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The Hunted (DM: IronSky, Judge: ???)


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Earth seemed to be handling himself well enough, and although the stairs didn't collapse underneath him, Rysethynn was still feeling a bit uncertain about the building's stability. Since Tristram hadn't found any more blood in here, it seemed unlikely the killer actually went through the wall, so she decided to head back outside and see if she could be of any more assistance there, certain that there would be some sort of call for help or something if such was needed.

Seeing that the others hadn't really made much progress, she tried to ponder the situation from a new angle.

[sblock=roll]History to see if she knows anything about the city that might be a clue: 1d20=3 - We'll just pretend that didn't happen. :erm:[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Stand down, Earth." speaks the voice behind the behemot.

"Did you see what passed downstairs in the alley and which way? Don't worry, we don't mean harm. Here, take this for the information." - little elf blindly offers a gold piece into the room.

Diplomacy (1d20+10=13) - riiight! <hopeful>+2 cirumstance bonus for the gold?</hopeful>


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Krav steps forward around Earth while putting his sword away. Picking the coin out of the blind elf's hand with a well practised but genuine smile he begins talking, "Someone was killed at the Hanged Man and the killer came through here. Have any of you seen anything come through this area?" Krav made eye contact with the whole group while speaking and then offers the coin to the nearest squatter

Diplomacy: 1d20+9=25


Raijin stays below and makes to reach into his pack until Mab brings forth her own sunrod. He nods but wrinkles his nose in disgust at the common room. There is nothing down here. After hearing the commotion upstairs, Raijin moves to the base but does not make it any more crowded by heading up.

OOC: Just staying at the ready, perhaps as backup Diplomacy


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Devinihm, wilden druid

Devinihm holds back behind the negotiators, knowing he's ill-prepared for real human interaction. He waits for a response from the squatters, listening carefully for duplicity, before moving in either direction.

[sblock=OOC]Trying to glean anything unsaid / 'between the lines' in whatever response the squatters give the others:

Insight w/ squatters. (1d20+4=21)[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Hunted: Day 1, Hour 1, Minute 23

As the shock wears off and Illarion and Krav begin trying to calm things down, two of the squatters spring into action. The halfling drops his club, runs, and jumps out a window, knocking over a candlestick in the process, instantly igniting one of the rag-and-straw mounds that passes for a bed in this place.

The drunken elf takes a swing at Earth, missing horribly and slamming into the wall, knocking himself unconscious.

Meanwhile, the woman starts screaming and struggling to hobble through the door as the room catches fire and the human man lunges for the gold in Illarion's hand - too late since Krav already grabbed it, resulting in a chaotic bottleneck at the door with Earth blocking part of it, Krav standing in front of Illarion beside him, the woman shrieking and trying to get by on her crutches, and the man shouting, "I'll tell you everything for 10 gold, just 10 gold!", seemingly oblivious to the fact that the room is on fire.

[sblock=Xander]Judging from the blood spatters on the pavement, whatever was carrying Dartanian was moving fast in huge bounds across the courtyard. There's much more blood at the base of the wall than anywhere else, implying the body was held over that area for longer. But why would he hold the body next to the wall and why isn't there more blood on the... following the thought, you look up towards the roof...[/sblock]

[sblock=Rysethynn]Why, this city is full of buildings - and people![/sblock]

[sblock=Illarion]The combination of your check, Earth's check, and Krav's check yields the result above.[/sblock]

[sblock=Krav]The combination of your check, Earth's check, and Illarion's check yields the result above.[/sblock]

[sblock=Earth]The combination of your check, Illarion's check, and Krav's check yields the result above.[/sblock]

[sblock=Devinihm]You're pretty sure that guy doesn't know jack, he's just trying to get some easy gold.[/sblock]
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Xander holds the sunrod in his hand upward and looks toward the roof of the building attempting to spot either the beast or a continuation of the trail. He is prepared to call for the others if he spotts any danger.

Perception check while lookiing up atthe roof; 1d20+4 (Perception)=21
Call out to the others if necessary....


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Devnihim, wilden druid

"I think this is not a good thing," Devinihm says without realizing how obvious the observation is. He moves out of the way, away from both the door and the stairs in order to clear both for the fleeing civilians.

"Let them go. The others can hold them downstairs, and we can reach the fire before it destroys the evidence."

Voidrunner's Codex

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