The (Incremental) Return of the Creature Catalog!


Extradimensional Explorer
I can't help but ask, are there plans to convert this full list of 3e monsters to 5e? I would love that! CCIndex ).htm

Well, the Creature Catalog's goal is to get every prior-edition D&D monster converted to 3.X (and eventually all to 3.5). And we've been working on that since 3.0 first came out! (Well, really, there's been a lot of turn-over in the people involved, but Cleon and I have been here for a while.) So no plans for 5e yet, even leaving aside any possible intellectual property issues (the CC founders made an agreement with WOTC long ago).

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Well, the Creature Catalog's goal is to get every prior-edition D&D monster converted to 3.X (and eventually all to 3.5). And we've been working on that since 3.0 first came out! (Well, really, there's been a lot of turn-over in the people involved, but Cleon and I have been here for a while.) So no plans for 5e yet, even leaving aside any possible intellectual property issues (the CC founders made an agreement with WOTC long ago).

Yes, I have no plans and little interest in converting the CC into 5th edition.

We've got enough to do with the remaining unconverted 3E monsters!

There were a few 5E conversions on the Monsters Homebrew forum but they all went AWOL when we had that database crash. Most of them are still scattered around elsewhere in the enworld forums but it'd be hard to track them down.


Was the Arak (Shadow Elves) converted?

The Ravenloft ones? We don't have a conversion of those in the Creature Catalog.

Wizards of the Coast licensed that property to Arthaus's Sword & Sorcery line so I believe the Arak have officially-sanctioned conversions. If so, doing a CC conversion would be beyond our remit. Hold on a mo while I check…

Yup, there's stats for the Shadow Elves on page 15 of the 3.0 Denizens of Darkness (2002) and page 22 of the 3.5 Denizen of Dread (2004). Both sources cover the Powrie (Redcap), Shee, Sith and Teg varieties of. There's also the Gwytune Arak on page 141 of the 3.5 Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume 5 (2004) which also contains a bunch of cultural/regional info. There's more extensive information in Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey (2004) which has stats for the Alven, Brag, Fir, Portune and Muryan breeds as well as the Powrie, Shee, Sith and Teg that were in the Denizens creature books.

How did I forget there was a whole Van Richten Guide on them? It's almost like I have too many RPG books. But that's impossible, there's no such thing as "too many books"…

Anyhow, if you can't get your hands on those products I would think you can cobble something together pretty easily. Maybe use the Seelie and Unseelie Fey conversions from the Creature Catalog as a foundation for the Shee and Sith? There's also a Red Cap in there.

Big Mac

With many thanks to EN World admin [MENTION=52905]darjr[/MENTION], we now have a temporary home for the Creature Catalog. That means you can find CC conversions on-line again! Please note that this is a test site, so there might be some issues --- please report them here, so we can let darjr know about any problems to be addressed. It's also static, so we don't have a simple way to make corrections/updates to existing critters or add new monsters. As darjr has time, Cleon and I will figure out the best way to put that kind of ability back in the CC.

As Cleon says below, the updated Creature Catalog is at the following links:
Creature Catalog Conversions Index
Creature Crypt

The following are the old "test" links that are no longer updated, just for posterity's sake:
Overall site
Conversion index[ CreatureCatalog ].htm
Creature Crypt index[ Crypt ].htm
All these links seem to be dead, sadly.

Has ENWorld provided a new home for these websites? Has the Creature Catalogue moved to an external home?


All these links seem to be dead, sadly.

Has ENWorld provided a new home for these websites? Has the Creature Catalogue moved to an external home?

I refer you to a few posts upwards:

A zip folder version of the Creature Catalog is now available in Enworld's Resources.

It will be updated periodically as new monster conversions are completed.

A list or recent additions and conversions-in-progress can be found at the start of Completed Creatures Index & Current Conversions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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