The modern trio of Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears is tough to break into. Each has a more-or-less clearly defined space in the imaginative space. Norkers, Snotlings, the blue psionic ones, etc....none of them can quite compete with the big three. I've looked at various creatures that could be goblinized (or re-goblinized) - Ogres, Gnolls, Orcs, and none of them extended the archetypal space of quick one, mighty one, strong one that I was looking for.
But now I think I have a really good candidate for the fourth goblinoid: Shaver's Mystery version of the Derro. (or Dero, as he spelled it). Apparently there was this whole hugely popular scientology-type thing going on in pulp sci-fi about these degenerate, hateful, sadistic creatures living underground that would kidnap people, use strange ancient technology to torture them, and eat them as if they were any other cut of meat. In short, a perfect fourth goblinoid, if you go by the original stories rather than the watered-down versions that made it into d&d, pathfinder, and the like.
Look at The Shaver Mystery section of the wikipedia page for Richard Sharpe Shaver and let me know what you think!
But now I think I have a really good candidate for the fourth goblinoid: Shaver's Mystery version of the Derro. (or Dero, as he spelled it). Apparently there was this whole hugely popular scientology-type thing going on in pulp sci-fi about these degenerate, hateful, sadistic creatures living underground that would kidnap people, use strange ancient technology to torture them, and eat them as if they were any other cut of meat. In short, a perfect fourth goblinoid, if you go by the original stories rather than the watered-down versions that made it into d&d, pathfinder, and the like.
Look at The Shaver Mystery section of the wikipedia page for Richard Sharpe Shaver and let me know what you think!