• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Four Lands - The Great North

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Rath Lorien

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Anniston curses under his breath that his request for DeSion to explain his intentions before handling the book had been so quickly and easily ignored. He takes a step closer, watching DeSion carefully, but says nothing as DeSion begins to work on the book. Anniston holds his cudgel like a walking stick, carefully making no agressive signs but readying himself for action if the need arrises.

Unmodified d20 - DeSion and the book (1d20=1)

OOC: Natural "1" woo hoo!!!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Vorian Tolgar

Unmodified roll (1d20=17)

Vorian watches carefuly. He takes step back from the table so he can see deSion and Lady Vera without moving his head. He doesn't really expect that things will go as far as violence, but is ready for it.


First Post

Jaroth watches DeSion intently, focusing on the magic he is weaving, searching his mind for the training that would allow him to identify what he is doing and using his Druidic Senses to determine what he is doing.

ooc: Unmodified d20 roll = 19 woot!

J. Alexander

First Post
Visions of the Book

For Anniston
[sblock]The patterns of silver black are pretty but uninspiring in fact boring[/sblock]

For Finnian
[sblock]The black and silver flames give you the impression of bloodshed and ancient evil[/sblock]

For Bertrand and Vorian
[sblock]As the patters of silver and black flame you are drawn into their depths. You see countless centuries of warfare. bloodshed, treachery and death associated witht he book. As the book reveals a littel of it's history you sense that countless eon's ago a spirit was bound into the book giving it a livign will that over time has become warped and twisted from the years of misuse and evil that has been performed with it.[/sblock]

For Jaroth
[sblock]As the patters of silver and black flame you are drawn into their depths. You see countless centuries of warfare. bloodshed, treachery and death associated witht he book. As the book reveals a littel of it's history you sense that countless eon's ago a spirit was bound into the book giving it a livign will that over time has become warped and twisted from the years of misuse and evil that has been performed with it. Then their is what can only be described as a happy period in which the book was owned by one family who used it as it was meant to be use as A SPELLBOOK OF UNPARRELED DEPTH going to the basic foundations of magic.[/sblock]

For Rhun
[sblock]You catch a glmipse of a young man vaguely resembling de Sion blasting chrch soliders in ancient uniforms and antique armor as he tries to protect the book.[/sblock]


First Post

"You have a great command of magic, DeScion."

[sblock=For DM] In druid speak, he says to Lady Vera, "The spirit trapped within the book can be saved. It will require some research, but I think using the book for good is a good start." [/sblock]



"Hmmm, I saw visions in the flame of great evil, but also a suggestion that the spirit bound to the book might not always have been so. That the uses to which the book has been put have warpped it. I wonder if that is a true vision or merely one to lead us into temptation?"

J. Alexander

First Post

"Yes I have been so giftend" deSion says "Though sadly those of the broken towers have lost much over the years and only recently have many of the skills be relearned or rediscovered"

For Jaroth
[sblock]I don not know, the taint is very strong..perhaps given great luck you may be right..but tis a dangerous dangerous gambel"[/sblock]

In response to Bertrand the lady says "The book has many powes,,,tempation and allusion go han in hand with danger and death"

Voidrunner's Codex

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