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D&D 5E The Fiddly Bits (That Still Get My Newer Players)


I'm running two 5th edition campaigns for two groups of players, each consisting largely of new players with one more experienced gamer. Each game has been lasting about 9 months, and there are a few rules that trip up both groups across the board, nearly every session. And while I know the rules, these are the ones that come up literally every session.

1) Inspiration - it's forgotten nearly every time, in every combat, in every situation. I've gotten tired of telling the players they can use it, so I just make a mental note to give each player a "freebie" at least once a session.

2) Concentration - "I can't cast Haste and Fly at the same time?" "I took damage, do I lose the spell?"

3) Bonus action spells - Wanting to cast spells that take an action and a second spell that takes a bonus action (neither are cantrips)

4) Spell Save DCs, Spell Attack Bonuses

5) Hit Dice - how do we use them? How many do we get back?

6) When can I use Sneak Attack?

7) What's my Passive Perception?

8) What are Saving Throws?

9) Arcane Recovery/Second Wind/Action Surge - these abilities are always forgotten

Does anyone else have similar problems?

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Magic Wordsmith
I'm pretty lucky in that most everything is pretty easily remembered by my players, better than myself even which is nice. I can rely on them to remind me of things after my fourth Jameson. I actually can't remember the last time we actually had to look something up outside of the odd spell or whatever.

Inspiration in particular is used a lot in my games, chiefly because of how I set it up.


I forget Inspiration all the time. It's almost like it's not in the game.

I also forget to call for ability checks; I'm still stuck asking for skills.

Number 9 makes me feel sorry for the players. Give them index cards with their abilities on them. Maybe color code them based on when they recharge.


Hmm... I wonder what percentage of the comments will be inspiration.

My first solution to Inspiration not getting used was to go out and buy a handful of just hideous d20s. Something no sane person would buy, so it stood out and caught the eye. Then, I assigned one to each player. No checking the box. If you had the die in hand, you had inspiration. If you used inspiration, you rolled that, specific die (they were all fair). I even let you spend inspiration to give disadvantage to an NPC/DM roll and you got to roll your inspiration die, which gave a lot more insight into things that you'd think. It helped, but still wasn't ideal.

A few months ago, I switched gears. Talking with the players, there was a dawning realization that, even though it's not exactly hard to get back inspiration, having a cap of one feels like a super-limited resource. So, away went the dice and out came the poker chips. Everyone starts every session with three chips, unless they finished the last one with more. Seems to be working out pretty well, so far. I'm seeing a lot more flow of inspiration than I did previously. I think both having something physical to remind the player and not having it be too limited are factors.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm running two 5th edition campaigns for two groups of players, each consisting largely of new players with one more experienced gamer. Each game has been lasting about 9 months, and there are a few rules that trip up both groups across the board, nearly every session. And while I know the rules, these are the ones that come up literally every session.
Some groups just don't ever gain a good grasp of the rules, or memory for what they were reminded of last time. It's very strange, to me, but I think that's because I get very into playing games, while others don't, necessarily.

1) Inspiration - it's forgotten nearly every time, in every combat, in every situation. I've gotten tired of telling the players they can use it, so I just make a mental note to give each player a "freebie" at least once a session.
I changed it to a pool of points equal to 5+1/2 level, that you can use to add a d6 to a d20 roll. You get a new set of inspiration when you level up.

2) Concentration - "I can't cast Haste and Fly at the same time?" "I took damage, do I lose the spell?"
THis one gets even advanced, experienced, groups. Still, I wouldn't go back to no concentration. I do get rid of it on some spells, though. Mostly Ranger and some "gish" spells that just, IMO, don't need it.

3) Bonus action spells - Wanting to cast spells that take an action and a second spell that takes a bonus action (neither are cantrips)
I definately don't run this RAW, but I still keep the spirit of it. "You can only cast 1 leveled spell per turn" is easy to remember, IME. I don't care which one is a cantrip and which is a leveled spell, as long as you aren't casting two spells with a level.

4) Spell Save DCs, Spell Attack Bonuses
This one drives me crazy when people forget it. It's right on the front of the sheet! If your sheet doesn't have it front and center, get a different character sheet! It's like not knowing your AC or where to find it on your sheet! AH! lol

5) Hit Dice - how do we use them? How many do we get back?
I'm blessed by players that started with 4e, so this one is natural for us. But even the players who never played 4e have picked it up. I don't have any advice for this one, sorry!

6) When can I use Sneak Attack?
Print them out a cheat sheet. There are many general cheat sheets online, if you search "5e cheat sheet" in your favorite search engine they'll pop up. None I saw have Sneak Attack, but it should be easy to make one for each class, and print them out for people at the table. What kind of rogues do you have? I'll try to think of some good ways to help them remember.

7) What's my Passive Perception?
I got nothin. It's on the sheet, I assume. I have no idea why so many players refuse to just look at their character sheet before asking any questions.

8) What are Saving Throws?
I'm kinda shocked to read this one. That's like "what's an attack roll", to me. Still, the math works really well if you want to just switch to attribute defenses instead.

