D&D (2024) The Great Nerf to High Level Martials: The New Grapple Rules

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Step 1. Grab someone by the collar
Step 2. Throw them to the ground
Step 3. Continue to hold the collar.

Basically the end of a hockey fight.
sure, but you are prone with them on the floor basically.


like here.


Personally I'm a big fan of boot-to-throat, assuming a monster has one.
good to describe dramatically, but no control.

Damage sure, hell, even critical hit I would say. But no control over your target.

It is same as having a dagger at someones throat, no control, but there is a good chance of instakill if you are faster than your target.


good to describe dramatically, but no control.

Damage sure, hell, even critical hit I would say. But no control over your target.

It is same as having a dagger at someones throat, no control, but there is a good chance of instakill if you are faster than your target.
How much control do you expect to actually have in a given 6-second window?

Voidrunner's Codex

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