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The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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"We have been on the edge of this forest for so long now names of distant nations we heard of only ever in passing have faded from memory. We know nothing of an attack on Gates Pass or who you rebel against. We have little concern for politics but if their priests hate magic users ... then they hate us. And they must also hate you Fantalass. And we imagine they have little love for those that summon talking wolves, Barrick. Thank you for lesson. It is wise to know who our enemies are. And it seems your enemy is our enemy also."

Spirit turns his attention to Torrent with a puzzled look.

"You think they come from behind us? But the hound left a bone on this side of the bridge. How did the Hell Hound come to be there ... with a message from its master carved into a bone, if its master is still behind us? The Hound has feet that touch the ground ... We have eyes to follow the marks his feet have left not more than a few minutes ago in the ground. Where would the hound go if not to its master?"

Spirit kneels back down to where the bone was laid and begins examining the ground for the hounds tracks with the memory still in his mind which way the hound walked off, Will perched on his head staring at the ground intently also. He continues talking.

"Can we not take the bone the way the hound went as a sign we wish to negotiate. We speak with this Ragesian. One of us gives them the empty case with the false papers. And while they check the contents we kill them ... Do we need a special place for an ambush to achieve that?"

OOC: Cheers for the run down on what I should probably know. I had a feeling the were a race of people from the context. But the name Rage - sians gave them a kind of racial touch, like Furian. Anyway, it was worth it, that is I think the most Fantalass has said since I've been palying :)

Spirit tries to find the tracks and points them out to whoever can track, hopefully giving a +2 circumstance bonus to follow the tracks. I have realised Survival is used for tracking, something I thought was the realm of perception ( a false friend carried between different editions). I would have invested some training in it if I had known. Something I will remedy as soon as I reach lvl 4.
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[sblock=jbear info]jbear... check out... WAR OF THE BURNING SKY - AN ADVENTURE PATH FOR D&D 4E AND D&D 3.5 Look at the intro pack, it gives some basic info for the War of the Burning Sky campaign setting.[/sblock]
As she comments to Barrick, she scratches Gulujak behind his ears. She pauses only a moment not sure how the creature would feel. "I like your way of thinking there Barrick." The dwaf will heft her own scroll case out of the over flowing backpack, "Here, use this to keep the documents safe."


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Spirit also rustles around in his back pack and withdraws his blank sheets of paper which he offers for use in the ruse.

He then waits watching with interest as the group deliberate on how to proceed. It seems to take a long time, and he grows somewhat restless. Having spotted the tracks but unskilled at following them he decides to wander a way up the path to see if he manages to spot more tracks further up the path.

He proceeds very carefully, alert for any signs of danger coming from either side of the path or ahead of him. He keeps just in sight of the group with his search before turning back to listen to their decision.


Thy wounds are healed!
The ash on the road makes it very easy to see the prints of the hell hound. They go up the road a little ways before turning off and heading into the burning brush.

Torrent takes the case with it's now blank documents and puts the scroll case with the real documents in here backpack. Holding the case in one hand she hefts the bone in the other. "Ready?" she asks.

[sblock=OOC] Ready? from the DM. Please post up you are and what you have in hand as you move up the road. No need for a Perception check you will get to see what is awaiting you. Once everyone posts up I will advance the thread.[/sblock]


The dwarf moves up with the others after Torrent has readied the scroll case. She nods to the woman, "Aye, ready."

((In Hand: Dwarven Waraxe & Shield (+6 Attack / 1d10+3)))

[sblock=Marda's Status]Dwarven Cleric 2/Fighter 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +8
Conditions: Stand the heat (potion)
AC: 21 (11 touch; 20 flat-footed)
HP: 24 of 24
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Ref: +1 Will: +5
In Hand: Dwarven Waraxe & Shield (+6 Attack / 1d10+3)
Spells: (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize; (1st level) Stand the Heat, Bless, Command, Divine Favor(d) (color notes cast)
Channel Energy 5 of 5 uses remaining; Inspiring Word: 4 of 5 uses remaining; Touch of Glory: 5 of 5 uses remaining[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

Fantalass follows the others. The MM wand tugged to his side, he prepares for more mundane attacks, holding the found longbow ready in his hands with the arrows near and easy to grasp.



AC 12 (T11, FF10), HP 12/12, F +1,R+2,W+4

Acid Dart: 7/7 (+3, 1d6+2) (includes Point Blank bonus)
Magic Missle Wand: 20/50 (1d4+1)

Prepared Spells:
DC = 10 + spell level + 3
Cantrips- 3, 1st- 2+1
0: Dancing Light, Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost
1: Mage Armor - Color Spray, Mage Armor, Mount
2: Stone Call - Invisibility, Resist Energy


Caty: AC 16 (T14, FF14), HP 6/6, F +2,R+2,W+4 (Imp. Evasion)



First Post
When Spirit reaches the place in the path where the tracks leave the path he stops and waits for the rest of the group to catch up. When they do arrive he says:

"It is easy to follow the hounds tracks in the ash. The hound left the path here."

He points off the side of the path with the arrow notched and ready in his bow.

"Shall we follow? Or keep on the path? Maybe we can scout ahead and see what we can see?"


Thy wounds are healed!
"Well I don't think we should follow it in there," Torrent says pointing to the burning trees and underbrush. "Some of us aren't lucky enough to only have to worry about are clothes catching fire. Gods but it is hot!" she exclaims before emptying her waterskin for what might be the third time today.

She says a short prayer holding the skin out and Spirit sees that it starts to bulge as it becomes once more filled with water. "Let's move on and see who this Ragesian is."

Aaron and Cyrstin follow from the back talking quietly as Barrik, Gulujak, Will, and Spirit take point. With Marda, Fantalass, and Torrent in the center the group moves down the ash covered road cautiously.

Everyone is startled by a loud "BAMPH!" as something materializes on the road far ahead. The air around the thing seems to catch fire and the ash on the road swirls up and away as if the air was displaced. When the ash and flame subsides the group sees a horrid sight. Large horns and a spiked tail give pause but the long saw-toothed glaive looks truly dangerous. Tentacles coming from around it's face give the appearance of a beard but the wiggle and move as if alive.

The thing crouches low in a battle like stance and calls out to the group. "Smart negotiators always obey the letter of any contract. Your deception will not work on me, but I do so admire your spirit!"

OCC: Roll INIT - if you beat the INIT below please post an action.


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Walking Dad

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AC 12 (T11, FF10), HP 12/12, F +1,R+2,W+4

Acid Dart: 7/7 (+3, 1d6+2) (includes Point Blank bonus)
Magic Missle Wand: 20/50 (1d4+1)

Prepared Spells:
DC = 10 + spell level + 3
Cantrips- 3, 1st- 2+1
0: Dancing Light, Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost
1: Mage Armor - Color Spray, Mage Armor, Mount
2: Stone Call - Invisibility, Resist Energy


Caty: AC 16 (T14, FF14), HP 6/6, F +2,R+2,W+4 (Imp. Evasion)


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