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The Hundred Seas


Shadows have been drawn far across the land as you depart the merchant's house. The day is increasingly coolish and the wind from the northern plains is cold and steady. There is no sign of Fintain, a feeling at once familiar but also unsettling. You see a small party of riders, spears aloft, riding along the river bank to the north. They cross the river at its ford pushing hard to reach the closer bank. A smithy's hammer and anvil rings out to the south.

The riders move up the path towards the hill fort, disappearing through the gate directly ahead. Making your way along the mud-caked path between buildings you join the main trail leading up to the hill fort. Above the gate, a green pennant with a white war hammer flaps desperately in the breeze. You see a lone figure atop the gate. He leans backwards from the parapet as he sees you, returning a moment later to gaze down towards you.

Moments later, the familiar figure of Joda, the less than friendly soldier stalks out the gate to meet you.

"Returned I see. Very well. The Lady Preda has requested ye be brought to the main hall upon yer arrival. Ye shall have no weapon while ye walk these grounds. Ye may take leave of them at the gate hall," His tone brooks no disagreement. It seems if you are to enter the fort, you will need to surrender your weapons.
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bragon gault

First Post
"If that is the Lady Preda's wishes for her own hall then so be it. We're here to talk, not fight. I for one will leave mine with you." Bragon heads for the gate hall and unbuckles his longsword.


Joda gives the three of you a once-over, pointing to your small blades and bows. You see five guards, relatively at ease further in, standing astride the muddy path. Your weapons are placed on a table within a gate-house to the left. An iron brazier sits upon a pedastal by the gate-house's door, the flames flickering in the breeze. You hear activity within the courtyard and ahead you see a three story stone tower and two outbuildings. There is the rythmic pounding of metal coming from a third building off to your right.

"We have a fourth companion who seems to have temporarily become preoccupied. Mayhaps he will present himself to you in time," says Nado cheerfully, surrendering the last of his daggers to the guard placing them on the table.

"Very well," replies Joda, gazing back towards the village buildings. "When you are presented to the Lady Preda, you will bow. And 'ware, my eyes will be on 'ee," he finishes, spitting something dark off to the side.

Without listening for your reply, Joda turns and begins marching across the yard towards the wooden portal that rests on the second floor of the tower. Three of the guards file in behind you, glancing sternly. The stairs leading up to it are thin, made of rough stone and allowing only a single person at a time to make their way up it. A number of high, thin windows appear on the third story and above the triangular crenallations on the roof flaps another pennant, this one of a white horse galloping on a green field. Several more guards gaze down upon you.

Joda reaches the top of the stairs and raps on the door with his fist. The wooden door creaks outwards and a small, wizened face peers at you.

"This them?" he says with a toothy grimace. His eyes are sunken deep in his face, and in the quickening shadows seem to twinkle deep within.

"Aye," replies Joda briskly, moving past the figure. The man is dressed in a grey robe and wears a chain with a downturned blade inside a disc of brass.

"I thought there was four?" says the man, scratching his unshaven chin. His moustaches reach down nearly to his neck.

"There are, Kuik, the other hasn't yet come," replies Joda.

The one called Kuik gazes piercingly at you as you enter a narrow chamber. Ahead are a set of two doors. Above you see a dozen murder holes. The chamber is completely unadorned.

"Ye're rom far away, I can see that. A Hannathri hair-dancer, a Niadan bullyboy and a Wellethunic shaid," he says, peering at you."Heh. Who is your fourth? A Mozii brothel-slave?" He seems to waiting for your response, a half-smile on his wrinkled face.

(OOC: Presumably ALL your weapons have been given over?)
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bragon gault

First Post
"I presume you're referring to me when you say bully-boy, Kuik is it. Are you perhaps the Lady's jester come forth to entertain us while we await her summons. If so make it short - I sense the Lady has some dealings of some import for us to discuss." Bragon retorts.

(OOC) All my stuff is behind.


The wizened figure's cheeks crinkle into a smile, the eyes disappearing further into the dark shadows and wrinkles.

"A sharp tongue, have you? That's good and bad. Good for me, probably bad for thee," he turns about and you hear his mumbled "Follow."

Kuik leads you to the doors ahead. Joda and his men are at your rear. The old man tugs on the great wooden door on the right and torchlight illuminates the chamber beyond. The smell of charcoal and peat is heavy in the air. Bragon's nostrils are filled with the sharp reak of the peat, bringing back distant memories of the north.