9) Arcane Recovery/Second Wind/Action Surge - these abilities are always forgotten
I've had to remind people of these abilities, but after a few reminders, and a handful of sessions playing these characters, I find that they're well remembered.

Does anyone else have similar problems?

I hope some of that is helpful!

I have mostly experienced players (although I am starting a newbie group at my FLGS)

having said that... "How many spells can I prepare" is #1 and "Bonus action spells" are #2


1) Inspiration - it's forgotten nearly every time, in every combat, in every situation. I've gotten tired of telling the players they can use it, so I just make a mental note to give each player a "freebie" at least once a session.
I actually don't like the Inspiration mechanic, and seldom use it. One change I've made because of this is that you can use it after the roll, but before determining the result.

2) Concentration - "I can't cast Haste and Fly at the same time?" "I took damage, do I lose the spell?"
We mostly forget to make the Con save, often making the check well after the damage is taken (usually right as the spell is about to matter).

3) Bonus action spells - Wanting to cast spells that take an action and a second spell that takes a bonus action (neither are cantrips)
Seldom have that issue, but mostly because we figured out the best action after casting a bonus action spell is to either attack or use an item or special ability.

4) Spell Save DCs, Spell Attack Bonuses

6) When can I use Sneak Attack?

9) Arcane Recovery/Second Wind/Action Surge - these abilities are always forgotten
This drives me bat-crap crazy. These are your character's abilities and you should take the time to figure out how they work and remember it! Players how don't make me feel like they're not invested in the game, which I find insulting.


We have had problems with inspiration, concentration and Spell Save DCs, Spell Attack Bonuses

We now use inspiration as a reroll - so when it is an important roll we remember. That has solved that one.

We tend to ignore concentration for damage.

I think different mechanism for spells is an ongoing problem because it is specific to each spell - where there is not only attack rolls, saves but hp thresholds as well. It slows things down because there is no universal system as was the case in 4e.


Kinder reader Inflection wanted
1) Inspiration - it's forgotten nearly every time, in every combat, in every situation. I've gotten tired of telling the players they can use it, so I just make a mental note to give each player a "freebie" at least once a session.
My GM only gives inspiration if we spend gold to get laid, stay in a extra nice place, or eat extra fine food. We don't normally have it so we often forget it when we do.

2) Concentration - "I can't cast Haste and Fly at the same time?" "I took damage, do I lose the spell?"
Not a problem in my group as a rule. 3 out of 6 know it well. Those who don't, normally don't play casters... one of those has been the GM but he has asked so many times now when he asks now and one of the 3 starts to answer, he goes "oh wait, I remember"... so 4 of 6 now I guess.

3) Bonus action spells - Wanting to cast spells that take an action and a second spell that takes a bonus action (neither are cantrips)
Same 3 player know, we remind the others including the GM.

4) Spell Save DCs, Spell Attack Bonuses
Not a problem at all.

5) Hit Dice - how do we use them? How many do we get back?
Same 3 player know, we remind the others including the GM.

6) When can I use Sneak Attack?
We have 3 rogues at the moment. 1 of them gets it. 2 forget and try to use it wrong at least once every session.
(The rogue that gets it is one of the 3 that always does)

7) What's my Passive Perception?
GM does use passive perception. The rule they forget is not 10 + Prof. + Expertise + Wisdom modifier, its that they forget advantage adds +5 and Disadvantage -5. I have Eyes of the eagle so I have 23 passive for visual and 18 for sounds and when the GM tried to use it in the past I would say sound or sight? He would get annoyed every time saying passive perception is passive perception and I would have to point to the same page in the rule book every time and the show him I have a persistent advantage on visual perception only and then he would just make me role. So instead of learning the rule he just learned to make everyone one role every time.

8) What are Saving Throws?
No problem with my group.

9) Arcane Recovery/Second Wind/Action Surge - these abilities are always forgotten

ALWAYS AND FOREVER.. GMs and Players, but not just these but any once per long rest class ability stands a very good chance of being over looked.

It really seems to me that people who have a primary concern in D&D as story telling device (including the GM) only learn what they need to tell their story or stop something interfering with their story. Those of us how like strategy combat and game design in addition to storytelling learn the rules. We also are the ones with 16+ characters in PDF or DDB that we will never play and just made because its fun. We are not rules lawyers we just want to know what we can do. For example, I built a barbarian tavern brawler just to push people down grapple them and beat them silly as a bearfist orc fighter in exhibition fights. Horrible design 1d4+4 is not good for a barbarian damage. Fun to play both mechanically and in roleplay. The GM didn't understand that pushing people down and dropping a knee in their chest and holding them (grappled) while I beat their face in with advantage while the guy I am holding is attacking with disadvantage was not a class feature but just use of existing rules. Only the same 3 understood that. No one else in my group has ever used those mechanics. … ever. not before. not since. I have no idea why our strength based paladin and the other 2 barbarians we had come and go never used this. 1 of those barbarians was, like me, one of the 3 and knows those rules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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