Catwoman has superhuman Strength, in the 20s.I don't think the issue a lot of people run into is "effectiveness" and more they run into "Archetype Functionality"
Take a character like Catwoman. She's a dexterity archetype, the nimble thief, what are somethings she should be able to do? Jump, climb, grapple individuals using her superior skill and speed to overcome their superior strength, knock opponents out with kicks, trip people... all of which are designated as "strength" abilities.
Now, some people see that and say "well clearly Catwoman is also strong and a proper version of her will have a high strength". But she also has high endurance, high charisma, high intelligence and high perception/wisdom. The only thing you CAN say she lacks is strength, because she is a dexterity archetype, not a strong woman archetype. And it is nearly impossible to make a character who has EVERYTHING. Which inevitably leads to the question... how do we get these archetypes to mechanically match their inspirations? Because, realistically in DnD terms, unless you are a scrawny scholar type... you are strong as a function of your role in the story.
However, she has typical Medium Size Carrying Capacity, no proficiency training in a "Weightlifting" skill, and likewise lacks any special superpower relating to Weightlifting.
Her Jumping, Climbing, Wrestling, and Unarmed Combat are superhuman.
Her Dexterity if any would be for Stealth, and she avoids missile weapons. Her finesse whip utilizes her athletic Strength. Her Dexterity seems human.