The chamber beyond is stone, while wooden columns run the length of the walls at 10' intervals, climbing the 15' between floor and ceiling. A number of braziers are lit and hang from hooks on both sides of the room. Two large tresle tables sit to your right and left. Upon one are the remnants of a dinner and several plates. Several shields and spears hang upon the walls. You see doors on each wall, two at the opposite end and one on each wall to your right and left. Ahead are four large wooden seats, sitting in a semi-circle. The largest in the middle has been covered by a brown cloak. A fireplace lies beyond, a small but steady flame burns within. Three figures stand near the chairs, apparently in discussion. One is the Lady Preda. The shorter one appears to be the man who stood with her at the pyre. The third is taller than both. Gaunt and dressed in blue breeches and a fur vest, he turns as you enter and watches your approach. Only a plain dagger rests at his belt.

Kuik stops before reaching the chairs and motions you to halt. "Three most charming travelers to regale you with their sharp tongues, my Lady," he says.

At that, the Lady Preda and the other man turn to look on you. You notice her striking features up close. Her hair is pulled back in a long braid. Her jaw and nose betray her Engolthen features. A strong-looking and attractive woman. She wears a long, plain brown dress with simple green knotwork across the bodice. The familiar man's face betrays no emotion, gazing at you impassively.

Well travelers, why have you come to Kotso and my murdered husband's lands? Are you mercanters? Coinseekers? Perhaps you are pilgrims? If so there is nothing holy about this place."
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First Post
"We were on a mission of our own when we passed through your town" replies Ulfghar.

"Arriving at this sad time, and hearing about the tension in the region we thought we might be able to offer some assistance"


"Mission? And what mission was that?" The shorter man asks you, his voice low, but curious. He advances and you take him in more fully. A warrior to be sure, his eyes are dark and piercing.

The Lady Preda glances at him and moves to one of thechairs, taking a seat.

"Well, sir, that is a long, long story, perhaps too long for this unhappy time. Suffice it to say that we are seeking murderers who did us a great injustice. We have traveled far to find them but it appears we have again lost their trail. In the mean time as my companion Ulfghar has said, we are more than willing to aid you if quick wits and ready blades are what you seek," replies Nado smoothly. His face lights in a toothy grin. " For a small fee of course. Revenge is a, shall we say, costly venture."

"I see," replies Preda. She glances at each of you, her eyes lingering longer on Ulfghar. "And why am I to trust sellswords, especially when I and mine are beset?"

There is a loud, shuddering squeek from behind at that moment, and a short, lanky man strolls through the opened doors accompanied by a pair of the Lady Preda's armsmen. He saunters up to the companions and halting before the great chairs, he bows. Nado looks on with a bemused half-smile. Fintain has reappeared.
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First Post
Pardon the interruption mi'lady. I have only just returned. While my companions have been passing time drinking their lives away and chasing old women I have been trying to track the band that attacked your village. Unfortunately I lost their trail just to the west.

I did make an interesting discovery on my way back into town though. Turns out a one eared man was seen in the village about three weeks ago with three other men. Could be that we are finally getting close to finding Ghis; not close enough to stick my blade down his throat unfortunately.

Perhaps mi'lady we have a common foe. If Ghis has been hired by your husband's foe then that is a fight that I welcome.

OOC. I left my weapons in the hall.Pardon the interruption mi'lady. I have only just returned. While my companions have been passing time drinking their lives away and chasing old women I have been trying to track the band that attacked your village. Unfortunately I lost their trail just to the west.


"Ghis? This is one of the killers you each seek?" replies Preda. She appears annoyed by the interruption but her furrowed brows smooth over almost instantly.

"A man with one ear you say? " mutters the man, his hand rising to his moustaches.

"Boian? You are familiar with this man?" says Preda.

"Ehm, perhaps your Lady. I...remember a group of men arriving with the merchant Denek. Mercanters, I'm sure, but different from the rest. Strangers to this land. They..left with Denek on his way down the Fa'juk Road. It could not be they who ambushed his Lordship. The traces of slaughter were definitely those of the Maergyr. Ehm... these men you seek, they could be found easily enough. Traveling west, with a caravan. If you leave tomorrow you would overtake them at Felgot, perhaps ten days hard ride," says Boian roughly.

Preda looks on you, resignation seeming to flitter across her eyes.

(OOC: Each of you make a Sense Motive roll, please)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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