, when such a specimen resides there..."

The Summer Queen gets up and moves gracefully to the lounge that Sadia is sitting on to braid her hair and calm the girl.

I bow my head and graciously smile at Queen Tiandra for her help in disarming Sadia's fear.

I turn back to the small, fat coin-counter in front of me. I try to hide my snark, but I just can't help myself. "I'm sorry. Was there a question in there?"

Per Manbearcat
Malgelir finishes a drink of wine from a crystalline chalice and snaps back. "Divinations have confirmed that mortal girls from her domain, all with eyes like hers, have been getting snatched up...in a winter that has lasted into summer..."

He narrows his eyes as Sadia's own grow fearful. "While her presence has without question damaged our commerce and the level of frivolity our people are accustomed to, the girl is an even greater danger to us...and I'm certain she knows it." Flatly he says, "when was the last contact the Winter Fey had with her and what was its nature?"

"Three days ago. Or at least that seems the likely case. Saerie and Sadia were exploring the borderlands where the mountains of Brokenstone Vale and the haunted forest around Cendriane merge. A lone, moaning, icy flower not native to that land greeted Sadia at the top of a climb. The Firbolgs called it Mourning Blossom and said it spawns where the Prince of Frost weeps.

They became spooked, said something about Sadia 'being marked', and lit out."

Per Manbearcat
The hamadryad throws her head back so her shock of red hair reveals her intense amber eyes. "He is particularly interested in this one," referring to Sadia.

Karl Stoneshine slaps both of his knees with his palms. "Well, that about settles it for me. Motion to vote on the human's removal from our lands."

Unsurpisingly, Malgelir seconds the motion.

FYI - The Summer Queen does not vote as default, serving solely as the VPotUS for the Senate; tiebreaker.

My look is one of being very taken aback. "This is rash. This is cowardice. The Winter Fey can bully us into exiling an innocent child? Mortal or fey, it makes no difference. If we stake any claim to strength and a moral highground that would separate us from our enemies, these are the moments that confirm or deny that claim.

Even if that appeal means nothing to you, what about this? If you remove this child from our collective charge, you will not be removing her from the charge of the greatest ranger amongst your ranks. Saerie will not abandon her."

[sblock]Using history and reason to work some sense into the situation.

Defy Danger (Int)
3, 3 +3 = 9

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The look on Arborealon's face and the subtle nodding of his head reveals that he is entirely in agreement.

Ghostroot is more difficult to discern. And she is the key as you're certain Queen Tiandra agrees with your words. There is a softening of the hamadryad's eyes as she stares into yours, but, nonetheless, she quietly and steadily says "...all those in favor of the child's removal..."

Sadia chokes back a sob.

[sblock]You have the support of the two mentioned above, and you can take +1 to your roll here, but it is still going to a vote, with Ghostroot as the swing-vote.

When the Summer Court ministers vote on Sadia's fate, roll +nothing (except you're taking +1). 10+ and Ghostroot is swung to your side, cementing the vote. On a 7-9, you win this one, but you're certain that your appeal to make Blade Ward of the Master's grandson will be fought tooth and nail, likely with some hidden clause you're unaware of.

On a miss. Yeah.[/sblock]

I look at Sadia, knowing how fearful the child is, clasp her hand and give it a squeeze. I whisper to her "...it will be ok. I promise."

[sblock]Minister's Vote (nothing)
2, 2 +1 (take +1) = 5

Mark xp[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The Minsters of Coin and Relations predictably affirm their vote with a raised hand. Ghostroot hesitates and drops her head for the briefest of moments. Then the hand comes up along with her dropped head.

You can almost hear the Summer Queen's heart wrench. You can surely hear the old elven ranger when he audibly sneers. "Cowards. I have never been so ashamed.

I rise to my feet pulling Sadia to her feet with me. I give a terse nod of agreement with the old elf. With my free hand I remove the badge, clasp, or signet ring that signifies my annointment as Shiradi Champion and Master of the Arcane Duelists of the Summer Court. I let it fall to the floor. I hope its descent and the ringing thud of its impact plays out in slow motion in the minds of those present.

I shake my head back and forth slowly. "I guess that's that. Let us go Sadia. Good day to you all."

I'm quickly exiting the balcony, we're rushing down the sprialing stair and heading straight for the living quarters of the Avel' lethelin boy. I'm hoping to get there before the guard has grabbed him and taken him away.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
4, 1 +3 = 8

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Sadia probably asks a question about what just happened or something like that. I assure her that neither Saerie nor myself will abandon her.

Per Manbearcat
I'll frame you into your next scene later.

[sblock]We're going to have to change your PC build stuff (removal of Audience With the Queen move) at the next End of Session. If things go well in this next scene, you can just sub it for the Legacy move in Arcane Duelist with the Avel' lethelin boy as the follower that comes with the move. If they don't go well, you can figure it out from there.[/sblock]
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