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The Godswar


Kel clears his throat. "I believe, exelency, that your words were.. let me see.."

As he takes a second to think, Kel casts Ghost Sound to recreate Vardan's voice (for effect), then speaks:
"Disaster strikes! The gods of the North move against the River Kingdoms! Thor himself is leading an army towards the High Woods, to cross the Dragonspine Mountains into Hierakonpolis itself! If the Northmen invade elven territory, this war will spread across the entire world! You must do something!"

After speaking, Kel ceases the illusion of the High Priest's voice, and speaks verbally+Mentally "Preparing for anything seems like a good idea. Allow me a few moments to change out of my courtly garb and retrieve my equipment." With that, he clicks the heels of his boots together and dissapears to get his gear, and cast Unearthly Grace, then Shapechange (No initial Change). While he does this he keeps tabs on the situation through the mindlink, and when he is ready, activates his boots for a return teleport to the group.

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Lochlan looks around the room for one of the Queen's military advisors. When he spots one Lochlan motions for him to follow as, after bowing to the Queen, he begins to lead Vardan out of the ballroom.

Once out of the ballroom, Lochlan turns to the advisor, "We'll need to see a map of the north. Where the army is marching from is nearly as important as where it's marching to."

Lochlan then waits for the advisor to lead them to where the maps are kept.

OOC: If you happen to have one, an actual map would be nifty, but we don't really need it as long as you're willing to answer questions about the region. :)
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Paxus Asclepius

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Jemal said:
Kel clears his throat. "I believe, exelency, that your words were.. let me see.."

As he takes a second to think, Kel casts Ghost Sound to recreate Vardan's voice (for effect), then speaks:
"Disaster strikes! The gods of the North move against the River Kingdoms! Thor himself is leading an army towards the High Woods, to cross the Dragonspine Mountains into Hierakonpolis itself! If the Northmen invade elven territory, this war will spread across the entire world! You must do something!"

"I think, then, that you have little time before these events come to pass, but the march itself may take weeks or even months. The terrain is inhospitable at best."

Pyrex said:
OOC: If you happen to have one, an actual map would be nifty, but we don't really need it as long as you're willing to answer questions about the region.

OOC: I have no ability to upload or draw maps. I can provide information as requested, but that's about it.


Thoria, being ignored by the group (again), turns to her own musings. If the gods were involved, then there would be more warning then this impromptue message. WHat if this was the long awaited 'Ragnarock' that is destined to occur? Surely there would be signs and portents to point the coming to those who knew to look?

Looking around for the historian/librarian of the court, THoria finally spots him in the corner, a balding man with a potbelly, nicely groomed in silver and garnet.

"Excuse me, most honored historian. I'm sure you have heard the news of todays event. I was wondering if in your great store of historical documentations and archives if you would have copies of the potential prophesies that may deal with what we have seen? In particular, events which include physical manifistation of gods, such as Ragnarock and the like?" THoria smiles at the man kindly, as she conciders calling on her god for guidance, but pushes that thought aside for now: Morgadin liked hiis people to rely on themselves first and him finally.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Mithreander said:
Looking around for the historian/librarian of the court, THoria finally spots him in the corner, a balding man with a potbelly, nicely groomed in silver and garnet.

"Excuse me, most honored historian. I'm sure you have heard the news of todays event. I was wondering if in your great store of historical documentations and archives if you would have copies of the potential prophesies that may deal with what we have seen? In particular, events which include physical manifistation of gods, such as Ragnarock and the like?" THoria smiles at the man kindly, as she conciders calling on her god for guidance, but pushes that thought aside for now: Morgadin liked hiis people to rely on themselves first and him finally.

"Of course! At once!" He dashes madly out of the courtroom, sandals flapping as he shouts for pages.


Paxus Asclepius said:
"I think, then, that you have little time before these events come to pass, but the march itself may take weeks or even months. The terrain is inhospitable at best."

Returning after several minutes, Kel smiles "I think I can handle that, Excelency. If I can get an accurate description of someplace close to where we are heading, or a precise map, I can transport us there in an instant, to lessen the journey needed. Ordinarily I would be content to travel, but as you say, time is crucial." He thought for a moment "And if that is not possible, then the closest place we can get with teleportation will have to do, I suppose." As usual in important times, he sends all his words(as well as relaying what others around him are saying) along the Mindlink as well, so that any not present will know what's going on.

As he stops speaking, it's noticable that he seems somewhat 'larger than life' now than he had before.. not in any physical sense of the term, more as if his presence had surpassed the level that any mortal should posses. He smiled noticing people's reactions, assured finally that his new spell was working.


THroia noded to herself as the historian ran to retrieve what he could find and turned to look at the others in their mad dash to face a god and his army.

We are always so rash. 'time is of the essense' and 'we must make haste' and so forth. What we need to do is find out what's going on and not just leave it to our skills to pull us through. she thinks shaking her golden crown of hair, it's sparkling threads seeming to form a hall of glory around her shoulders. What do they trully think they'll be able to acomplish against the thunder god?

The image of the group going up to the avatar of Thor with his hords of followers behind him and saying 'Stop! We do not know why you are doing this, but there has to be something that we can do to perswaid you to turn aside!?'

'Fullish mortals! You presume that this course I take has not been forordained, and that you can perswade the gods from doing their will! Begone!' *ZOTT* Thor and his army continues on their course, most not even noticing the piles of ashes that are the only think remaining of the once great heros.

Thoria sighed and hoped that the librarian was able to find something to help guide them. Looking at her group she smiles. Surely, we need it.

Over the mind link she passes to the others: "Just be aware that this event may not be ours to stop. The gods do things for whim quite a bit, true, but some of the times, their purposes are necessary."


First Post
Mithreander said:
"Just be aware that this event may not be ours to stop. The gods do things for whim quite a bit, true, but some of the times, their purposes are necessary."

OOC: You did notice Lochlan telling Tal to slow down right? :p

Over the bond, while following the advisor to the maps...
"Very true, but it is our duty to try to protect those who would be swept aside should this war come to pass. Why else would Apollo have sent us this warning?"


OOC: Yup, I saw that (now)... alot of good it seems to have done :)

Over the mind link, Thoria gives her response to the last statement:

Assuming that the message came from Apollo. It would be a great trick to misslead us by a message from unknown origin. I know it's all that we have to go off of right now, but it does not mean that we need not be cautious.


First Post
We need to hurry, if Thor is at the "gates" of the High Woods then every second we delay could spell a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. I think the others are forgetting the kind of mobility that Kel offers the group, we can be there and back in a flash. Here isn't even the best place to find the answers we are looking for, unless Vardan can give us a usable reading of his prophecy. Talariel thinks to herself as she dons her armor.

(ooc: Does Talariel know the name of Thor's high priest? (KS: Religion +34) Have we ever been to the north where we would have enough knowledge to teleport there? What about Heiraopolis? or the High Woods? Do we know anyone who would be in any of those places for scrying?)

Remember, we don't know what kind of time frame the prophecy was in. It could mean he is already there. Until we find out different, we need to treat it as such. I would like to research this as well, but I don't believe we have that luxury. If we go there and he isn't there, then our options will expand, but until that time I think we need to assume the worst. Talariel sends over the link

Voidrunner's Codex

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