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The Four Lands - The Great North



"I've shown you nothing but kindness and friendship boy. Don't ruffle your feathers at me. I'd say you have more enemies than friends these days, and we are stuck with each other as long as that book exists. There is no point in making trouble."

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J. Alexander

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For Finnian
[sblock]you sense that he has no overt hostile intentions but even in a weakend state his shields are formidable. Finnian does no for a fact that a lot of the old abbeys and churches were items of power were stored have over the centuries been lost as the church has grown and old abbey fall to the wayside and even that some 100 years ago the church went on a spree of deconsrecating old and abandoned religious structures the name deSion sounds famialr perhaps an old human nobel family that left the valley during the annexiation..but you can not be sure.[/sblock]

OCC: See i am getting better about answering posts etc :)...woe to players :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

Vorian stands in his full 7' height and turns toward Vadric, his tabbard clearly visible.

Indeed, Vadric, you know little of me. As I told you already, I expected much more suspicion initially when we met. It would be far preferable then to suspect me at later time in the middle of fighting or some other emergency whcih could weaken the group.

I know nothing of the Book except what I heard from you before and here from others.

I came to your aid on the beach because you were knights of Light besieged by darkness. Nothing more was needed. As for your motives for being here that could wait.

My offer to stand before you and be questioned at length when we have time still stands. For now you'll have to trust your divinations and personal skills of others that I'm telling the truth by declaring myself priest of Light and Defender of Lands.

Morgan deSion, we are at this time allies in protection of the Book. You don't need to bristle at every perceived insult or occasional accusation. We have reasons to be suspicious at least as much as you do. Here are representatives of the Church that are much more open then you are used to and treat them with respect they deserve. You could have been tried and executed in your slumber or simply left for poison the finish it's work. You live because of the strength of faith shown by Vadric, don't belittle power of faith just because men see little beyond Church doctrines. You are accepted here as a representative of forces as of yet unknown and we would like to hear more about both the Book and yourself.

Rath Lorien

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Anniston remains carefully diplomatic as he listens to what Vorian says, trying to gage the reaction of both Vadric and DeSion.

"DeSion, we are still learning about you and this book. It is obviously an artifact of great power and we need to proceed with care and prudance. Before you handle the book I would hear your intentions."


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"He has been telling the truth as he knows it from his perspective. I do not believe he intends harm here. Let us all stay calm here and see what further enlightenments this discussion will bring."


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Jaroth allows the other to finish and gestures to the Book laying on the table in front of him.

"Please, DeSion, see it if you wish. I dare not touch it, for I have not had the opportunity to divine its powers and have already once felt the chill of its touch. As for the others, the men of light among my companions are not as blinded by the Light as some I have met. They truly mean well and good. I have confidence that they will choose rightly. I made an oath to them that circumstances have sadly caused me to break well before meeting and conferring with all of you. That oath was to refrain from allowing their association with me to subject them to Heresy charges. Yet hear they stand, loyal and stalwart companions, ready to do what is necessary to purge the TRUE darkness at this table from these Lands, regardless of whose aid they accept, even if it subjects them to heresy charges. From time to time I have questioned their words and their approach. But their actions cannot be denied. Let us hope that by accepting their point of view and working with them, not belitting the organization they work for, we begin to change the point of view of others in their organizations for the betterment of all of the races."

J. Alexander

First Post

Without further comment, deSion reaches for the books and moves it in front of him. Making a passage with his hand above the book from which silver black flames hang in an intricate pattern above the book....

Everyone roll a unmodified d20 for me please?

Voidrunner's Codex

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